Knicks · Biden out (page 14)

martin @ 8/29/2024 5:16 PM
Anyone have thoughts about having an abortion after a baby is born and the legalization of that in 6 states?

Alpha1971 @ 8/29/2024 7:33 PM
As a former Republican the biggest shame that led me to leave, among many was the voter suppression efforts I noticed largely aimed at people of certain ethnic and racial demographics. It's alive and in full bloom in efforts to again discredit an election where Trump looses, effort is getting the election to the SCOTUS and let them give it to Trump.
gradyandrew @ 8/29/2024 10:03 PM
martin wrote:Anyone have thoughts about having an abortion after a baby is born and the legalization of that in 6 states?

Minnesota's 2023 law as written is enough fodder for Trump to sell to the evangelical crowd. It's just pathological with him how he has to embellish and lie about everything.

CanItGetAnyWorse @ 8/30/2024 5:21 AM
foosballnick wrote:
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:Unity Government, interesting. Joe Rogan as press secretary?

Interesting. Just curious why Trump was not all about unity government during his first term nor did he take on Big Pharma and Big Food or give any indication he would do so at that time. But now after a couple of tweets and pandering to RFK potential voters you feel Trump had suddenly become an idealist after 78 years as an extreme narcissist (including 4 years as POTUS) all about self branding and diverting money into his own pockets?

Way too much too soon and Trump was already on the defense.
Things gonna increase now going forward. September gonna be hot.
Almost getting killed and finding God also connected.

More Unity Government.

I made a pact with myself not to put others down for their beliefs and I won't try to convince you who to vote for. That being said, just curious what you see in Trump acting differently now that you say he's found God? I still see divisiveness and hate in his stump speeches. Unapologetic, Unforgiving, Insulting people and talking about how great he is. I would think that's the opposite actions of someone who just found God. Aren't you also then saying he was selling his $50 Bibles just for the money since he hadn't found God prior? Also, what do you mean by unity? Is it unity for everyone or just Trump supporters?

Mind you, I didn’t have a problem with Trump before he found God. But I can imagine almost getting assassinated and finding God has him on a bit of a mission to clean up the corruption in the 3 letter agencies (to start.)

Regarding divisiveness, that is mostly done by the media. Remember how they sold us on “Mostly Peaceful Protests”? Or Russia Russia Russia and years of a special prosecutor but finding nothing? Project Mockingbird still strong.

Unity – well, I can’t remember ever seeing large Democratic candidates moving over to support a Republican. And to the level RFK Jr. is doing it, seems like a plan in the making. You hear more about RFK Jr. than JD Vance. Anyway, seeing Democrats coming over to Trumps side (and more on the way), is a very heavy pill for the Democrats to swallow. And everyone is seeing this. And the number of black people now supporting Trump and his policies is a huge red pill many are seeing.

I just don’t see any real meaningful changes coming under Harris. And this thread reflects that. Just more of the same or perhaps copying Trump’s ideas. E.g. Crypto Friendly
The last 4 years were an ad for “More of the same.” We’re tired of that.

Just what RFK Jr / Trump recently said about investigating the growing sicknesses/diseases in our children and our sicknesses via the corporate food supply have a lot of people’s attention. And trying a tax system based more on tariffs is promising. I trust an actual businessman and his experts to come up with something more than a politician (in general). Creating new cities. Making America strong and respected again. Not starting new wars, again in his 2nd term. There is a reason Trump is the clear favorite now. And add to that the way many States are cleaning up their voter rolls (e.g. Texas, AZ, etc), is extremely favorable to Trump.

I think this is less about politics and more about a fight between Good and Evil. My money is on God.

A lot to unpack in your post. I prefer to stay with actions and facts.

- RFK Jr ran as an Independant. He may have once been a Democrat, Trump was once one as well. He approached the Harris campaign first and when rebuffed, he threw his support towards Trump. Not sure that represents the highest levels of integrity, perseverance and resolve.

- Please feel free to share your polling information on black voter increased support for Trump since Harris became the candidate.

- There are already groups of Republicans who have flipped over to support Harris. Which Dems are you referring to that are forthcoming for Trump.

- During his first term, Trump gutted the USDA / Department of Agriculture leading to less guard rails for the Big Meat monopolies. With those types of policies in mind, how are you suggesting he will take on Big Food?

- Tariffs raise the price of goods for consumers. Almost everyone is currently unhappy when inflation hits. Are you suggesting you would be happy paying more for stuff in a perpetual state of inflation?

- Can you share the polling data that is showing Trump as the clear favorite since Harris became his opposition?

- Also - You really never answered about what Trump is doing to reveal he is on the "Good" side with God. Have you looked at what he posts on Truth Social or how he continues to denigrate people lately? Even after the assassination attempt. Has he turned to scripture? Has he become generous with his time and money? Has he turned to the teachings of Jesus? I'm all ears on your observations on this one.

Final thought, what are you expecting will change under Trump that will impact you on a personal level in a positive way?

- The DNC and in particular the Kamala insertion makes it clear that they decide who runs and not the people. Kennedy running as an Independant is just a way for him to run. Everyone knows his family is synonymous with true Democrats, before the commies took over the party.

- I have met 1 or 2 people who were polled. Watching countless interviews shows how many Black Americans support Trump, not to mention quite a few of my friends and aquantances. MSM is in its dying process, just look at the numbers, layoffs, etc. People of all colors are fed up with the Democratic party.

- It was said that Come September we will see the other Dems supporting Trump.Let’s see what happens.

- For starters, we already see sicknesses coming from both industrial food and childhood vaccinations. It is just a question of a change of the guard and letting the information out. Right now it is heavily censored/guarded.

- Tariffs - probably a compromise is in order. Tariffs have worked fine prior to the Federal Reserve, which is private. Complicated and I am no expert, but many want to try stg new. Business as usual no longer works. Our dollar has lost 98% of it’s value since 1913.
At the least a simplified tax system is in order, as is lower taxes. Both worked under Trump and note, “Biden” never stopped the heavy Chinese tarrifs Trump put in. Also, look into Reagan’s lower Taxes that also stimulated the economy.

- Re God and trump, for starters.

This very short video puts everything in a nutshell.

Sorry, on vacation and not at desktop, so my time/access is limited.

Again regarding Harris, I see nothing new coming from her, except taxes.

Alpha1971 @ 8/30/2024 5:41 AM
TDS is to blame for not voting for Trump ? Boy nothing like a Trump supporter to bury their heads in the sand. A delightful bliss of ignorance is what I call it when Trump supporters choose to live in their deluded imaginations. But what's the payoff for that loyalty ?
CanItGetAnyWorse @ 8/30/2024 6:09 AM
Alpha1971 wrote:TDS is to blame for not voting for Trump ? Boy nothing like a Trump supporter to bury their heads in the sand. A delightful bliss of ignorance is what I call it when Trump supporters choose to live in their deluded imaginations. But what's the payoff for that loyalty ?

Ironic reply. Confirmation?

newyorknewyork @ 8/30/2024 8:37 AM
newyorknewyork @ 8/30/2024 8:51 AM
martin @ 8/30/2024 11:29 AM
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:- The DNC and in particular the Kamala insertion makes it clear that they decide who runs and not the people.

The DNC and the RNC both work this way.

As a party, they both decide who will represent them. At first the DNC picked Biden, and then they changed their mind. They can do that as much as the RNC can.

After each party picks their representative, the voters of America through our electoral college (which is decidedly not the people as well) pick the winner.

Why do you not know this? This is middle school or high school level knowledge.

I'd guess you get your information from Fox News. They are they only real source pushing this false information that you have inhaled.

martin @ 8/30/2024 11:32 AM
martin wrote:
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:- The DNC and in particular the Kamala insertion makes it clear that they decide who runs and not the people.

The DNC and the RNC both work this way.

As a party, they both decide who will represent them. At first the DNC picked Biden, and then they changed their mind. They can do that as much as the RNC can.

After each party picks their representative, the voters of America through our electoral college (which is decidedly not the people as well) pick the winner.

Why do you not know this? This is middle school or high school level knowledge.

I'd guess you get your information from Fox News. They are they only real source pushing this false information that you have inhaled.

Candidly, Trump was the one who did a coup, right? He bogarted the RNC and now OWNES them. Trump's daughter in law is running the show LOL

You want to really know who is doing all the insertion of dumb peolple into the Republican Party? It's Trump? The RNC is toast and will run out of money paying for Trump's lawyer's bills. Down state stuff is going to suffer, thankfully.

But keep up with the DNC stuff. It's enlightening to how misinformed voters are.

Josiah31 @ 8/30/2024 1:01 PM
martin wrote:
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:- The DNC and in particular the Kamala insertion makes it clear that they decide who runs and not the people.

The DNC and the RNC both work this way.

As a party, they both decide who will represent them. At first the DNC picked Biden, and then they changed their mind. They can do that as much as the RNC can.

After each party picks their representative, the voters of America through our electoral college (which is decidedly not the people as well) pick the winner.

Why do you not know this? This is middle school or high school level knowledge.

I'd guess you get your information from Fox News. They are they only real source pushing this false information that you have inhaled.

This is about as dumb of a take as it gets. Trump was primaried in and voted for. Harris was installed. She’s a terrible candidate that doesn’t have one single thing to hang her hat on. She’s also apart of the worst administration we have seen in a while. Only morons would continue to vote for this shit show.

foosballnick @ 8/30/2024 1:31 PM
Josiah31 wrote:
martin wrote:
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:- The DNC and in particular the Kamala insertion makes it clear that they decide who runs and not the people.

The DNC and the RNC both work this way.

As a party, they both decide who will represent them. At first the DNC picked Biden, and then they changed their mind. They can do that as much as the RNC can.

After each party picks their representative, the voters of America through our electoral college (which is decidedly not the people as well) pick the winner.

Why do you not know this? This is middle school or high school level knowledge.

I'd guess you get your information from Fox News. They are they only real source pushing this false information that you have inhaled.

This is about as dumb of a take as it gets. Trump was primaried in and voted for. Harris was installed. She’s a terrible candidate that doesn’t have one single thing to hang her hat on. She’s also apart of the worst administration we have seen in a while. Only morons would continue to vote for this shit show.

When it comes to Presidential elections many seem to want to make statements that are over the top, histrionic and overly superlative. You've stated that the Biden administration is the "worst". I'll asked then - how much worse are you personally than you were 4 years ago as a direct effect of the President?

Personally I'm overall in a better position than I was at this time 4 years ago. What Trump and his team have said they want to do in his next term scares me. He has actually used the term dictator. He has talked about vengeance against his political foes. He has lied about his ties to Project 2025. He has talked about deploying the military on US soil. He has talked about backing out of NATO. He denies climate change. He denies anything that does not go his way. He applauds and cozies up to dictators. He does not appear to have an empathy gene. There's more if you follow closely. Unless seeking an authoritarian, not sure how this doesn't scare people.

newyorknewyork @ 8/30/2024 2:35 PM
martin wrote:
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:- The DNC and in particular the Kamala insertion makes it clear that they decide who runs and not the people.

The DNC and the RNC both work this way.

As a party, they both decide who will represent them. At first the DNC picked Biden, and then they changed their mind. They can do that as much as the RNC can.

After each party picks their representative, the voters of America through our electoral college (which is decidedly not the people as well) pick the winner.

Why do you not know this? This is middle school or high school level knowledge.

I'd guess you get your information from Fox News. They are they only real source pushing this false information that you have inhaled.

To add,

Since support and enthusiasm for him from the public was wavering, due to visible decline from his age. DNC put pressure on Biden to step down. DNC only answered the call that the public was trending, by not showing the necessary support and enthusiasm. Biden chose to step down, if Biden doesn't decide to step down then there would be nothing the DNC would be able to do to stop him from being the candidate at that point.
Now there should have always been the foresight and preparation for Biden to be one term while prepping the next candidate dating back to 2020.

There was no election for the DNC nomination because nobody chose to oppose Harris. Just like there was no election to unseat Biden as the nomination leading to him stepping down since no one chose to oppose Biden.

newyorknewyork @ 8/30/2024 2:42 PM
Josiah31 wrote:
martin wrote:
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:- The DNC and in particular the Kamala insertion makes it clear that they decide who runs and not the people.

The DNC and the RNC both work this way.

As a party, they both decide who will represent them. At first the DNC picked Biden, and then they changed their mind. They can do that as much as the RNC can.

After each party picks their representative, the voters of America through our electoral college (which is decidedly not the people as well) pick the winner.

Why do you not know this? This is middle school or high school level knowledge.

I'd guess you get your information from Fox News. They are they only real source pushing this false information that you have inhaled.

This is about as dumb of a take as it gets. Trump was primaried in and voted for. Harris was installed. She’s a terrible candidate that doesn’t have one single thing to hang her hat on. She’s also apart of the worst administration we have seen in a while. Only morons would continue to vote for this shit show.

If your a Trump supporter then you should be enthusiastic about it then no? As she wouldn't get the necessary votes to win the election at the end of the day then. Should be an easy win for Trump, since the public won't vote for a person who was just installed who they didn't plan on supporting no? DNC just installing a person who won't generate the votes to win the election would be on them.

Not that we should take the opinion of someone who would vote for Trump credibly anyway when it comes to integrity.

newyorknewyork @ 8/30/2024 3:02 PM
I remember leading to Trump it was said Obama was the worst President ever. Mind you we legit had a recession during the Bush era. Now Biden is the worst Presidency ever. Mind you we were coming off a pandemic with 1.2 million deaths, 2.7million lost jobs, and $8 trillion added to the National Dept.
Josiah31 @ 8/30/2024 3:08 PM
newyorknewyork wrote:
martin wrote:
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:- The DNC and in particular the Kamala insertion makes it clear that they decide who runs and not the people.

The DNC and the RNC both work this way.

As a party, they both decide who will represent them. At first the DNC picked Biden, and then they changed their mind. They can do that as much as the RNC can.

After each party picks their representative, the voters of America through our electoral college (which is decidedly not the people as well) pick the winner.

Why do you not know this? This is middle school or high school level knowledge.

I'd guess you get your information from Fox News. They are they only real source pushing this false information that you have inhaled.

To add,

Since support and enthusiasm for him from the public was wavering, due to visible decline from his age. DNC put pressure on Biden to step down. DNC only answered the call that the public was trending, by not showing the necessary support and enthusiasm. Biden chose to step down, if Biden doesn't decide to step down then there would be nothing the DNC would be able to do to stop him from being the candidate at that point.
Now there should have always been the foresight and preparation for Biden to be one term while prepping the next candidate dating back to 2020.

There was no election for the DNC nomination because nobody chose to oppose Harris. Just like there was no election to unseat Biden as the nomination leading to him stepping down since no one chose to oppose Biden.

Define better off? If you are talking about unrealized gains like home equity or stocks, than it can be stripped from you in no time. Other then that, unless you are a very lucky American, I find it hard to believe you are better off than you were 4 years ago. 95 percent of Americans can’t keep up with inflation. Over 1 trillion in credit card debt. Now 35 trillion in debt as a country. None of us are better off.

You likely haven’t had wage increases to keep up with the amount of inflation we have seen under Obiden. It’s been a disaster.

Josiah31 @ 8/30/2024 3:13 PM
newyorknewyork wrote:I remember leading to Trump it was said Obama was the worst President ever. Mind you we legit had a recession during the Bush era. Now Biden is the worst Presidency ever. Mind you we were coming off a pandemic with 1.2 million deaths, 2.7million lost jobs, and $8 trillion added to the National Dept.

Biden is an idiot. Guy had Dementia his whole presidency. Who’s been running this country the last 4 years? Whoever it was put the Middle East in shambles.
Afghanistan withdrawal. Everything has been a joke. On the verge of ww3. Unsecure border. It’s why everyone is moving out of the bankrupt liberal cities. NY is a crap hole now. Don’t know how you guys do it.

Josiah31 @ 8/30/2024 3:29 PM
I don’t know who the bigger idiot is. Is it dementia Joe or Kamala who can’t do a pre recorded interview without her emotional support dog, stolen valor Walz? It’s amazing these guys get your support and you continue to vote democrat even after failed polices after failed policies in your own state. It’s nuts.

Integrity? You mean like how you want to vote for a candidate that allows people to kill their own babies? Yeah. Okay. You guys should be smarter then that. Killing your own babies and sterilizing your own party is going to eliminate your own base. You can’t make this stuff up.

jskinny35 @ 8/30/2024 3:56 PM
My 2 cents...

While I lean left (independent) on most issues except for crime and government spending... I believe more of the truth will only be found if both sides are willing to see things as grey and not utilizing black or white thinking. I see some criticisms and concerns re: Biden as valid... and also think Trump may have been the most unpresidential president in history. I think both sides have a lot of faults but instead of trying to determine which side was worse - maybe it would be more helpful to examine specific issues/topics with an agreed upon understanding. Not every democrat or republican typifies the stereotype and the goal is to find common ground. Factual information to verify truth can be hard to come by these days... so maybe eliminate CNN for the left and Fox for the right as cited sources (just an example). Otherwise this thread will keep spinning into oblivion without any chance of incremental gaining of perspective.

I'm up for debating these issues if people agree with some sort of parameters/structure.

newyorknewyork @ 8/30/2024 4:24 PM
Josiah31 wrote:I don’t know who the bigger idiot is. Is it dementia Joe or Kamala who can’t do a pre recorded interview without her emotional support dog, stolen valor Walz? It’s amazing these guys get your support and you continue to vote democrat even after failed polices after failed policies in your own state. It’s nuts.

Integrity? You mean like how you want to vote for a candidate that allows people to kill their own babies? Yeah. Okay. You guys should be smarter then that. Killing your own babies and sterilizing your own party is going to eliminate your own base. You can’t make this stuff up.

One thing at a time when addressing your right wing talking point play book. Also your other previous post was meant to be quoted for Foosballknick.

You initially stated that Trump was primaried in and voted for, and that Kamala was installed. First I need you to acknowledge that she was "installed" because other Dems decided not to oppose her, and that she secured the 2,350 delegates needed to win the nomination. Same way Biden also would have won the nomination if he decided to stay in, going unopposed and securing the 2,350 delegates needed to win the nomination.

2nd you claimed that Kamala is a terrible candidate with nothing to hang her hat on. Which also isn't true, Kamala has a resume of DA, AG, Senator, & VP to hang her hat on. And the kicker is Trump donated money to Kamala when she was the AG. Must have been doing a favorable job in his eyes.

In comparison, Trump's resume was inheriting wealth, bankrupting multiple businesses, screwing over everyone he has every worked with, and committing fraud lying about his net worth in order to secure larger loans for investments.

Making statements then bypassing them when shown to be wrong and moving on to the next talking point isn't going to happen here. You're going to address where you are wrong point by point when making blanketed statements.

ToddTT @ 8/30/2024 5:08 PM
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:
This very short video puts everything in a nutshell.

OMG! I watched this three times, injected 10 cc's of bleach and Ivermectin, and I'm voting for Trump!

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