Off Topic · Proof the Bombs not planes took down WTC (page 5)
Solace wrote:Wow. That link was way too long for one blog post. The big problem I see is that from these extremist sites, there's a lot of conjecture going back and forth. There's no evidence, just suppose this and what about this and we think this, and then acting as if those opinions really prove something. I don't think it makes sense to treat it as fact. Theoretically, anything in possible, but it needs evidence. Playa, if you are claiming that you know and that everyone else who "can't see it" is a moron, why don't you go do something more useful to do with your time than post it on a basketball site? You're entitled to your beliefs, I guess, but frankly some of the "information" (using that term loosely) posted is downright offensive and often baseless. Case in point, I watched the videos you posted and I find myself not jumping to the same conclusions; I'm trying to keep an open mind, but I just have not seen anything definitive. Anyway, if you don't start posting things from reputable sources, rather than solely from extremists, you're quickly going to lose my attention.
What suprises is me is that most of you think this plan was thought about in 6 weeks or something. They knew they had to divert attention with multiple disasters and then they could come up with the names of the so called jackers within a few days LOL.
And the most bizarre issue was they found a hijackers passport on the ground , not even singed with any fire from the WTC blast. Cmon man who believes garbage like that.
The passport of one of the hijackers was found at the WTC. It's clearly impossible for any personal effects to survive the impact and
explosion, therefore it must have been planted.
The first reaction is why would they bother? What does it add to the story? There was no need to “plant passports”. We’ve never seen anyone say “they must have been on the planes because look, the NYPD found that passport”. It’s completely unnecessary, and is only ever used as evidence of an “inside job”.
The FBI has been evasive on whether or not other hijacker's passports were found in the wreckage of the World Trade Center but the
9/11 commission has now presented photographs which they say show the charred paper visa.
A few days after the attack, several newspapers reported that a paper passport had been found in the ruins of the WTC.
This is of course to reinforce the official story of 9/11 which is crumbling under the weight of 9/11 research and activism. At least a third of the WTC victim's bodies were vaporized and many of the victims of the Pentagon incident were burned beyond recognition. And yet visas and paper passports which identify the purpotrators and back up the official version of events miraculously survive explosions and fires that we are told melted steel buildings.
The government's desperation to prove the involvement of the named hijackers contrasts with evidence that several of them are still alive, and even Mohammed Atta's father still insists he talks to his son on a regular basis.
playa2 wrote:Solace wrote:Wow. That link was way too long for one blog post. The big problem I see is that from these extremist sites, there's a lot of conjecture going back and forth. There's no evidence, just suppose this and what about this and we think this, and then acting as if those opinions really prove something. I don't think it makes sense to treat it as fact. Theoretically, anything in possible, but it needs evidence. Playa, if you are claiming that you know and that everyone else who "can't see it" is a moron, why don't you go do something more useful to do with your time than post it on a basketball site? You're entitled to your beliefs, I guess, but frankly some of the "information" (using that term loosely) posted is downright offensive and often baseless. Case in point, I watched the videos you posted and I find myself not jumping to the same conclusions; I'm trying to keep an open mind, but I just have not seen anything definitive. Anyway, if you don't start posting things from reputable sources, rather than solely from extremists, you're quickly going to lose my attention.What suprises is me is that most of you think this plan was thought about in 6 weeks or something. They knew they had to divert attention with multiple disasters and then they could come up with the names of the so called jackers within a few days LOL.
And the most bizarre issue was they found a hijackers passport on the ground , not even singed with any fire from the WTC blast. Cmon man who believes garbage like that.
The passport of one of the hijackers was found at the WTC. It's clearly impossible for any personal effects to survive the impact and
explosion, therefore it must have been planted.The first reaction is why would they bother? What does it add to the story? There was no need to “plant passports”. We’ve never seen anyone say “they must have been on the planes because look, the NYPD found that passport”. It’s completely unnecessary, and is only ever used as evidence of an “inside job”.
The FBI has been evasive on whether or not other hijacker's passports were found in the wreckage of the World Trade Center but the
9/11 commission has now presented photographs which they say show the charred paper visa.A few days after the attack, several newspapers reported that a paper passport had been found in the ruins of the WTC.
This is of course to reinforce the official story of 9/11 which is crumbling under the weight of 9/11 research and activism. At least a third of the WTC victim's bodies were vaporized and many of the victims of the Pentagon incident were burned beyond recognition. And yet visas and paper passports which identify the purpotrators and back up the official version of events miraculously survive explosions and fires that we are told melted steel buildings.
The government's desperation to prove the involvement of the named hijackers contrasts with evidence that several of them are still alive, and even Mohammed Atta's father still insists he talks to his son on a regular basis.
playa2 wrote:And the most bizarre issue was they found a hijackers passport on the ground , not even singed with any fire from the WTC blast. Cmon man who believes garbage like that.
Think about a statement like that? If the passport was planted, why would someone plant an unsinged passport? Here's what bugs me: You extremists can claim that there's an elaborate and complicated plot that was carried out, even though the shear number of elements involved is absurd. On the flip side, you figure that the people who carried out the plot were so incompetent that they left ridiculously obvious markers of evidence. C'mon, you can't have it both ways.
In addition, is what you said even true, that the passport was completely unsinged? If so, provide a reputable source.
Solace wrote:playa2 wrote:And the most bizarre issue was they found a hijackers passport on the ground , not even singed with any fire from the WTC blast. Cmon man who believes garbage like that.Think about a statement like that? If the passport was planted, why would someone plant an unsinged passport? Here's what bugs me: You extremists can claim that there's an elaborate and complicated plot that was carried out, even though the shear number of elements involved is absurd. On the flip side, you figure that the people who carried out the plot were so incompetent that they left ridiculously obvious markers of evidence. C'mon, you can't have it both ways.
In addition, is what you said even true, that the passport was completely unsinged? If so, provide a reputable source.
The people who planned this out were brilliant, they still have most Americans still fooled almost 9 yrs later. Funny thing is people overseas believe me more than Americans.
People who regularly read daily newspapers or listen to radio newscasts were especially unlikely to believe in the conspiracies. Guess who owns those outlets. LOL
"We didn't have the Internet after Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin or the Kennedy assassination. But we live in different times now."
More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll.
Suspicions that the 9/11 attacks were "an inside job" _ the common phrase used by conspiracy theorists on the Internet _ quickly have
become nearly as popular as decades-old conspiracy theory that the federal government was responsible for President John F. Kennedy's assassination.
Childs2Dudley wrote:playa2 wrote:Solace wrote:Wow. That link was way too long for one blog post. The big problem I see is that from these extremist sites, there's a lot of conjecture going back and forth. There's no evidence, just suppose this and what about this and we think this, and then acting as if those opinions really prove something. I don't think it makes sense to treat it as fact. Theoretically, anything in possible, but it needs evidence. Playa, if you are claiming that you know and that everyone else who "can't see it" is a moron, why don't you go do something more useful to do with your time than post it on a basketball site? You're entitled to your beliefs, I guess, but frankly some of the "information" (using that term loosely) posted is downright offensive and often baseless. Case in point, I watched the videos you posted and I find myself not jumping to the same conclusions; I'm trying to keep an open mind, but I just have not seen anything definitive. Anyway, if you don't start posting things from reputable sources, rather than solely from extremists, you're quickly going to lose my attention.What suprises is me is that most of you think this plan was thought about in 6 weeks or something. They knew they had to divert attention with multiple disasters and then they could come up with the names of the so called jackers within a few days LOL.
And the most bizarre issue was they found a hijackers passport on the ground , not even singed with any fire from the WTC blast. Cmon man who believes garbage like that.
The passport of one of the hijackers was found at the WTC. It's clearly impossible for any personal effects to survive the impact and
explosion, therefore it must have been planted.The first reaction is why would they bother? What does it add to the story? There was no need to “plant passports”. We’ve never seen anyone say “they must have been on the planes because look, the NYPD found that passport”. It’s completely unnecessary, and is only ever used as evidence of an “inside job”.
The FBI has been evasive on whether or not other hijacker's passports were found in the wreckage of the World Trade Center but the
9/11 commission has now presented photographs which they say show the charred paper visa.A few days after the attack, several newspapers reported that a paper passport had been found in the ruins of the WTC.
This is of course to reinforce the official story of 9/11 which is crumbling under the weight of 9/11 research and activism. At least a third of the WTC victim's bodies were vaporized and many of the victims of the Pentagon incident were burned beyond recognition. And yet visas and paper passports which identify the purpotrators and back up the official version of events miraculously survive explosions and fires that we are told melted steel buildings.
The government's desperation to prove the involvement of the named hijackers contrasts with evidence that several of them are still alive, and even Mohammed Atta's father still insists he talks to his son on a regular basis.
University of Wisconsin assistant professor, Kevin Barrett, said experts are unwilling to believe theories which don't fit into their
belief systems.
He said: "People will disregard evidence it if causes their faith to be shattered. I think we were all shocked. And then, when the voice of authority told us what happened, we just believed it."
# 1 No planes scrambled to intercept the hijackers. This is standard procedure. Normally a plane would be in the air within four minutes. Just prior to 9/11 Cheney inserted himself in the highjack command loop. He is the one who ordered them to stand down.
# 2 There were all manner of war games in progress on 9/11 some simulating a 9/11 style attack. This deflected most of the airforce out west. It further confused air traffic controllers who had to deal with insertions (fake planes for the war games on their radars). No body was really sure if the attacks were real or part of the game. No cave-dwelling terrorists could have arranged so convenient a distraction. The Pentagon publicly admitted this many times, including when Representative Cynthia McKinney grilled Donald Rumsfeld on C-Span click to watch 2005-03-24. click to watch .
# 3 While eveyone else was in lockdown on 9/11, Bush got the FBI to arrange private jets to collect the bin Laden family and take them safely out of the USA without interrogation. At that point airspace had been reopened to commercial flights but not private flights.
# 4People who want to believe such things can, of course, imagine such scenarios. But the president in a situation like that does not make the decisions; the Secret Service team makes the decisions. And the guys in the Secret Service are trained to be ready for a catastrophe like this where they make snap decisions and whisk the president to safety immediately. They would have had an escape route planned; they would have had contingencies planned — they always do. It is at least not very plausible to think they would have remained there and endangered the lives of all the children and teachers at that school in order to exude that Churchillian confidence.
Consider that the event was publicly scheduled and presumably known to any terrorists. A school is not a very secure location. Bush was recklessly endangering the lives of the children he was with unless of course he knew there was no danger because this was an inside job.
# 5 Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were busy discussing the Iraq war in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. Why were they so unconcerned about 9/11 unless it were an inside job?
# Bush at first refused to testify at the 9/11 commission, and then agreed only reluctantly under the condition he and Cheney always appear together so could keep their stories straight.
# As if they had prior knowledge, within four minutes after the Pentagon crash, FBI agents quickly confiscated:
* video tape from a gas station security camera aimed directly at the exact point of impact while recording the size of the plane and/or missile.
* security camera video film from a nearby Sheraton hotel.
* film from a Virginia Transportation Department freeway overpass camera.
They have never released these tapes, nor any of the on-grounds security camera tapes. What’s the big secret?
1. It was a crime scene.
2. It was an a dual airline crash scene.
3. It was the site of three unprecedented, massive, engineering failures.
4. To recover bodies, valuables, gold, precious metals, important papers, safes and confidential papers.
5. To have the hard evidence to squash rumours about what happened.
# In hindsight, we have seen a pattern of American vilification of other countries that have natural resources that the USA needs, followed by unprovoked attacks and confiscation of those resources. 9/11 has been milked dry to that end. It turns out these wars were planned long before 9/11. It seems not unreasonable that 9/11 was part of those plans.
playa2 wrote:Solace wrote:playa2 wrote:And the most bizarre issue was they found a hijackers passport on the ground , not even singed with any fire from the WTC blast. Cmon man who believes garbage like that.Think about a statement like that? If the passport was planted, why would someone plant an unsinged passport? Here's what bugs me: You extremists can claim that there's an elaborate and complicated plot that was carried out, even though the shear number of elements involved is absurd. On the flip side, you figure that the people who carried out the plot were so incompetent that they left ridiculously obvious markers of evidence. C'mon, you can't have it both ways.
In addition, is what you said even true, that the passport was completely unsinged? If so, provide a reputable source.
The people who planned this out were brilliant, they still have most Americans still fooled almost 9 yrs later. Funny thing is people overseas believe me more than Americans.
People who regularly read daily newspapers or listen to radio newscasts were especially unlikely to believe in the conspiracies. Guess who owns those outlets. LOL"We didn't have the Internet after Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin or the Kennedy assassination. But we live in different times now."
More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll.
Suspicions that the 9/11 attacks were "an inside job" _ the common phrase used by conspiracy theorists on the Internet _ quickly have
become nearly as popular as decades-old conspiracy theory that the federal government was responsible for President John F. Kennedy's assassination.
Ok, so instead of providing a reputable source, you're just back to posting garbage. I now vote for ban, also. Seriously, this sort of extremism would not fly on any other message board. Allowing this sort of hate to pervade the board is a big part of the reason why I silently left last time.
Silverfuel wrote:You call for extreme measures like banning him yet he is the extremist?
Silverfuel, he has a history of pulling this on this board. If you have an extremist point of view, you better be able to back it up. Since he clearly can't, he's wasting our time. What I find incredibly obnoxious and insulting is that if his target was almost any other group, it would be immediately denounced by almost everyone and the thread would've been locked. It's ridiculously hypocritical.
Banning him is not an extreme measure; it's a logical decision that happens almost anywhere else where people post unjustified hate towards a group of people.
Anyone who didn't know giraffes can fly is a moron. Etc... etc...
This proves that giraffes are the culprit. How can you not see it? Etc... etc...
Now, a theory is fine, but my god, what an offensive theory. It has no basis. If you want to consider it by yourself, that's fine, but realize that posting such hatred is offensive and hurtful. Since the sources of all of playa's materials are known extremists and extremist websites, that actually falls directly under the definition of extremist.
This video was made with a hotel camera and was confiscated by the FBI just like all the other video’s.
After a lawsuit however this particular video had to be released (the judge being a closet 9/11-truther?).
Content: there is an explosion but no plane.
You see no plane so it proves a land missle had to hit the pentagon.
In reality flight77 was indeed destined for the Pentagon, but the real aim for this manouver was to get rid of the Pentagon auditors
who were trying to find out where the missing trillions had gone. And with the auditors a lot of inconvenient financial records would vanish for ever as well.
Pentagon Personnel who died in/at Pentagon...
These guys, ONI and auditors, were selected to be in that wedge as targets. This aerial photo says to me bombs were pre-placed to insure there were to be no survivors, all files destroyed as well. As near as I can see only two groups, Office of Naval Intelligence, Budget/auditors, and a half-dozen in personel. I can easily see that the entire chain of command ONI was killed.
Need to know exactly where their offices were on this picture.
NAVY PERSONNEL: (Presumed to be all part of the Office of Naval Intelligence--who were likely to have been monitoring the secret War Games, and would have been the first to realize the war games were a ruse in order to attack NYC.)
Capt. Gerald Francis Deconto, 44, Sandwich, Massachusetts director of current operations and plans, was organizing the Navy's response to the WTC attack when he was killed. U.S. Navy
Capt. Lawrence Daniel Getzfred, 57, Elgin, Nebraska, Navy Command Center U.S. Navy ,
Capt. Robert Edward Dolan, 43, Florham Park, New Jersey, head of strategy and concepts branch, U.S. Navy ,
(Retired) Capt. Jack Punches, 51, Clifton, Virginia, civilian employee, U.S. Navy ,
Cmdr. Dan Frederic Shanower, 40, Naperville, Illinois, Naval Operations, U.S. Navy,
Cmdr. Robert Allan Schlegel, 38, Gray, Maine, U.S. Navy ,
Cmdr. William Howard Donovan, 37, Nunda, New York, Naval Operations U.S. Navy,
Cmdr. Patrick S. Dunn, 39, Fords, New Jersey surface warfare officer, U.S. Navy ,
Lt. Cmdr. Otis Vincent Tolbert, 38, Lemoore, California, Navy Intelligence officer, U.S. Navy ,
Lt. Cmdr. Ronald James Vauk, 37, Nampa, Idaho watch commander, U.S. Navy ,
Lt. Cmdr. Eric Allen Cranford, 32, Drexel, North Carolina, U.S. Navy
Lt. Cmdr. Robert Randolph Elseth, 37, Vestal, New York, U.S. Navy
Lt. Cmdr. Eric Allen Cranford, 32, Drexel, North Carolina, U.S. Navy
Lt. Cmdr. Patrick Jude Murphy, 38, Flossmoor, Illinois U.S. Navy ,
Lt. Jonas Martin Panik, 26, Mingoville, Pennsylvania, Navy Intelligence officer,U.S. Navy ,
Lt. Michael Scott Lamana, 31, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Naval Command Center, U.S. Navy ,
Lt. J.G. Darin Howard Pontell, 26, Columbia, Maryland Navy Intelligence officer U.S. Navy,
Gerard (Jerry) P. Moran, 39, Upper Marlboro, Maryland engineering contractor, U.S. Navy ,
James Lynch, 55, Manassas, Virginia, civilian employee, U.S. Navy ,
Nehamon Lyons, 30, Mobile, Alabama, Naval operations specialist second class, U.S. Navy
Angela Houtz, 27, La Plata, Maryland civilian employee, U.S. Navy ,
Brady K. Howell, 26, Arlington, Virginia management intern for chief of intelligence, U.S. Navy ,
Gregg Harold Smallwood, 44, Overland Park, Kansas chief information systems technician, U.S. Navy ,
Ronald John Hemenway, 37, Shawnee, Kansas electronics technician first class, U.S. Navy ,
Edward Thomas Earhart, 26, Salt Lick, Kentucky aerographer's mate first class, U.S. Navy ,
Matthew Michael Flocco, 21, Newark, Delaware aerographer's mate second class, U.S. Navy ,
Johnnie Doctor, 32, Jacksonville, Florida information systems technician first class, U.S. Navy ,
Jamie Lynn Fallon, 23, Woodbridge, Virginia storekeeper third class, U.S. Navy ,
Julian Cooper, 39, Springdale, Maryland Navy contractor ,
Marvin Woods, 58, Great Mills, Maryland Navy contractor,
Kevin Wayne Yokum, 27, Lake Charles, Louisiana information systems technician second class, U.S. Navy ,
Donald McArthur Young, 41, Roanoke, Virginia chief information systems technician, U.S. Navy ,
Melissa Rose Barnes, 27, Redlands, California Naval Operations Tele.yeoman second class, U.S. Navy
Kris Romeo Bishundat, 23, Waldorf, Maryland information systems technician second class, U.S. Navy ,
Christopher Lee Burford, 23, Hubert, N.C. Naval Operations,electronics technician third class, U.S. Navy
Daniel Martin Caballero, 21, Houston, Texas electronics technician third class, U.S. Navy ,
Judith Jones, 53, Woodbridge, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Navy,
Brian Anthony Moss, 34, Sperry, Oklahoma electronics technician second class, U.S. Navy ,
Khang Nguyen, 41, Fairfax, Virginia Navy contractor ,
Michael Allen Noeth, 30, New York, New York illustrator/draftsman second class, U.S. Navy ,
Joseph John Pycior, 39, Carlstadt, New Jersey aviation warfare systems operator first class, U.S. Navy ,
Marsha Dianah Ratchford, 34, Prichard, Alabama information systems technician first class, U.S. Navy ,
[Most appear to be working on budget analyst, auditors?]
Lt. Col. Dean E. Matteson, executive officer for the Army Information Management Support Center 57, California U.S. Army ,
Lt. Gen. Timothy J. Maude, 53, Fort Myer, Virginia deputy chief of staff for personnel, U.S. Army ,
Lt. Col. David M. Scales, 45, Cleveland, Ohio U.S. Army ,
Lt. Col. Canfield D. Boone, 54, Clifton, Virginia ,U.S. Army ,
Lt. Col. Jerry Don Dickerson, 41, operations research and systems analysis Durant, Mississippi U.S. Army ,
Lt. Col. Dennis M. Johnson, 48, Port Edwards, Wisconsin U.S. Army
Lt. Col. Stephen Neil Hyland, 45, Burke, Virginia personnel issues, U.S. Army ,
(Retired) Lt. Col. Gary F. Smith, 55, Alexandria, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
Karl W. Teepe, Centreville, Virginia,[LTC Army Ret. Budget analyst, Army Defense Intelligency Agency.]
Maj. Kip P. Taylor, 38, McLean, Virginia adjutant general's corps, U.S. Army
Lt. Col. Karen Wagner, 40, Texas U.S. Army
Maj. Clifford L. Patterson, 33, Alexandria, Virginia U.S. Army
Maj. Wallace Cole Hogan, 40, Florida, General's aide, U.S. Army
Maj. Steve Long, 39, Georgia U.S. Army ,
Maj. Ronald D. Milam, 33, Washington, D.C. assistant to the Secretary, U.S. Army
Spc. Craig Amundson, 28, Fort Belvoir, Virginia multimedia illustrator for deputy chief of staff of personnel, U.S. Army,
Sgt. First Class Jose Calderon, 44, Puerto Rico, U.S. Army
Angelene C. Carter, 51, Forrestville, Maryland, accountant, U.S. Army
Spc. Craig Amundson, 28, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, multimedia illustrator for deputy chief of staff of personnel, U.S. Army ,
(Retired) Master Sgt. Max Beilke, 69, Laurel, Maryland, civilian employee, U.S. Army ,
Sharon Carver, 38, Waldorf, Maryland, accountant, U.S. Army ,
John J. Chada, 55, Manassas, Virginia, civilian employee, U.S. Army ,
Rosa Maria (Rosemary) Chapa, 64, Springfield, Virginia, Defense Intelligence Agency ,
Ada Davis, 57, Camp Springs, Maryland accountant, U.S. Army
Amelia V. Fields, 36, Dumfries, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army ,
Cortz Ghee, 54, Reisterstown, Maryland, budget analyst, U.S. Army ,
Brenda C. Gibson, 59, Falls Church, Virginia budgeting and accounting, U.S. Army ,
Ron Golinski, 60, Columbia, Maryland civilian employee, U.S. Army ,
Diane M. Hale-McKinzy, 38, Alexandria, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army ,
Carolyn B. Halmon, 49, Washington, D.C. budget analyst, U.S. Army ,
Sheila Hein, 51, University Park, Maryland civilian employee, U.S. Army ,
Jimmie Ira Holley, 54, Lanham, Maryland accountant ,
Peggie Hurt, 36, Crewe, Virginia accountant, U.S. Army ,
Sgt. Maj. Lacey B. Ivory, 43, Woodbridge, Virginia U.S. Army ,
Carrie Blagburn, 48, Temple Hills, Maryland, civilian budget analyst, U.S. Army ,
Martha Reszke, 36, Stafford, Virginia budget analyst, U.S. Army ,
Brenda Kegler, 49, Washington, D.C. budget analyst, U.S. Army ,
David W. Laychak, 40, Manassas, Virginia civilian budget analyst, U.S. Army ,
Samantha Lightbourn-Allen, 36, Hillside, Maryland budget analyst, U.S. Army ,
Shelley A. Marshall, 37, Marbury, Maryland budget analyst, Defense Intelligence Agency ,
Teresa Martin, 45, Stafford, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army ,
Ada L. Mason, 50, Springfield, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army ,
Robert J. Maxwell, 53, Manassas, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army ,
Molly McKenzie, 38, Dale City, Virginia budget analyst, U.S. Army
Edna L. Stephens, 53, Washington, D.C.budget analyst, U.S. Army
Patricia E. (Patti) Mickley, 41, Springfield, Virginia financial manager, Defense Department ,
Robert E. Russell, 52, Oxon Hill, Maryland civilian budgetary supervisor, U.S. Army ,
Antoinette Sherman, 35, Forest Heights, Maryland budget analyst, U.S. Army,
Odessa V. Morris, 54, Upper Marlboro, Maryland budget analyst, U.S. Army ,
Ted Moy, 48, Silver Spring, Maryland program manager, U.S. Army ,
Diana B. Padro, 55, Woodbridge, Virginia accountant, U.S. Army ,
Spc. Chin Sun Pak, 25, Oklahoma U.S. Army ,
Deborah Ramsaur, 45, Annandale, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army ,
Rhonda Rasmussen, 44, Woodbridge, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army ,
Cecelia E. Richard, 41, Fort Washington, Maryland accounting technician, U.S. Army ,
Edward V. Rowenhorst, 32, Lake Ridge, Virginia civilian accountant, U.S. Army ,
Judy Rowlett, 44, Woodbridge, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army ,
William R. Ruth, 57, Maryland Chief Warrant Officer 4th Class, U.S. Army ,
Charles E. Sabin, 54, Burke, Virginia civilian employee, Defense Intelligence Agency
Marjorie C. Salamone, 53, Springfield, Virginia budget program analyst, U.S. Army ,
Janice Scott, 46, Springfield, Virginia civilian Budget Analyst, U.S. Army ,
Michael L. Selves, 53, Fairfax, Virginia information management support center director, U.S. Army ,
Marian Serva, 47, Stafford, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
Don Simmons, 58, Dumfries, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
Cheryle D. Sincock, 53, Dale City, Virginia administrative assistant, U.S. Army
Patricia J. Statz, 41, Takoma Park, Maryland civilian employee, U.S. Army
Sgt. Maj. Larry Strickland, 52, Woodbridge, Virginia, senior adviser on personnel issues to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Army
Sandra Taylor, 50, Alexandria, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
Sgt. Tamara Thurman, 25, Brewton, Alabama classified employee, U.S. Army
Willie Q. Troy, 51, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, program analyst, U.S. Army
Meta Waller, 60, Alexandria, Virginia programs specialist, U.S. Army
Staff Sgt. Maudlyn A. White, 38, St. Croix, Virgin Islands U.S. Army
Sandra L. White, 44, Dumfries, Virginia civilian employee, U.S. Army
Maj. Dwayne Williams, 40, Jacksonville, Alabama U.S. Army
Lisa Young, 36, Germantown, Maryland civilian employee, U.S. Army
[Other victims-=-white-collar Pentagon Consultants, no construction crew workers are found among the victims]
Donna Bowen, 42 ,Pentagon communications representative, Verizon Communications
Gerald P. Fisher, 57, Potomac, Maryland Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc., .[ Sr. mgmt consultant]
Sandra N. Foster, 41, Clinton, Maryland [civilian employee, Defense Intelligence Agency ]
Robert J. Hymel, Woodbridge, Virginia, civilian management analyst
Edmond Young, 22, Owings, Maryland, BTG Inc. [[Software, Info Svces]
Ernest M. Willcher, 62, North Potomac, Maryland Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc.[ Sr. mgmt consultant]
Terrance M. Lynch, 49, Alexandria, Virginia consultant, Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc. .[ Sr. mgmt consultant]
Allen Boyle, 30, Fredericksburg,[Defense contractor] Virginia
Scott Powell, 35, Silver Spring, Maryland BTG Inc. [[Software, Info Svces]
firefly wrote:Wow. It's like you can hear, but nothing goes in. And you call the rest of the world closeminded?
I forgot about a tactic called ignoring him, at the start of the thread. Then I remembered and started doing that. You should try it. It helps a lot. :-)
I guess he's back on the crazy pills again. Or maybe he's off his anti-crazy pills. Either way, he's back to being classic conspiracy theorist playa. I wouldn't be surprised if he makes these posts from an internet connection in the middle of some beach in Brazil where he has a computer set up so nobody can track him down. Then he goes back "home" (aka bomb shelter) and reads 9/11 conspiracy novels with candlight.e
It's tough for me not to freak out. The underlying suggestion is our (except firefly) government betrayed us and murdered my FRIENDS and my neighbors. It has taken a great deal of restraint to only say " please provide legitimate sources or evidence"
The underlying suggestion is egregious. I'm choosing to respect other's property here and leave it at that