Off Topic · Proof the Bombs not planes took down WTC (page 6)

SupremeCommander wrote:I'd still like to see a reference that isn't 1) YouTube (or any other free uploadable video site), 2) Wordpress (or any other free blogging site), or 3) and article written by some journalist crackpot, where when you search his name a top page is more or less titled "is this dude legit."It's tough for me not to freak out. The underlying suggestion is our (except firefly) government betrayed us and murdered my FRIENDS and my neighbors. It has taken a great deal of restraint to only say " please provide legitimate sources or evidence"
The underlying suggestion is egregious. I'm choosing to respect other's property here and leave it at that
Do you agree that we were lied to about WMD's in Iraq just so that we can invade and take over their oil fields?
Silverfuel wrote:SupremeCommander wrote:I'd still like to see a reference that isn't 1) YouTube (or any other free uploadable video site), 2) Wordpress (or any other free blogging site), or 3) and article written by some journalist crackpot, where when you search his name a top page is more or less titled "is this dude legit."It's tough for me not to freak out. The underlying suggestion is our (except firefly) government betrayed us and murdered my FRIENDS and my neighbors. It has taken a great deal of restraint to only say " please provide legitimate sources or evidence"
The underlying suggestion is egregious. I'm choosing to respect other's property here and leave it at that
Do you agree that we were lied to about WMD's in Iraq just so that we can invade and take over their oil fields?
Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?
SupremeCommander wrote:Silverfuel wrote:SupremeCommander wrote:I'd still like to see a reference that isn't 1) YouTube (or any other free uploadable video site), 2) Wordpress (or any other free blogging site), or 3) and article written by some journalist crackpot, where when you search his name a top page is more or less titled "is this dude legit."It's tough for me not to freak out. The underlying suggestion is our (except firefly) government betrayed us and murdered my FRIENDS and my neighbors. It has taken a great deal of restraint to only say " please provide legitimate sources or evidence"
The underlying suggestion is egregious. I'm choosing to respect other's property here and leave it at that
Do you agree that we were lied to about WMD's in Iraq just so that we can invade and take over their oil fields?Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?
If you had responded to me without being a condescending prick, we could have gotten somewhere. Yes or no would have sufficed. Instead you come back with an unnecessary personal attack. Since you are obviously not willing to discuss this, I will ignore you and hope you will do that same with my posts.
Silverfuel wrote:SupremeCommander wrote:Silverfuel wrote:SupremeCommander wrote:I'd still like to see a reference that isn't 1) YouTube (or any other free uploadable video site), 2) Wordpress (or any other free blogging site), or 3) and article written by some journalist crackpot, where when you search his name a top page is more or less titled "is this dude legit."It's tough for me not to freak out. The underlying suggestion is our (except firefly) government betrayed us and murdered my FRIENDS and my neighbors. It has taken a great deal of restraint to only say " please provide legitimate sources or evidence"
The underlying suggestion is egregious. I'm choosing to respect other's property here and leave it at that
Do you agree that we were lied to about WMD's in Iraq just so that we can invade and take over their oil fields?Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?
If you had responded to me without being a condescending prick, we could have gotten somewhere. Yes or no would have sufficed. Instead you come back with an unnecessary personal attack. Since you are obviously not willing to discuss this, I will ignore you and hope you will do that same with my posts.
Heh. Personal attack? Nah, I was just showing how irrelevant questioning can derail the original point. I would consider your response a personal attack, however.
SupremeCommander wrote:Silverfuel wrote:SupremeCommander wrote:Silverfuel wrote:SupremeCommander wrote:I'd still like to see a reference that isn't 1) YouTube (or any other free uploadable video site), 2) Wordpress (or any other free blogging site), or 3) and article written by some journalist crackpot, where when you search his name a top page is more or less titled "is this dude legit."It's tough for me not to freak out. The underlying suggestion is our (except firefly) government betrayed us and murdered my FRIENDS and my neighbors. It has taken a great deal of restraint to only say " please provide legitimate sources or evidence"
The underlying suggestion is egregious. I'm choosing to respect other's property here and leave it at that
Do you agree that we were lied to about WMD's in Iraq just so that we can invade and take over their oil fields?Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?
If you had responded to me without being a condescending prick, we could have gotten somewhere. Yes or no would have sufficed. Instead you come back with an unnecessary personal attack. Since you are obviously not willing to discuss this, I will ignore you and hope you will do that same with my posts.Heh. Personal attack? Nah, I was just showing how irrelevant questioning can derail the original point. I would consider your response a personal attack, however.
I take it back then. I was not being irrelevant. You were asking playa for a credible source. I was trying to say that there is no such thing as a credible source. Even though at this point it is common knowledge that the white house and the DOD made up the evidence about WMD's, not one single major publication made it a priority to prove/disprove that. It is because every major news source that we have come to accept as credible has been compromised by lobbyists and politicians.
Why these guys don't expect "INDEPENDENT " news papers and guys who display discrepencies on youtube video is the only source to expose this horror on Americans is beyond me. Remember the Anthrax scare.
Odds are these same US government rats were the perpetrators of that anthrax attack for a few simple reasons:
1. The weaponized anthrax used was the type of Ames Strain that is only available at a very few places, including the Fort Detrick MD CBW weapons research lab.
2. Once that fact is established (and it is), it narrows the list down even more.
There is also a good chance that Dr. Ivins was eliminated so this story will fade away and people will stop demanding action and the truth.
Remember that the anthrax attack occurred while Bush was trying to push through Patriot Act I and begin his attack on Afghanistan.
Two possible blockades to getting Patriot Act 1 passed were Senator Tom Daschle and Senator Tom Leahy - both of whom received 'anthrax letters' at their DC offices on Capital Hill. Both were pushing amendments to the Patriot Act I to protect US civil liberties which were about to be trampled by Bush in his ramrod version of that grievously un-Constitutional bill.
This was all transpiring while BushCo was getting the troops and naval ships into position to attack Afghanistan on October 7, 2001. There was a pipeline deal to steal, the same one that Obama and Zbig think they will get done once Barky takes the throne.
This entire fiasco regarding the Anthrax attack on the US is far from being resolved. The FBI has apparently been told to not dig to the bottom of the barrel and solve the case once and for all. A full, unimpeded investigation of the matter would probably indict Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Tony Blair, several in Tel Aviv, and a gaggle of DoD subcontractors all working in unison to make the threat of Global 'Terror' seem real. Real enough, that every time DC says "BOO!" the majority of Americans either jump under their beds or freeze like deer in the headlights.
If you take the time to read this following series of articles that appeared in The Hartford Courant, Connecticut, there are some key threads and statements made that start to shed some light on what was and is really going on.
playa2 wrote:Silverfuel they know who owns the tv stations and news papers, they know anyone who speaks out will lose their jobs or life.Why these guys don't expect "INDEPENDENT " news papers and guys who display discrepencies on youtube video is the only source to expose this horror on Americans is beyond me. Remember the Anthrax scare.
Odds are these same US government rats were the perpetrators of that anthrax attack for a few simple reasons:
1. The weaponized anthrax used was the type of Ames Strain that is only available at a very few places, including the Fort Detrick MD CBW weapons research lab.
2. Once that fact is established (and it is), it narrows the list down even more.
There is also a good chance that Dr. Ivins was eliminated so this story will fade away and people will stop demanding action and the truth.
Remember that the anthrax attack occurred while Bush was trying to push through Patriot Act I and begin his attack on Afghanistan.
Two possible blockades to getting Patriot Act 1 passed were Senator Tom Daschle and Senator Tom Leahy - both of whom received 'anthrax letters' at their DC offices on Capital Hill. Both were pushing amendments to the Patriot Act I to protect US civil liberties which were about to be trampled by Bush in his ramrod version of that grievously un-Constitutional bill.
This was all transpiring while BushCo was getting the troops and naval ships into position to attack Afghanistan on October 7, 2001. There was a pipeline deal to steal, the same one that Obama and Zbig think they will get done once Barky takes the throne.
This entire fiasco regarding the Anthrax attack on the US is far from being resolved. The FBI has apparently been told to not dig to the bottom of the barrel and solve the case once and for all. A full, unimpeded investigation of the matter would probably indict Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Tony Blair, several in Tel Aviv, and a gaggle of DoD subcontractors all working in unison to make the threat of Global 'Terror' seem real. Real enough, that every time DC says "BOO!" the majority of Americans either jump under their beds or freeze like deer in the headlights.
If you take the time to read this following series of articles that appeared in The Hartford Courant, Connecticut, there are some key threads and statements made that start to shed some light on what was and is really going on.
Silverfuel wrote:SupremeCommander wrote:Silverfuel wrote:SupremeCommander wrote:Silverfuel wrote:SupremeCommander wrote:I'd still like to see a reference that isn't 1) YouTube (or any other free uploadable video site), 2) Wordpress (or any other free blogging site), or 3) and article written by some journalist crackpot, where when you search his name a top page is more or less titled "is this dude legit."It's tough for me not to freak out. The underlying suggestion is our (except firefly) government betrayed us and murdered my FRIENDS and my neighbors. It has taken a great deal of restraint to only say " please provide legitimate sources or evidence"
The underlying suggestion is egregious. I'm choosing to respect other's property here and leave it at that
Do you agree that we were lied to about WMD's in Iraq just so that we can invade and take over their oil fields?Do you believe in the Easter Bunny?
If you had responded to me without being a condescending prick, we could have gotten somewhere. Yes or no would have sufficed. Instead you come back with an unnecessary personal attack. Since you are obviously not willing to discuss this, I will ignore you and hope you will do that same with my posts.Heh. Personal attack? Nah, I was just showing how irrelevant questioning can derail the original point. I would consider your response a personal attack, however.
I take it back then. I was not being irrelevant. You were asking playa for a credible source. I was trying to say that there is no such thing as a credible source. Even though at this point it is common knowledge that the white house and the DOD made up the evidence about WMD's, not one single major publication made it a priority to prove/disprove that. It is because every major news source that we have come to accept as credible has been compromised by lobbyists and politicians.
Again, I'm unsure why i should consider these sources when if argued what y'all are arguing in a high school term paper, I'd fail because of a weak bibliography
It is all relative to time and place and the whole point of this thread is to investigate and debate. There are a LOT of people that disagree with the official version of events.
Were and who collects the revenue generated from Iran?
Who is "THEY"?
Nalod wrote:WE attacked Afganistan for a pipeline?Were and who collects the revenue generated from Iran?
Who is "THEY"?
There are some theories that make you revisit and question the official version. There are many others though should be ignored.
Silverfuel they know who owns the tv stations and news papers, they know anyone who speaks out will lose their jobs or life.
....and that's why I want him banned. Slander, pure and simple. If Playa were quoting directly from The Elders, the text would be the same.
Nalod wrote:WE attacked Afganistan for a pipeline?Were and who collects the revenue generated from Iran?
Who is "THEY"?
"THEY" are the same people who own own the banks all over the world. Builderbergs Rockerfellers etc....
firefly wrote:Silverfuel they know who owns the tv stations and news papers, they know anyone who speaks out will lose their jobs or life.
....and that's why I want him banned. Slander, pure and simple. If Playa were quoting directly from The Elders, the text would be the same.
There have been many stories about Fox News being a PR wing of the white house during the Bush years. It was obvious Bill and Sean got their talking points from Karl Rove and Dick Cheaney. Hell, Rove is a political analyst on Fox News right now. So is the next big republican candidate for President Sarah Palin. The days of newspapers and TV stations reporting pure news are over. There is always a partisan spin.
We all know what happened to Valerie Plume when her husband spoke out against the Iraq war. Libby was found guilty and Bush fucking pardoned him. For outing an undercover spy! And Fox News defended that move.
Nalod wrote:WE attacked Afganistan for a pipeline?Were and who collects the revenue generated from Iran?
Who is "THEY"?
This has been going on for yrs , why act like these fabrications are new.
In 1898, Joseph Pulitzer's New York World and William Randolph Hearst's New York Journal were arguing for American intervention in Cuba. Hearst is reported to have dispatched a photographer to Cuba to photograph the coming war with Spain. When the photographer asked just what war that might be, Hearst is reported to have replied, "You take the photographs, and I will provide the war". Hearst was true to his word, as his newspaper published stories of great atrocities being committed against the Cuban people, most of which turned out to be complete fabrications.
On the night of February 15, 1898, the USS Maine, lying in Havana harbor in a show of US resolve to protect her interests, exploded violently. Captain Sigsbee, the commander of the Maine, urged that no assumptions of enemy attack be made until there was a full investigation of the cause of the explosion. For this, Captain Sigsbee was excoriated in the press for "refusing to see the obvious". The Atlantic Monthly declared flat out that to suppose the explosion to be anything other than a deliberate act by Spain was "completely at defiance of the laws of probability".
Under the slogan "Remember the Maine", Americans went to war with Spain, eventually winning the Philippines (and annexing Hawaii along the way).
In 1975, an investigation led by Admiral Hyman Rickover examined the data recovered from a 1911 examination of the wreck and concluded that there had been no evidence of an external explosion. The most likely cause of the sinking was a coal dust explosion in a coal bunker imprudently located next to the ship's magazines. Captain Sigsbee's caution had been well founded.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt needed a war. He needed the fever of a major war to mask the symptoms of a still deathly ill economy struggling back from the Great Depression (and mutating towards Socialism at the same time). Roosevelt wanted a war with Germany to stop Hitler, but despite several provocations in the Atlantic, the American people, still struggling with that troublesome economy, were opposed to any wars. Roosevelt violated neutrality with lend lease, and even ordered the sinking of several German ships in the Atlantic, but Hitler refused to be provoked.
Roosevelt needed an enemy, and if America would not willingly attack that enemy, then one would have to be maneuvered into attacking America, much as Marcus Licinius Crassus has maneuvered Spartacus into attacking Rome.
The way open to war was created when Japan signed the tripartite agreement with Italy and Germany, with all parties pledging mutual defense to each other. Whereas Hitler would never declare war on the United States no matter the provocation, the means to force Japan to do so were readily at hand.
The first step was to place oil and steel embargoes on Japan, using Japan's wars on the Asian mainland as a reason. This forced Japan to consider seizing the oil and mineral rich regions in Indonesia. With the European powers militarily exhausted by the war in Europe, the United States was the only power in the Pacific able to stop Japan from invading the Dutch East Indies, and by moving the Pacific fleet from San Diego to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Roosevelt made a pre-emptive strike on that fleet the mandatory first step in any Japanese plan to extend its empire into the "southern resource area".
Roosevelt boxed in Japan just as completely as Crassus had boxed in Spartacus. Japan needed oil. They had to invade Indonesia to get it, and to do that they first had to remove the threat of the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. There never really was any other course open to them.
To enrage the American people as much as possible, Roosevelt needed the first overt attack by Japan to be as bloody as possible, appearing as a sneak attack much as the Japanese had done to the Russians. From that moment up until the attack on Pearl Harbor itself, Roosevelt and his associates made sure that the commanders in Hawaii, General Short and Admiral Kimmel, were kept in the dark as much as possible about the location of the Japanese fleet and its intentions, then later scapegoated for the attack. (Congress recently exonerated both Short and Kimmel, posthumously restoring them to their former ranks).
But as the Army board had concluded at the time, and subsequent de-classified documents confirmed, Washington DC knew the attack was coming, knew exactly where the Japanese fleet was, and knew where it was headed.
On November 29th, Secretary of State Hull showed United Press reporter Joe Leib a message with the time and place of the attack, and the New York Times in its special 12/8/41 Pearl Harbor edition, on page 13, reported that the time and place of the attack had been known in advance!
The much repeated claim that the Japanese fleet maintained radio silence on its way to Hawaii was a lie. Among other intercepts still held in the Archives of the NSA is the UNCODED message sent by the Japanese tanker Shirya stating, "proceeding to a position 30.00 N, 154.20 E. Expect to arrive at that point on 3 December." (near HI)
President Lyndon Johnson wanted a war in Vietnam. He wanted it to help his friends who owned defense companies to do a little business. He needed it to get the Pentagon and CIA to quit trying to invade Cuba. And most of all, he needed a provocation to convince the American people that there was really "no other choice".
On August 5, 1964, newspapers across America reported "renewed attacks" against American destroyers operating in Vietnamese waters, specifically the Gulf of Tonkin. The official story was that North Vietnamese torpedo boats launched an "unprovoked attack" on the USS Maddox while it was on "routine patrol".
The truth is that USS Maddox was involved in aggressive intelligence gathering in coordination with actual attacks by South Vietnam and the Laotian Air Force against targets in North Vietnam. The truth is also that there was no attack by torpedo boats against the USS Maddox. Captain John J. Herrick, the task force commander in the Gulf, cabled Washington DC that the report was the result of an "over-eager" sonar man who had picked up the sounds of his own ship's screws and panicked. But even with this knowledge that the report was false, Lyndon Johnson went on national TV that night to announce the commencement of air strikes against North Vietnam, "retaliation" for an attack that had never occurred.
President George H. W. Bush wanted a war in Iraq. Like Crassus, George Bush is motivated by money. Specifically oil money. But with the OPEC alliance failing to keep limits on oil production in the Mideast, the market was being glutted with oil pumped from underneath Iraq, which sat over roughly 1/3 of the oil reserves of the entire region.
George wanted a war to stop that flow of oil, to keep prices (and profits) from falling any further than they already had. But like Roosevelt, he needed the "other side" to make the first move.
Iraq had long been trying to acquire greater access to the Persian Gulf, and felt limited confined a narrow strip of land along Kuwait's northern border, which placed Iraqi interests in close proximity with hostile Iran. George Bush, who had been covertly arming Iraq during its war with Iran, sent word via April Glaspie that the United States would not intervene if Saddam Hussein grabbed a larger part of Kuwait. Saddam fell for the bait and invaded.
Of course, Americans were not about to send their sons and daughters to risk their lives for petroleum products. So George Bush arranged a hoax, using a public relations firm which has grown rich on taxpayer money by being most industrious and creative liars! The PR firm concocted a monumental fraud in which the daughter of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the United States, went on TV pretending to be a nurse, and related a horror story in which Iraqi troops looted the incubators from a Kuwaiti hospital, leaving the premature babies on the cold floor to die. The media, part of the swindle from the start, never bothered asking why the "nurse" didn't just pick the babies up and wrap them in blankets or something.
Enraged by the incubator story, Americans supported operation Desert Storm, which never removed Saddam Hussein from power but which did take Kuwait's oil off of the market for almost 2 years and limited Iraq's oil exports to this very day. That our sons and daughters came home with serious and lingering medical illnesses was apparently not too great a price to pay for increased oil profits.
Following the victory in Iraq, yet another war appeared to be in the offering in the mineral rich regions of Bosnia. Yet again, a hoax was used to create support for military action.
The photo (right) of Fikret Alic staring through a barbed wire fence, was used to "prove" the existence of modern day "Concentration Camps". As the headline of "Belsen 92" indicates, all possible associations with the Nazi horrors were made to sell the necessity of sending yet more American troops into someone else's nation.
But when German Journalists went to Trnopolje, the site of the supposed Concentration Camp. to film a documentary, they discovered that the photo was a fake! The camp at Trnopolje was not a concentration camp but a refugee center. Nor was it surrounded by barbed wire. Careful examination of the original photo revealed that the photographer had shot the photo through a broken section of fence surrounding a tool shed. It was the photographer who was on the inside, shooting out at the refugees.
Once again, Americans had been hoaxed into support of actions they might otherwise not have agreed with.
Written content does not constitute fact.
Since your not linking the artile, nor its source, or its auther you are plagerizing.
There are agendas by governments to motivate. We went thru all this pages ago.
Did you really say "rockafellers"?
Nalod wrote:Playa,Written content does not constitute fact.
Since your not linking the artile, nor its source, or its auther you are plagerizing.
There are agendas by governments to motivate. We went thru all this pages ago.
Did you really say "rockafellers"?
You can't handle the above info I see, truth is truth but to some, it has to come in a package that they themselves approve of.
playa2 wrote:Nalod wrote:Playa,Written content does not constitute fact.
Since your not linking the artile, nor its source, or its auther you are plagerizing.
There are agendas by governments to motivate. We went thru all this pages ago.
Did you really say "rockafellers"?
You can't handle the above info I see, truth is truth but to some, it has to come in a package that they themselves approve of.
playa2 wrote:Nalod wrote:Playa,Written content does not constitute fact.
Since your not linking the artile, nor its source, or its auther you are plagerizing.
There are agendas by governments to motivate. We went thru all this pages ago.
Did you really say "rockafellers"?
You can't handle the above info I see, truth is truth but to some, it has to come in a package that they themselves approve of.
You don't even respond to the comments that are written, you just write random garbage, because if you had to acknowledge the points against it, you'd have no defense.
Please ban. This is a waste of time and is downright disrespectful towards the memories of those who died on 9/11.
Solace wrote:playa2 wrote:Nalod wrote:Playa,Written content does not constitute fact.
Since your not linking the artile, nor its source, or its auther you are plagerizing.
There are agendas by governments to motivate. We went thru all this pages ago.
Did you really say "rockafellers"?
You can't handle the above info I see, truth is truth but to some, it has to come in a package that they themselves approve of.
You don't even respond to the comments that are written, you just write random garbage, because if you had to acknowledge the points against it, you'd have no defense.
Please ban. This is a waste of time and is downright disrespectful towards the memories of those who died on 9/11.
I agree wholeheartedly. I have no idea what the hell is going on... maybe he's bored and obsessing, trying to piss people off, or just straight up paranoid. I don't care. There's nothing legitimate here and it is downright disrespectful