We should win the next one. Rockets look pretty soft.
KnickDanger wrote:LivingLegend wrote:martin wrote:What the actual fuck
There are a number of posters here who will get their panties in a bunch if anyone criticizes Randle - oh and his ankle is the excuse again even though he was playing like a turd prior to rolling it.
Julius remains a fascinating character ---- I'm sure if he's ever traded I'll be excited but what would we actually get in return. As most have recognized he is a frustrating player BUT he plays most every night, he's mostly productive, he seems to make the effort to improve but man he's hard to love all the way.
Hmmmm bunched panties calling the kettle black…..Forgive those of us who note his virtues while not denying imperfections. And thought it was a dumb idea to attach multiple firsts with him for John Wall.
Panties crowd is out but didn’t I just do exactly what you claim to do?
Point out the weaknesses while recognizing the many positives that would be hard to replace?