Off Topic · Proof the Bombs not planes took down WTC (page 7)
Solace wrote:playa2 wrote:Nalod wrote:Playa,Written content does not constitute fact.
Since your not linking the artile, nor its source, or its auther you are plagerizing.
There are agendas by governments to motivate. We went thru all this pages ago.
Did you really say "rockafellers"?
You can't handle the above info I see, truth is truth but to some, it has to come in a package that they themselves approve of.
You don't even respond to the comments that are written, you just write random garbage, because if you had to acknowledge the points against it, you'd have no defense.
Please ban. This is a waste of time and is downright disrespectful towards the memories of those who died on 9/11.
I agree wholeheartedly. I have no idea what the hell is going on... maybe he's bored and obsessing, trying to piss people off, or just straight up paranoid. I don't care. There's nothing legitimate here and it is downright disrespectful
We have missles underground that are manned 24/7 and Donald Rumsfeld made sure we did not retaliate against those so called hijacked flights , he ordered a stand down even though he was told the plane was getting closer.
Many of the families are outraged about the lack of investigation what are you talking about ?
911 victims families and survivors speak read for yourself
Edmund McNally, WTC 2 victim, 97th floor:
Edmund McNally phoned his wife Liz twice following the aircraft impact. Mr McNally said in his second phone call "Liz, this was a terrorist attack. I can hear explosions below me.''
Louie Cacchioli, a firefighter assigned to Engine 47 in Harlem:
"On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there was bombs set in the building."
Kim White, WTC 1 survivor, on 80th floor at time of impact:
"We got down as far as the 74th floor [...] Then there was another explosion, so we left again by the stairwell."
NBC reporter Pat Dawson at the morning of 911:
”...The Chief of Safety of the Fire Department of New York told me thinks that there were actually devices that were planted in the building.
Teresa Veliz was a manager for a software development firm. She was on the 47th floor of the North Tower when American 11 struck. Veliz was able to reach the ground level at about the same time that the South Tower collapsed. Flung to the ground in total darkness, Veliz and a colleague followed another person who happened to have a flashlight. As she narrated later: “The flashlight led us into Borders bookstore, up an escalator, and out to Church Street. The explosions were going off everywhere. I was convinced that there were bombs planted all over the place and someone was sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons. I was afraid to go down Church Street towards Broadway, but I had to do it. I ended up on Vesey Street. There was another explosion. And another. I didn’t know which way to run.” (September 11: An Oral History by Dean E. Murphy Doubleday Books, 2002)
Ross Milanytch, who was witnessing the collapse from the 22th floor of Chase Manhatten Bank:
"[I saw] small explosions on each floor [as the tower came down]" (Jim Marrs - The War on Freedom: The 9/11 Conspiracies. His source: A magazine America at War article entitled, "They Saw It Happen: Eyewitness accounts to the World Trade Center Attack.")
Reporter just after the Pentagon has collapsed CNN mentions this at around 10:15am:
"We have a report now of a fourth explosion at the Trade Center."
FOX news anchor live at 10 AM as the first tower collapses:
"There is an explosion at the base of the building . . . white smoke from the bottom . . . something has happened at the base of the building."
Bill Christison is a former senior official of the CIA. He was a National Intelligence Officer and the Director of the CIA's Office of Regional and Political Analysis before his retirement in 1979. Since then he has written numerous articles on U.S. foreign policies.
Referencing the 2.3 trillion dollars that was discovered to be missing from the Pentagon's coffers, Christison emphasized the fact that with an unlimited budget, the scope of operations that could be undertaken by the military-industrial complex are almost without recourse.
Christison initially approached the subject unwilling to even consider that elements of the government could be engaged in such heights of criminality but his research quickly began to change his mind.
"Just about half a year ago it dawned on me that not only was I trying to avoid an issue that might be extraordinarily important - more important than any other issue," said Christison.
"I have since decided least some elements in this US government had contributed in some way or other to causing 9/11 to happen or at least allowing it to happen."
"There is so much money now sloshing around throughout not only the CIA but the intelligence components of the Defense Department - which are actually bigger than the CIA - that these guys can do almost anything they want these days."
Christison said that one of the subsidiary motives behind 9/11 was to take attention away from an impending exposure of the missing trillions and criminal proceedings against high officials - just as LBJ had Kennedy assassinated partly to delay imminent corruption probes that would have sent him to prison.
Christison is just the latest in a deluge of former government and intelligence agency insiders to boldly go public with their doubts about the official story behind 9/11 and he has an urgent message for future whistleblowers who might be considering the same course of action.
"We have got to be willing to be discredited, we have got to stick our necks out - this is just plain too important."
Friday, 21 May 2010 09:02 PM
Whistleblower Reveals "Backdoor" 757 Remote Control And Flight Crew "Lockout" Technology Available Prior To 9/11
( - Wayne Anderson, an Avionics Technician is interviewed by Rob Balsamo, Co-Founder, Pilots For 9/11 Truth. Wayne reveals his observations of a remote guidance test on a Boeing 757 in which technology was used to control the aircraft remotely, while also being able to "Lockout" the Flight Crew from overriding the autopilot system in order to regain control of the airplane. The following interview discusses the details of this test which was performed prior to September 11, 2001, the violations of FAA regulations and the possibilities using such technology.
Right Click and save target as... (46 min runtime, 21.1mb download)
Founded in August 2006, Pilots For 9/11 Truth is a growing organization of aviation professionals from around the globe. The organization has analyzed Data provided by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) for the Pentagon Attack, the events in Shanksville, PA and the World Trade Center attack. The data does not support the government story. The NTSB/FBI refuse to comment. Pilots For 9/11 Truth do not offer theory or point blame at this point in time. However, there is a growing mountain of conflicting information and data in which government agencies and officials along with Mainstream Media refuse to acknowledge. Pilots For 9/11 Truth Core member list continues to grow.
Too many are afraid to see these things that have happened. These things have been planned for a long time and the evil people just keep testing the American public with little disasters here and there to keep them afraid of fake false flag terrorist.
A twin engine grey military plane with a blue logo on it.
A New Study of the Seismic Signals on September 11, 2001 in New York Fri, 04 Jun 2010 03:44 EDT
It is impossible to get such a magnitude only from the falling of the debris, more especially over a duration of ten seconds!! Even if the entire tower had been compacted into a tight ball, it would have necessitated the speed of a meteorite, in any case, more than that caused by the Earth's gravity, to even approach such a magnitude!!

During the 9/11 Attacks?
Extracts from 'Who's in Charge Here?' by Gail Sheehy
When President Bush finally agreed to have a "conversation" with the 9-11 commissioners--provided it was not under oath, not recorded, and Cheney was at his side--the account the two top leaders gave was murky and unverifiable. On the crucial matter of whether fighters should be sent up to protect the nation's capital, for example, the final report says that "the Vice President stated that he called the President to discuss the rules of engagement for ordering [air cover]." But, it continues, the two did not order air cover because it would "do no good unless pilots had instructions on whether they were authorized to shoot if the plane would not divert." The job of issuing such instructions belonged to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld.
Rumsfeld's public testimony before the commission last March was bizarre. When Gorelick asked the Secretary of Defense what he had done to protect the nation—or even the Pentagon—during the "summer of threat" preceding the attacks, Rumsfeld replied simply that "it was a law-enforcement issue." (So, observers were left to wonder, should the FBI be out with shoulder-launched missiles?)
"We still don't have a full accounting of Rumsfeld's whereabouts and knowledge on the morning of 9-11," Gorelick acknowledged after the commission's final public hearing. "We don't have answers to the questions that you're asking. But I'm going to make sure it's nailed down," she promised. Yet the final published report offers no further details on Rumsfeld's inactions or the reason he was "out of the loop" (as the secretary himself put it) that morning.
The National Military Command Center (NMCC) inside the Pentagon was the nerve center of the military's response to the attacks on 9-11. But the lead military officer that day, Brigadier General Montague Winfield, told the commission that the center had been leaderless."For 30 minutes we couldn't find [Secretary Rumsfeld]." Where was Rumsfeld on 9-11? I put the question to the commission's vice chair, Lee Hamilton, following the release of the report the commissioners call "the definitive account of 9-11."
"We investigated very carefully Mr. Rumsfeld's actions," said Hamilton. "He was having breakfast with Congressional leaders, and they hear a plane has hit the Pentagon, and he runs out."
"He had to have been told before the Pentagon was hit that two trade centers were hit and the country was under attack," I suggested.
Was the commission comfortable with the fact that the country's Secretary of Defense was not in the chain of command or present in the Pentagon's command center until all four suicide hijacked planes were down?
"I'm not going to answer that question," said Hamilton, and turned away.
Media - Propaganda Now
According to US government propaganda, terrorist cells are spread throughout America, making it necessary for the government to spy on all Americans and violate most other constitutional protections. Among President Bush’s last words as he left office was the warning that America would soon be struck again by Muslim terrorists.
If America were infected with terrorists, we would not need the government to tell us. We would know it from events. As there are no events, the US government substitutes warnings in order to keep alive the fear that causes the public to accept pointless wars, the infringement of civil liberty, national ID cards, and inconveniences and harassments when they fly.
The most obvious indication that there are no terrorist cells is that not a single neocon has been assassinated.
I do not approve of assassinations, and am ashamed of my country’s government for engaging in political assassination. The US and Israel have set a very bad example for al Qaeda to follow.
The US deals with al Qaeda and Taliban by assassinating their leaders, and Israel deals with Hamas by assassinating its leaders. It is reasonable to assume that al Qaeda would deal with the instigators and leaders of America’s wars in the Middle East in the same way.
Today every al Qaeda member is aware of the complicity of neoconservatives in the death and devastation inflicted on Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and Gaza. Moreover, neocons are highly visible and are soft targets compared to Hamas and Hezbollah leaders. Neocons have been identified in the media for years, and as everyone knows, multiple listings of their names are available online.
Neocons do not have Secret Service protection. Dreadful to contemplate, but it would be child’s play for al Qaeda to assassinate any and every neocon. Yet, neocons move around freely, a good indication that the US does not have a terrorist problem.
If, as neocons constantly allege, terrorists can smuggle nuclear weapons or dirty bombs into the US with which to wreak havoc upon our cities, terrorists can acquire weapons with which to assassinate any neocon or former government official.
Yet, the neocons, who are the Americans most hated by Muslims, remain unscathed.
The “war on terror” is a hoax that fronts for American control of oil pipelines, the profits of the military-security complex, the assault on civil liberty by fomenters of a police state, and Israel’s territorial expansion.
There were no al Qaeda in Iraq until the Americans brought them there by invading and overthrowing Saddam Hussein, who kept al Qaeda out of Iraq. The Taliban is not a terrorist organization, but a movement attempting to unify Afghanistan under Muslim law. The only Americans threatened by the Taliban are the Americans Bush sent to Afghanistan to kill Taliban and to impose a puppet state on the Afghan people.
Hamas is the democratically elected government of Palestine, or what little remains of Palestine after Israel’s illegal annexations. Hamas is a terrorist organization in the same sense that the Israeli government and the US government are terrorist organizations. In an effort to bring Hamas under Israeli hegemony, Israel employs terror bombing and assassinations against Palestinians. Hamas replies to the Israeli terror with homemade and ineffectual rockets.
Hezbollah represents the Shi’ites of southern Lebanon, another area in the Middle East that Israel seeks for its territorial expansion.
The US brands Hamas and Hezbollah “terrorist organizations” for no other reason than the US is on Israel’s side of the conflict. There is no objective basis for the US Department of State’s “finding” that Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations. It is merely a propagandistic declaration.
Americans and Israelis do not call their bombings of civilians terror. What Americans and Israelis call terror is the response of oppressed people who are stateless because their countries are ruled by puppets loyal to the oppressors. These people, dispossessed of their own countries, have no State Departments, Defense Departments, seats in the United Nations, or voices in the mainstream media. They can submit to foreign hegemony or resist by the limited means available to them.
The fact that Israel and the United States carry on endless propaganda to prevent this fundamental truth from being realized indicates that it is Israel and the US that are in the wrong and the Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis, and Afghans who are being wronged.
The retired American generals who serve as war propagandists for Fox “News” are forever claiming that Iran arms the Iraqi and Afghan insurgents and Hamas. But where are the arms? To deal with American tanks, insurgents have to construct homemade explosive devices out of artillery shells. After six years of conflict the insurgents still have no weapon against the American helicopter gunships. Contrast this “arming” with the weaponry the US supplied to the Afghans three decades ago when they were fighting to drive out the Soviets.
The films of Israel’s murderous assault on Gaza show large numbers of Gazans fleeing from Israeli bombs or digging out the dead and maimed, and none of these people is armed. A person would think that by now every Palestinian would be armed, every man, woman, and child. Yet, all the films of the Israeli attack show an unarmed population. Hamas has to construct homemade rockets that are little more than a sign of defiance. If Hamas were armed by Iran, Israel’s assault on Gaza would have cost Israel its helicopter gunships, its tanks, and hundreds of lives of its soldiers.
Hamas is a small organization armed with small caliber rifles incapable of penetrating body armor. Hamas is unable to stop small bands of Israeli settlers from descending on West Bank Palestinian villages, driving out the Palestinians, and appropriating their land.
The great mystery is: why after 60 years of oppression are the Palestinians still an unarmed people? Clearly, the Muslim countries are complicit with Israel and the US in keeping the Palestinians unarmed.
The unsupported assertion that Iran supplies sophisticated arms to the Palestinians is like the unsupported assertion that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. These assertions are propagandistic justifications for killing Arab civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure in order to secure US and Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.
Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.

History - US Empire
by Harry V. Martin with research assistance from David Caul (underscores added)
Some people have referred to it as the "secret government" of the United States. It is not an elected body; it does not involve itself in public disclosures; and it even has a quasi-secret budget in the billions of dollars.
This government organization has more power than the President of the United States or the Congress. It has the power to suspend laws, move entire populations, arrest and detain citizens without a warrant and hold them without trial. It can seize property, food supplies, transportation systems, and can suspend the Constitution. Not only is it the most powerful entity in the United States, but it was not even created under Constitutional law by the Congress. It was a product of a Presidential Executive Order.
No, it is not the U.S. military nor the Central Intelligence Agency; they are subject to Congress. The organization is called FEMA, which stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Originally conceived in the Richard Nixon Administration, it was refined by President Jimmy Carter and given teeth in the Ronald Reagan and George Bush Administrations.
FEMA had one original concept when it was created -- to assure the survivability of the United States government in the event of a nuclear attack on this nation. It was also provided with the task of being a federal coordinating body during times of domestic disasters, such as earthquakes, floods and hurricanes.
Its awesome powers grew under the tutelage of people like Lt. Col. Oliver North and General Richard Secord, the architects on the Iran-Contra scandal and the looting of America's savings and loan institutions. FEMA has even been given control of the State Defense Forces, a rag-tag, often considered neo-Nazi, civilian army that will substitute for the National Guard, if the Guard is called to duty overseas.
Look at the question about foreknowledge about 911, and look how incriminating bush answered it

playa2 wrote:If you have nothing to add why post ??? If you don't believe but still want to get educated then I see why you put up animated stuff.
playa2 wrote:If you have nothing to add why post ???
We've been wondering the same thing through all of your drivel. You don't want to respond to any points, you don't want to post links to the extremist sites you get your material from. This shows you are clearly close minded about this, you have entirely made up your mind, and you've already called us idiots and/or blind or some such at least twice during your posting. You're not spreading information; you're holding a thread hostage so you can just keep posting your baseless theories. We're simply waiting for the mods to end the comedy of errors.
Look at the original hole, and you believe a 757 went thru there, or a missle ?