Knicks · 2024 NBA playoffs (page 34)

franco12 @ 6/12/2024 10:25 PM
VDesai wrote:Celtics are kicking the shit out of them in the 2nd half

Sad and frustrating because honestly, Celts are that good! Is that wrong of me to say and think? January Knicks wipe the floor with Tatum and them bums, especially with KP in his usually street clothes.

Nalod @ 6/12/2024 10:27 PM
Philc1 wrote:Gonna be like bc when Jeremy Shockey won a ring with the giants in 2007

Huh? Played 6 seasons with them. Wins a chip.
How is that?

VDesai @ 6/12/2024 10:35 PM
Payton Pritchard is the worst player in the series
VDesai @ 6/12/2024 10:37 PM
Dallas making a furious come back
VDesai @ 6/12/2024 11:03 PM
Not enough. Boston 3-0
joec32033 @ 6/12/2024 11:34 PM
Nalod wrote:What Dallas did to "Us"?
They did what was good for them and were sanctioned.
Does anyone really think if we took Derick Lively we'd be in the finals? Would have even drafted him?
Dallas has no interest in being fair to us. We were also sanctioned for tampering with Brunson.
Cuban did the smart thing when his team was going nowhere last year. This years draft being week proves they were smart.
Until the rules say otherwise, shit like this will happen again.
I believe him when he says they were not about revenge. It was to their advantage to pull what they did and

What they did was fucked. Just because they were sanctioned, does that mean it's ok? No. The Knicks tampered with Brunson (although I'm sure no one ever gets tampered with when they sign multi hundred million dollar deals with teams a minute after Free Agency begins with teams that they weren't supposed to be talking to until then-the application of tampering rules is spurious at best), I'm sure Dallas fans aren't all forgive and forget because they got sanctioned.

I also think the Knicks losing a second round pick for what they did, while fining the Mavs 750,000 was not equitable either. Like I said tampering is common and the league looks the other way unless a team says something. Tanking has been a major issue for years for regular picks, let alone the intracacies of the effect of them tanking to affect an in good faith deal with another team.

And who says they draft Lively?

At 11, there were plenty of good players available, let alone the flexibility of trading down or for a trade for useful NBA player.

Clean @ 6/12/2024 11:47 PM
I find it funny Luka can get fouled out in the Finals but Joel can target multiple people in round 1 with flagrant fouls and they won't call more than one so he wont get ejected.
fwk00 @ 6/13/2024 1:04 AM
martin @ 6/13/2024 7:42 AM
Nalod @ 6/13/2024 7:44 AM
joec32033 wrote:
Nalod wrote:What Dallas did to "Us"?
They did what was good for them and were sanctioned.
Does anyone really think if we took Derick Lively we'd be in the finals? Would have even drafted him?
Dallas has no interest in being fair to us. We were also sanctioned for tampering with Brunson.
Cuban did the smart thing when his team was going nowhere last year. This years draft being week proves they were smart.
Until the rules say otherwise, shit like this will happen again.
I believe him when he says they were not about revenge. It was to their advantage to pull what they did and

What they did was fucked. Just because they were sanctioned, does that mean it's ok? No. The Knicks tampered with Brunson (although I'm sure no one ever gets tampered with when they sign multi hundred million dollar deals with teams a minute after Free Agency begins with teams that they weren't supposed to be talking to until then-the application of tampering rules is spurious at best), I'm sure Dallas fans aren't all forgive and forget because they got sanctioned.

I also think the Knicks losing a second round pick for what they did, while fining the Mavs 750,000 was not equitable either. Like I said tampering is common and the league looks the other way unless a team says something. Tanking has been a major issue for years for regular picks, let alone the intracacies of the effect of them tanking to affect an in good faith deal with another team.

And who says they draft Lively?

At 11, there were plenty of good players available, let alone the flexibility of trading down or for a trade for useful NBA player.

All fair in love and war. No, sanctioned does not make it "right". Im saying they did what was best for them and the rules/santioned was not enough to influence them to not.
I think it cheats the fans and discredits the huge on line gamble business.

Dallas fans are all forgive and forget because they signed Kyrie when Jalen walked. They had a year together and good healthy. Thats why they won this year.

Nalod @ 6/13/2024 7:47 AM
fwk00 wrote:

I can listen to KG as he brings substance. Pierce thinks he brings "Style". He be like he bringing his greatness to the convo is enough.

Nalod @ 6/13/2024 7:56 AM
Ok, I turned on the game at half time. Boston went on that wicked run and was on the way to a blow out.
I have not watched a lot of Celtics but they seem to forget White and Holiday at times and Tatum goes on those fall away 3 pt shots that kills them at times. Ball stops moving and the shots get awful.
But they win more than not!
Soon they will be crowned champs. Not the epic series one hoped after some really good series but as KG said they were significantly better than most teams during the season and outside of KP held their health.
Swishfm3 @ 6/13/2024 8:33 AM
I don't understand this Kyrie needs to win narrative. Did he not already a Championship?

NO ONE picked Dallas to reach the Finals at the start of the Playoffs. Just being in this position, IMO, is a huge win for the Mavericks. Folks want to talk about losing KP and Brunson, but KP was always injured and, if we are being honest, Kyrie is an upgrade from Brunson.

Mavs are on the right path and with a couple of minor roster upgrades, can be in the same position next year.

LegendD @ 6/13/2024 12:28 PM
Im so happy for KP. It will be deserved ring! Game one MVP. good second game, but injury....
ToddTT @ 6/13/2024 12:31 PM
martin wrote:

ToddTT @ 6/13/2024 12:32 PM
This is short-sighted. They all suck, except for a couple of them.

KnickDanger @ 6/13/2024 12:38 PM
ToddTT wrote:This is short-sighted. They all suck, except for a couple of them.

In our clickbait ADD, prisoner of the moment, press send don’t wait world it is absolutely the worst finals ever. Even before it is over.

ToddTT @ 6/13/2024 6:22 PM
Playoffs? We talkin bout the playoffs?!?

martin @ 6/13/2024 8:26 PM
ToddTT wrote:Playoffs? We talkin bout the playoffs?!?

It’s like 1 game a week these days? I can’t keep track

martin @ 6/13/2024 9:58 PM
joec32033 @ 6/14/2024 1:55 AM
Nalod wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
Nalod wrote:What Dallas did to "Us"?
They did what was good for them and were sanctioned.
Does anyone really think if we took Derick Lively we'd be in the finals? Would have even drafted him?
Dallas has no interest in being fair to us. We were also sanctioned for tampering with Brunson.
Cuban did the smart thing when his team was going nowhere last year. This years draft being week proves they were smart.
Until the rules say otherwise, shit like this will happen again.
I believe him when he says they were not about revenge. It was to their advantage to pull what they did and

What they did was fucked. Just because they were sanctioned, does that mean it's ok? No. The Knicks tampered with Brunson (although I'm sure no one ever gets tampered with when they sign multi hundred million dollar deals with teams a minute after Free Agency begins with teams that they weren't supposed to be talking to until then-the application of tampering rules is spurious at best), I'm sure Dallas fans aren't all forgive and forget because they got sanctioned.

I also think the Knicks losing a second round pick for what they did, while fining the Mavs 750,000 was not equitable either. Like I said tampering is common and the league looks the other way unless a team says something. Tanking has been a major issue for years for regular picks, let alone the intracacies of the effect of them tanking to affect an in good faith deal with another team.

And who says they draft Lively?

At 11, there were plenty of good players available, let alone the flexibility of trading down or for a trade for useful NBA player.

All fair in love and war. No, sanctioned does not make it "right". Im saying they did what was best for them and the rules/santioned was not enough to influence them to not.
I think it cheats the fans and discredits the huge on line gamble business.

Dallas fans are all forgive and forget because they signed Kyrie when Jalen walked. They had a year together and good healthy. Thats why they won this year.

This take 100% agree with. The other post seemed like you were trying to make it justifiable. My apologies if I misunderstood.

Cuban is still smarting about Jalen (every now and then I come across a quote where he is trying to soften his take about the Brunson negotiations). What happened worked out for them, but they still did play legitimate dirty pool to get there. I'll admit it pisses me off they got away with it.

And I know the parallel could be the tampering, and I know I sound like an apologist, but the NBA allows tampering all the time. If they got nicked because everyone else gets hit, fine. fair play. They didn't. You can look at any free agent signing the first 30 seconds of FA and scream "Tamper!", but that never happens. I think the Knicks punishment was worse than the Mavs punishemnt (all it cost the Mavs was money that doesn't prohibit them from any player movement). It cost the Knicks a second round pick (where they have shown to be strong), opportunity for player acquisition, and flexibility.

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