Knicks · OT: Trump injured at rally (page 4)

Alpha1971 @ 7/14/2024 7:58 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

I don't watch CNN and you can't see how the Republican party is different then how it was when Reagan and Bush and even Nixon were ? I mean all generations of Republican use the dog whistle and the politics of grievance, and deference to the rich,that is constant thru the generations. However, when under Reagan and other Republican officials was it ok to put party over nation ? When was it conservative to betray allies like the Kurds, to alienate and wish to diminish NATO or look the other way when Russia threatens US interests and offers bounties on US troops ? That's just foreign policy. I don't even want to go on at a Sports site. What has emerged from Republican politics is a cancerous, anti
Democratic, disgrace. A healthier more centrist Republican party would contribute to healing the ills of this country, this current iteration is leading the nation to a right wing banana Republic, where legal precedence, political norms, and across the aisle cooperation is not only impossible but antithetical to the values of the right wing.
. That’s your opinion but I completely disagree

As a former conservative, I realize how easy it for you to look the other way and bury your head in the sand. Gingrich, may have been the architect of this chaos, championed later by Hannity, Limbaugh, financed by the Koch Brothers, and given the intellectual framework of the Federalist Society,cause it just feels so right to have a avatar like Trump who speaks like Trumo does. I get it. I have lived it, I'm glad I left it behind.

. I love posts like this. “I dont agree with you so “I’m burying my head in the sand” 😂 Hate to break it to you but I’m not the one burying my head in the sand. I’m not influenced by rhetoric, the media, social media, or any of that stuff. I don’t want to be controlled or told what to do. I call out my party when I feel they are doing the wrong thing or not doing enough. Look you wanted to leave and that your right. I’m not here to convince you whereas you seem to be desperate to convince me and since I don’t budge I’m clueless apparently 😂 . Anyway hopefully you find peace take care.

Fake laughs to convey that my observations are not valid, sorry buddy, I see threw it. I don't believe it, I stand by my appraisal of the modern Republican party. You haven't told me how I'm wrong just I believe what I believe and your not right, so there, I am not listening to you, cause I agree with him, and I like him yadda yadda. But that's not my problem. You say your not influenced by media but the first thing you tell me is that I believe a CNN narrative. That sounds like projection from someone who surely does drink the Kool Aide of the Right wing media, why not just say " Lame Stream media " you know you want to. But anyway, we got the Knicks to keep us civil and share in common as America becomes Chile under Pinochet.

. Again it seems like you’re more upset that I dont agree with you. If you go back I said “That’s your opinion you’re entitled to it and you wanted to leave that’s also your right. See this is reason I don’t like to talk politics. It’s not drinking “kool aid” I’m pretty sure I said I call out estuarine I think are doing the wrong think including people I support. Anyway life’s too short

I don't know you so why do you think I'm so concerned about you disagree with me ? You know who disagrees with me ? My wife disagrees with me more then anyone else and I love her. Disagreement is not a cause of tension or stress for me. I learn from people who disagree with me every day cause I am open to being corrected. You haven't given me any counter argument to help me reevaluate my positions. From a personal perspective when I was a Conservative it was based on me thinking issues thru. Your turning my points that are not about you but about America in the macro and making it about me not liking you. I don't get it. But I'm going to watch Argentina face Columbia for the Copa de America. I find hope in the fact that Colombia went from right wing Govts then to a narco state that was a failed State to a much more stable democracy. And Argentina who went from generations as the prototypical Latin American State to a Democracy, where the people elect various kind of officials even their own right wing celebrity ideologue like Trump, but will vote him out if he fails. So there is hope for the US. Just hope we don't go thru a period of right wing violence and destruction of opposition for a decade or two like they did

MaddogSharp @ 7/14/2024 8:00 PM
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title
Alpha1971 @ 7/14/2024 8:29 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

The boarder, for years, Republicans prevented policies like E Verify, which provided a process to ensure workers who worked illegally in the US from obtaining a number from a US resident or citizen to be able to allow illegal workers to be more easily exploited for profits on farms, factories, and industries often on the boarder States. The Republicans with the cooperation of Democrats offered a comprehensive immigration plan that while not perfect would help secure the boarder, without a Wall. Guess what, the right wing which I asserted earlier killed it because it was antithetical to them to allow the Democrats to have a win. Party over Nation. That was many years ago but in the last year Republicans killed another deal to secure the boarder cause it would give a win to a Democrat, party over country. What so patriotic about that . What has been the Republican plan to fix the boarder besides building a wall and preventing Muslims from immigrating ? You mentioned no wars in the middle East as well. There was a group called ISIS remember them ? They were defeated by the Kurds. We supported the Kurds with logistics and weapons and they defeated ISIS, and Trump sold them out to Turkey, for what reason, is that conservative ? Under Trump US strength in the region disintegrated what was conservative about that ?
MaddogSharp @ 7/14/2024 8:38 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

The boarder, for years, Republicans prevented policies like E Verify, which provided a process to ensure workers who worked illegally in the US from obtaining a number from a US resident or citizen to be able to allow illegal workers to be more easily exploited for profits on farms, factories, and industries often on the boarder States. The Republicans with the cooperation of Democrats offered a comprehensive immigration plan that while not perfect would help secure the boarder, without a Wall. Guess what, the right wing which I asserted earlier killed it because it was antithetical to them to allow the Democrats to have a win. Party over Nation. That was many years ago but in the last year Republicans killed another deal to secure the boarder cause it would give a win to a Democrat, party over country. What so patriotic about that . What has been the Republican plan to fix the boarder besides building a wall and preventing Muslims from immigrating ? You mentioned no wars in the middle East as well. There was a group called ISIS remember them ? They were defeated by the Kurds. We supported the Kurds with logistics and weapons and they defeated ISIS, and Trump sold them out to Turkey, for what reason, is that conservative ? Under Trump US strength in the region disintegrated what was conservative about that ?
like I mentioned in my last post I’m not talking about politics anymore. I’ve said my peace and stand by them. Others have different views which I totally respect. Anyway Let’s go Knicks!!! Should be a fun year
MaddogSharp @ 7/14/2024 8:41 PM
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.
foosballnick @ 7/14/2024 8:47 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

There's no reason why a conversation can't be civil, even politics. Perhaps you're worried about the emotions on what you are calling a left leaning forum and having that potentially ruin your time here? I have no problem talking politics or Knicks and keeping is civil as long as you do as well.

My interpretation of "Does not back down" is Tough Guy. Apologies if this is a mis-interpretation.

I've also been a bit hyperbolic in terms of expressing you "love" Trump....apologize for that as well.

In terms of the Border policies....the current congress tried to pass the most restrictive border legislation in decades last year and it was voted down by Republicans with Trump's guidance and backing. Many felt that he did this because border security is a voting wedge issue that he wanted to keep harping on through the upcoming election.

Note that there was an ongoing war in Syria and ISIS while Trump was in office. The Isreal - Hamas war is brutal and it is my hope that Hamas is completely wiped away, but not at the expense of millions of innocents on both sides. It is a difficult situation for sure. Note however that the West Bank and Gaza terrorist conflicts have been going on and off for decades. It is not a simple issue nor is it one that any single American President has ever fully solved, as it is an Israel issue.

Personally I like my politicians "boring" and worry about Trump's mercurial style, conrpiratorial comments and outbursts that IMO have enabled louder and growing white nationalist, deep state conspiracies and anti woman sentiment and propaganda to become more openly prevalent in society, on social media etc (example would be Q-Anon). We are in the richest, most powerful country in the world - just my own opinion but I don't think we need to act like bullies and get constantly mired in divisive conspiracies. Maybe it's just my style, but I always preferred quiet confidence rather than big talkers. Taking it back to the Knicks, it's why I love guys like Jalen Brunson and Thibs. Quiet leaders who work their asses off and lead by example and principle.

Alpha1971 @ 7/14/2024 8:49 PM
Back to the conspiracy theory that the shooting was staged or not. It may not have been staged but someone innocently asserted it couldn't have been fake because the shooter and a Trump supporter was also killed and others would have been at risk,in such a endeavor. Just want to repeat the major point, harm of innocent Trump supporters would not have been an obstacle in launching such a plan for Trump. You know how I know, January 6 where Trump rallies and encouraged violence which would cause death and suffering and jail time to his most ardent supporters. Trump showed he didn't care about his supporters. He didn't care about the Proud Boys,Oath Keepers, or even Mike Pence. So I am not saying it was a orchestrated fake execution. But I don't think concern for innocent people being injured or killed would play any part in the calculation for Trump because history proved that lack of empathy for his most diehard supporters. I don't want him harmed and I didn't even joke about him being harmed, no good could come from him being killed. But I have empathy and conservative Judeo Christian values, Trump has shown he doesn't. Thus he should never be re-elected. If Americans knowingly elect him again, which I believe they will, norms of conduct, legal precedents, cooperation across the aisle, targeting of political rivals, erosion of political cooperation internationally will all be tragically diminished further except for targeting rivals which will be as ugly as it is in Putin's Russia. For love of our country I pray it doesn't happen
MaddogSharp @ 7/14/2024 8:54 PM
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

There's no reason why a conversation can't be civil, even politics. Perhaps you're worried about the emotions on what you are calling a left leaning forum and having that potentially ruin your time here? I have no problem talking politics or Knicks and keeping is civil as long as you do as well.

My interpretation of "Does not back down" is Tough Guy. Apologies if this is a mis-interpretation.

I've also been a bit hyperbolic in terms of expressing you "love" Trump....apologize for that as well.

In terms of the Border policies....the current congress tried to pass the most restrictive border legislation in decades last year and it was voted down by Republicans with Trump's guidance and backing. Many felt that he did this because border security is a voting wedge issue that he wanted to keep harping on through the upcoming election.

Note that there was an ongoing war in Syria and ISIS while Trump was in office. The Isreal - Hamas war is brutal and it is my hope that Hamas is completely wiped away, but not at the expense of millions of innocents on both sides. It is a difficult situation for sure. Note however that the West Bank and Gaza terrorist conflicts have been going on and off for decades. It is not a simple issue nor is it one that any single American President has ever fully solved, as it is an Israel issue.

Personally I like my politicians "boring" and worry about Trump's mercurial style, conrpiratorial comments and outbursts that IMO have enabled louder and growing white nationalist, deep state conspiracies and anti woman sentiment and propaganda to become more openly prevalent in society, on social media etc (example would be Q-Anon). We are in the richest, most powerful country in the world - just my own opinion but I don't think we need to act like bullies and get constantly mired in divisive conspiracies. Maybe it's just my style, but I always preferred quiet confidence rather than big talkers. Taking it back to the Knicks, it's why I love guys like Jalen Brunson and Thibs. Quiet leaders who work their asses off and lead by example and principle.

. No need to apologize. I respect you very much for wanting to keep it civil. I’m not intimidated being in the minority here but yes I agree that I do enjoy my time here and like to get along with everyone. Like I’ve always said I reflect your opinions even though I have different ones. Sadly in a post above I was basically called a racist and hating women for the simple reason im voting for somebody that isn’t liked in here and that’s just wrong. Thankfully you’re not like that and most on here aren’t like that but that’s the kind of thing that can get me upset and like I said I come on here for positive vibes. Anyway thank you for being civil and god bless you and your loved ones
MaddogSharp @ 7/14/2024 9:01 PM
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.

Well that’s what you get for supporting a woman hating, racist POS if that’s ok with you then you’re just as bad as that felon. hopefully you live in NY where a vote like yours doesn’t matter.

. You’re very unhinged
newyorknewyork @ 7/14/2024 9:02 PM
GOP blaming the SS failure on a diversity hire. I guess since the shooter wasn't an antifa liberal and was a republican gun enthusiasts. Thats the angle to spin.
Alpha1971 @ 7/14/2024 9:05 PM
newyorknewyork wrote:GOP blaming the SS failure on a diversity hire. I guess since the shooter wasn't an antifa liberal and was a republican gun enthusiasts. Thats the angle to spin.

Hey, the SS assigned to Trump were all white on stage that I saw. So they blaming a minority or woman agent somewhere in the rally ?

Alpha1971 @ 7/14/2024 9:17 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.

I personally don't agree with the style of how this poster expressed what he said. I know conservatives and most are not haters of women or are racist. But I also see a pattern on your part of being quick to play the victim and say your being attacked or making things out to be personal. You want to engage in discussions of a political nature, you did it, we didn't force you to write did we ? You exaggerate how someone disagrees with you to make arguments about yourself and not about the broader issues. That to be is curious and maybe I think that is indicative of something deeper that you may not be aware of. Conservatives often feel alienated and victimized. The drumbeat of the right wing media, OAN, FOX, The Blaze constantly sends the message that those who disagree with you hate you want to harm you, are sinister and going to try to change you. But conservative elected officials will make it safe for you. Your not wrong your right and we will prevail and vanquish their agendas. And Trump is the strongman who will protect you from illegal aliens who kill Americans. Trump will keep you safe and the other guys will let bad people hurt you.That is the entire right wing media message all day every day. But here on this forum Words are not going to harm you, man up and stop playing the victim

newyorknewyork @ 7/14/2024 9:20 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:
newyorknewyork wrote:GOP blaming the SS failure on a diversity hire. I guess since the shooter wasn't an antifa liberal and was a republican gun enthusiasts. Thats the angle to spin.

Hey, the SS assigned to Trump were all white on stage that I saw. So they blaming a minority or woman agent somewhere in the rally ?

Has to be a woman, but it wouldn't matter. I can't say the agenda would be to blame women specifically. The DEI term they use makes it general enough to cover all bases outside of white American male.

foosballnick @ 7/14/2024 9:27 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:
newyorknewyork wrote:GOP blaming the SS failure on a diversity hire. I guess since the shooter wasn't an antifa liberal and was a republican gun enthusiasts. Thats the angle to spin.

Hey, the SS assigned to Trump were all white on stage that I saw. So they blaming a minority or woman agent somewhere in the rally ?

I believe they are blaming a woman. It's the typical deflection spin rhetoric. "DEI" is the new anti-woman, anti-minority, anti-LBGTQ dog whistle

fitzfarm @ 7/14/2024 9:30 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.

Well that’s what you get for supporting a woman hating, racist POS if that’s ok with you then you’re just as bad as that felon. hopefully you live in NY where a vote like yours doesn’t matter.

. You’re very unhinged

Sorry man I have a daughter I care about her well being and freedom as a woman. I care about women’s safety and freedom so should you. It’s ok to have conservative views or values. But supporting trump doesn’t make you republican it makes you a fool. You’ve been fooled by one of the greatest con artist of our time. Trump isn’t going to “Make America Great Again” he just wants headlines and fame at all costs. Don’t forget he was a registered democrat until he realized he would never win as a democrat. Again trump is the definition of a phony .

Alpha1971 @ 7/14/2024 9:31 PM
newyorknewyork wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
newyorknewyork wrote:GOP blaming the SS failure on a diversity hire. I guess since the shooter wasn't an antifa liberal and was a republican gun enthusiasts. Thats the angle to spin.

Hey, the SS assigned to Trump were all white on stage that I saw. So they blaming a minority or woman agent somewhere in the rally ?

Has to be a woman, but it wouldn't matter. I can't say the agenda would be to blame women specifically. The DEI term they use makes it general enough to cover all bases outside of white American male.

I understand your argument but if I am a conservative who wants to believe that how can I when I saw a keystone cop display of SS agents that were all white, except for one woman. ? I guess it comes down to " Am I going to believe my lying eyes or the conservative taking points ". I guess it's like my coworker who supports Trump and during his term as President saw his Taxes go up, tax return go from a refund to a debt of several thousand dollars per year, and his 401k go up and down with a very unstable market, and still insisted and insists Trump was great for the middle class.

MaddogSharp @ 7/14/2024 9:35 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.

I personally don't agree with the style of how this poster expressed what he said. I know conservatives and most are not haters of women or are racist. But I also see a pattern on your part of being quick to play the victim and say your being attacked or making things out to be personal. You want to engage in discussions of a political nature, you did it, we didn't force you to write did we ? You exaggerate how someone disagrees with you to make arguments about yourself and not about the broader issues. That to be is curious and maybe I think that is indicative of something deeper that you may not be aware of. Conservatives often feel alienated and victimized. The drumbeat of the right wing media, OAN, FOX, The Blaze constantly sends the message that those who disagree with you hate you want to harm you, are sinister and going to try to change you. But conservative elected officials will make it safe for you. Your not wrong your right and we will prevail and vanquish their agendas. And Trump is the strongman who will protect you from illegal aliens who kill Americans. Trump will keep you safe and the other guys will let bad people hurt you.That is the entire right wing media message all day every day. But here on this forum Words are not going to harm you, man up and stop playing the victim

. Dude you gotta man up 😂
NYStateOfMind @ 7/14/2024 9:42 PM
The hypocrisy, ignorance, rudeness, and hatred being spewed here by some is unreal. Disappointing anywhere and surely doesn't belong here, off-topic or not.

Please be open-minded, respectful, and polite with your words toward others. If you have to ask who I'm talking about, it might be you.

Let's go Knicks & God bless America.

Alpha1971 @ 7/14/2024 9:42 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.

I personally don't agree with the style of how this poster expressed what he said. I know conservatives and most are not haters of women or are racist. But I also see a pattern on your part of being quick to play the victim and say your being attacked or making things out to be personal. You want to engage in discussions of a political nature, you did it, we didn't force you to write did we ? You exaggerate how someone disagrees with you to make arguments about yourself and not about the broader issues. That to be is curious and maybe I think that is indicative of something deeper that you may not be aware of. Conservatives often feel alienated and victimized. The drumbeat of the right wing media, OAN, FOX, The Blaze constantly sends the message that those who disagree with you hate you want to harm you, are sinister and going to try to change you. But conservative elected officials will make it safe for you. Your not wrong your right and we will prevail and vanquish their agendas. And Trump is the strongman who will protect you from illegal aliens who kill Americans. Trump will keep you safe and the other guys will let bad people hurt you.That is the entire right wing media message all day every day. But here on this forum Words are not going to harm you, man up and stop playing the victim

. Dude you gotta man up 😂

I am showing you empathy and respect. What else can you hope to expect on a forum ? I am personalizing you and acknowledging you as a person who has good intentions. So I am going to be optimistic you will respond with a more substantial offering next post. I am not passive aggressive in my style of discourse. I am direct and express respect by giving you the opportunity to express what you think. Stage is yours so utilize the opportunity to argue your points without playing the victim.

MaddogSharp @ 7/14/2024 9:45 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.

I personally don't agree with the style of how this poster expressed what he said. I know conservatives and most are not haters of women or are racist. But I also see a pattern on your part of being quick to play the victim and say your being attacked or making things out to be personal. You want to engage in discussions of a political nature, you did it, we didn't force you to write did we ? You exaggerate how someone disagrees with you to make arguments about yourself and not about the broader issues. That to be is curious and maybe I think that is indicative of something deeper that you may not be aware of. Conservatives often feel alienated and victimized. The drumbeat of the right wing media, OAN, FOX, The Blaze constantly sends the message that those who disagree with you hate you want to harm you, are sinister and going to try to change you. But conservative elected officials will make it safe for you. Your not wrong your right and we will prevail and vanquish their agendas. And Trump is the strongman who will protect you from illegal aliens who kill Americans. Trump will keep you safe and the other guys will let bad people hurt you.That is the entire right wing media message all day every day. But here on this forum Words are not going to harm you, man up and stop playing the victim

. Dude you gotta man up 😂

I am showing you empathy and respect. What else can you hope to expect on a forum ? I am personalizing you and acknowledging you as a person who has good intentions. So I am going to be optimistic you will respond with a more substantial offering next post. I am not passive aggressive in my style of discourse. I am direct and express respect by giving you the opportunity to express what you think. Stage is yours so utilize the opportunity to argue your points without playing the victim.

. I don’t play the victim. I simply pointed out that poster went overboard which you acknowledged and agreed with. I didn’t attack you. I simply disagreed with you. You disagreed with me which is perfectly fine. Nothing wrong with peaceful resolution When it became clear we wouldn’t reach common ground I nicely tried to change the subject to the Knicks and I hoped that hopefully we can both enJoy a exciting season
Alpha1971 @ 7/14/2024 9:50 PM
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
fitzfarm wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
joec32033 wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:
MaddogSharp wrote:
TheGame wrote:After reading more about the incident, I no longer think it could have been staged. I am said to hear that another man, besides the shooter, lost his life.
. Anybody who thinks it was staged is either brainwashed or just not being objective. Pretty early in it was announced an innocent man in the crowd was killed and shot in the head. plus two others were critically wounded. That was soon after it happened so can’t stage that. If the situation was reversed I would also feel the same way even if it’s not the man I support. Human life is worth more especially American life

That is your opinion. I am neither brainwashed nor non-objective. I just would not take anything that happens with Trump at face value because Trump constantly creates drama and is constantly running cons. But as I stated, after reviewing the facts, it would appear highly unlikely that the shooting was staged.

. I guess my point is it’s pretty impossible to stage somebody getting murdered and couple others getting seriously injured on live tv.

I usually do not speak on politics I hate them. I consider myself a nothing in regards to democrat, republican, liberal, whatever. I just believe what is right is right now matter which side says it.

I am also not usually a conspiracy theorist. I don't like Biden but don't hate him, I tend to agree with much of what Trump says but HATE how he says it. He is purposely devisive

That being said, this sounds like a mix of the plots to the movies Shooter with Mark Wahlberg and the first Jack Reacher movie with Tom Cruise.

100%. Look I’m not a Trump cheerleader I’m a conservative all my life. I don’t always agree on the way Trump puts things but I like his policies and similar to you I tend to agree what he says. I also dont like politics and normally never do this but this is something that hasn’t happened since Reagan so it’s scary that a assassination was an inch away from occurring and a 50 year old family man was murdered .

I'm a former conservative, I won't go into the litany of ways Trump is not true to conservative values and infact conservative values often make no sense and " Conservatives don't really mean what they say, just say whatever to gain power. I don't like politics but I'd rather be in a tent with people who disagree with me instead of the modern Republican party. You mention Reagan, Reagan today would be labeled a liberal RINO. When Trump is reelected it's going to be scary and disgraceful, circa Argentina and Chile in the 70s.

. I disagree that the modern Republicans have changed radically that’s just a narrative networks like CNN spin which is probably why their viewership is at the bottom. Look Trump is definitely brash and goes too far with things he says sometimes but i think why many support him is that he doesn’t back down. Yesterday was another example, comes within an inch of getting his head blown off but still let’s the crowd know he is ok and to keep fighting fir what they believe in. People who hate him are going yo hate him so nothing will change that. But I think when it comes to policy and State of the country that where I stand

Perhaps you can't see it but Trump is a Populist, not a conservative. If you followed or studied Trump for any length of time you would understand that he has thrived through the media his entire life.....first as a socialite, then in real estate/casinos, then various last name branding exercises such as wine, buildings, golf courses, books, university (now even a Trump Bible, NFTs and Sneakers) etc. then as a reality personality, then a Democrat, then running as an Independent, then as a Republican, then with his own social media platform. He has generally gone with which way offers him the best individual opportunity, generally without any moral conviction. Example....the guy who likely has not followed any type of religion or scripture is currently hucking Trump Bibles.

. Yes I can see it and yes I have followed Trump through this career but thanks …I guess. Anyway when it comes Down to him I love our history even the tough times and I love my country. He’s the candidate who most aligns with my views and it’s not even close. Some hate him and that’s their right but I stand by my decisions

You haven't really expressed anything of substance regarding why you love Trump or what policies or principles you align with other than he's a tough guy. And when peope bring up something you just say you disagree without counter facts or even opinions. Frustrating and difficult to have a conversation when all someone is countering with is blind admiration for a politician.

. When did I say I love Trump? I dint remember ever saying that? When did I say he was a tough guy? I simply said he doesn’t back down. The reason why I haven’t go into it is because obviously the board leans very left so I don’t want to get into arguments. But I’d you want to know I really liked Trumps Border policies because the border is quite frankly a disaster and I’m sick of seeing women getting killed like Laken Riley by an illegal. There were no wars and peace in the middle east which i liked. I can keep going but again I really don’t want to talk politics I want to talk Knicks. The only reason I posted in here because yesterday was a terrible event and no matter political affiliation I felt this was the one time we can unite and realize violence against any Candidate and innocent Americans is wrong. Now I do blame myself because I should’ve just said my peace and left so I’ll take ownership of that. My main point is really I really like this forum it’s been really fun and especially seeing the Knicks become a contender and it’s exciting for all of us. I’m liking forward to enjoying it with everyone and god willing winning a title

So you hate women don’t think they deserve the right to their own bodies? You’re a racist ? Or you’re in the top percent financially and don’t want to pay the same percentage as the middle class?

Dude if your none of those things then why on earth would you vote for that idiot ? The trump bible??? You think Donald freaking trump ever stepped into a church on his own will what a phony lol . If this man wins he is going to destroy the fabric of our nation .

People who follow trump are the same people that would join a cult… get real man be a real American and vote for someone else trump is the least American person to ever run for president. He is a disgrace to this nation a disgusting human being a felon, a cheater, a liar, corrupt,and a phony . He doesn’t give a f u c k about you he is all about trump and that is it.

I’d rather you vote for RFK at least the guy has compassion and still has conservative views. You should look into him. He’s like trump but smarter and cares about the environment and the people lol.

. I knew this type of attack was coming so not surprised just surprised it took so long.

I personally don't agree with the style of how this poster expressed what he said. I know conservatives and most are not haters of women or are racist. But I also see a pattern on your part of being quick to play the victim and say your being attacked or making things out to be personal. You want to engage in discussions of a political nature, you did it, we didn't force you to write did we ? You exaggerate how someone disagrees with you to make arguments about yourself and not about the broader issues. That to be is curious and maybe I think that is indicative of something deeper that you may not be aware of. Conservatives often feel alienated and victimized. The drumbeat of the right wing media, OAN, FOX, The Blaze constantly sends the message that those who disagree with you hate you want to harm you, are sinister and going to try to change you. But conservative elected officials will make it safe for you. Your not wrong your right and we will prevail and vanquish their agendas. And Trump is the strongman who will protect you from illegal aliens who kill Americans. Trump will keep you safe and the other guys will let bad people hurt you.That is the entire right wing media message all day every day. But here on this forum Words are not going to harm you, man up and stop playing the victim

. Dude you gotta man up 😂

I am showing you empathy and respect. What else can you hope to expect on a forum ? I am personalizing you and acknowledging you as a person who has good intentions. So I am going to be optimistic you will respond with a more substantial offering next post. I am not passive aggressive in my style of discourse. I am direct and express respect by giving you the opportunity to express what you think. Stage is yours so utilize the opportunity to argue your points without playing the victim.

. I don’t play the victim. I simply pointed out that poster went overboard which you acknowledged and agreed with. I didn’t attack you. I simply disagreed with you. When it became clear we wouldn’t reach common ground I nicely tried to change the subject to the Knicks and I hoped that hopefully we can both enJoy a exciting season

What is your response on Republican obstruction of any substantial action on the boarder if it involves cooperation from Democrats that has been raised ? What is your response on the issues involving the Kurds ? Stay on topic.

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