Knicks · Biden out (page 18)

martin @ 9/2/2024 8:21 PM
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:

You are an American. Why is the first time you are watching Trump in this type of setting?

I know enough about him such that a scripted speech does not give me additional information. Are you still learning about Trump in 2024? He was already president.

I hated Trump for years, so I never had any desire to watch a rally before.

Great, 10 hours of watching should have gotten you a ton of policy. Please share that.

Philc1 @ 9/2/2024 9:27 PM
gradyandrew wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:Specifically I'm talking about renewed offenses, which we may already be seeing.

The guys you talk about are neck deep in everything, all the time. They don’t have holding patterns, just rethought offenses.

There's a school of thought that says the other BRICS nations have been trying to negotiate a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine for most of the year and Putin had been holding back. After the Kursk offensive, Putin can say that Zelensky was negotiating in bad faith and therefore he can presss attacks against the energy infrastructure of Ukraine that will heavily impact the civilian population of Ukraine during the winter. See Alex Mercousis on this.

Maybe I’m not getting your point?

Putin says what he wants, whenever he wants, regardless of truth or anything else going on. Like, Putin felt pressure to slaughter a nation cause he felt Ukraine was going to peacefully enter a NATO agreement, and everyone can swallow that pill or call it for what it is?

Is that how he held back? And why is that your starting frame of reference point?

In Donbass and Luhansk the war began with their attempted secession in 2014. By 2022 according to the CFR, 14,000 people were killed in the war. The 2022 invasion by Russia was an escalation of that now decade old conflict. My feeling is that Putins goals have always been limited- he wanted recognition of the Crimea as part of Russia, some kind of protectorate status over Donbass and Luhansk, and a guarantee that Ukraine wouldn't join NATO. I have never bought the argument that Putin is an existential threat to European democracy, in the same way that I don't see Chinese control of the South China Sea or non recognition of Taiwanese independence as threats to Asian democracies. As far as Russia goes, wasn't Prizoghin's attempted coup last summer about his frustration with the Russian ministry of defense to more vigorously prosecute the war?

Hamas is in a different category as an adversary than Putin and Xi. I believe both Xi and Putin would prefer integration into the world economy (as was the case pre-2014 in Russias case and has always been the case with China) provided their own domestic security concerns are assuaged.

And TBH, for all Trumps faults, he thinks it's better for America to engage both countries than continue the Cold War mentality.

And I'll end with a big fuck you to cnn who asked Harris bullshit questions like "What were you doing when Biden called to say he was dropping out?" and endless rehashing of why she changed her mind on fracking instead of anything about her thoughts on Russia and China.

More like trump wants to appease Putin at every opportunity and he has no idea how to deal with China other than race bait. Putin started the war in Ukraine. There is nothing trump and right wing media can say to change that.

When did the war in Ukraine start?

When Putin invaded a sovereign country. But lemme guess you’re googling tulsi gabbard talking points

Philc1 @ 9/2/2024 9:31 PM
gradyandrew wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
As it pertains to the election, I like Trumps foreign policy more than Harris's.

Foreign policy is the main thing I look at because while the president has limited influence on domestic issues, they pretty much have carte blanche in foreign policy.

Does this make me a fascist? I don't think so. Tbh the president's only job should be in service of us national interests. I don't see how conflict with Russia and China benefits America.

Perhaps you can explain what Trump's foreign policy is? Best I can tell from his previous term it was centered around cozying up to Strong Men in order to garner favor in greasing the skids for Trump's person enrichment to build or gain advantage for his international Hotels and Golf Courses.

Not sure what information they're blocking you from in China but the conflicts with Russia and China are much more than the rhetoric about saving the world from facism. That is messaging for public consumption. US is protecting its own national interests. Ukraine provides the US base metals and agricultural products. Also a stronger NATO means a greater stability across US ally countries from both a trade and security perspective. With China it's likely about protecting US currency as the dominant global standard as well as trade with Taiwan. US imports over $100 Billion of goods from Taiwan including 45% of our semi-conductors which go into both computer logic and memory chips. Having China control this would be extremely detrimental to US positioning as a leader in AI as well as computation and military applications.

A US isolationist policy as MAGA supporters push for would likely be devastating for both US interests and as a consumer marker. Trumpseems to only care about what is good for Trump and like a spoiled child is too narcissistic to understand the nuance of international policy and it's long term effect on US interests. He was somewhat shilded from this in his first term by having some functional people around him. For his current platform the 2025 proposal is to surround him with loyalists who do not offer divergent opinions. Not sure how you would agree that would be prudent for any type of sustainable foreign policy.

Are you really any different than MAGA supporters who seem to not be studied on what is actually going on with this guy?

Trump's already been president for four years so I think we can just refer to 2016-2020 for his foreign policy. What problems did you have with his first run? Him not bombing Russia for interference in our elections? The Abraham Accords?

As part of the two agreements, both the UAE and Bahrain recognized Israel's sovereignty, enabling the establishment of full diplomatic relations. Israel's initial agreement with the UAE marked the first instance of Israel establishing diplomatic relations with an Arab country since 1994, when the Israel–Jordan peace treaty came into effect.[

The Abraham accords has had zero impact on global affairs on any level. Bahrain is a resort island in the Persian gulf where Saudis can go to get drunk and UAE is just bigger version of that it’s like saying the US and Maldives making a peace treaty is a big deal

And trump sucked as a president. The national debt increased from $20 trillion to $27 trillion in just 4 years which is the real cause of inflation to go along with insane price gouging by retailers. There’s also the matter of millions of Americans dying of COVID because he wanted to pretend it didn’t exist

gradyandrew @ 9/2/2024 10:41 PM
Philc1 wrote:
When Putin invaded a sovereign country. But lemme guess you’re googling tulsi gabbard talking points

According to the Council on Foreign Relations there were 14,000 casualties in Donbass and Luhansk between 2014 and 2022.

martin @ 9/2/2024 10:57 PM
Philc1 wrote:And trump sucked as a president. The national debt increased from $20 trillion to $27 trillion in just 4 years which is the real cause of inflation to go along with insane price gouging by retailers. There’s also the matter of millions of Americans dying of COVID because he wanted to pretend it didn’t exist

What have you got to lose, right? Besides American lives?

HofstraBBall @ 9/3/2024 7:52 AM
gradyandrew wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
When Putin invaded a sovereign country. But lemme guess you’re googling tulsi gabbard talking points

According to the Council on Foreign Relations there were 14,000 casualties in Donbass and Luhansk between 2014 and 2022.

Not sure if Grady is allowed to open these sites?

NYKBocker @ 9/3/2024 8:24 AM
HofstraBBall @ 9/3/2024 9:47 AM
By the way, Trumps foreign policy has been just like his own personal view on life.
Which is fuck everyone else only I matter.
HofstraBBall @ 9/3/2024 9:52 AM
The Biden administration should receive some credit for understanding and implementing a strategy where US troops were not committed. They realized the fact that one can participate in a conflict without putting its citizens in danger.
We all know if Trump had been re elected this would not been an issue.
Since he would never get in the way of his BFF. Or spend a dollar for the benefit of someone else in need.
GustavBahler @ 9/3/2024 9:58 AM
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
foosballnick wrote:Not sure what information they're blocking you from in China but the conflicts with Russia and China are much more than the rhetoric about saving the world from facism. That is messaging for public consumption.

How familiar are you with Chinese media? Does consuming both make me less informed?

No, it makes us wonder what you can and cannot read or have access to. Because none of us know.

Russia and China are trying to spread their system of government across the world?

gradyandrew, I’m trying to explain to you that the rest of us are wondering if your information is limited because of where you live in the world. I don’t think that’s an unusual take.

You don’t make things easier on yourself or anyone you are interacting with. We are literally giving you the benefit of doubt.
That’s all.

Candidly, I don’t understand what your response above means.

martin @ 9/3/2024 9:05 PM
He is not wrong

doomed @ 9/3/2024 9:32 PM
Can’t believe people still think this guy is a viable human being let alone someone worthy of leadership.

I’m done being nice or mincing words. Some of you need to wake up. There’s so much wrong with this turd. You can throw a dart at his entire existence and heritage and come up with something vile.

Random info of the day— there’s so much, but let’s chew on this one— trump’s grandfather was a pimp. Yep. That bag of shit ran a brothel out in the Pacific Northwest. And he pimped out underage girls.

That’s one grain of sand from the scumbag beach of Trump. Ps That’s not even their real name. They changed from drumpf to trump. Their entire existence is fraudulent and dirty.

HofstraBBall @ 9/3/2024 9:37 PM
gradyandrew @ 9/3/2024 10:20 PM
HofstraBBall wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
When Putin invaded a sovereign country. But lemme guess you’re googling tulsi gabbard talking points

According to the Council on Foreign Relations there were 14,000 casualties in Donbass and Luhansk between 2014 and 2022.

Not sure if Grady is allowed to open these sites?

US officials met with protesters calling for the overthrow of the Chinese government on Chinese soil. How's this any different?

gradyandrew @ 9/3/2024 10:23 PM
HofstraBBall wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
When Putin invaded a sovereign country. But lemme guess you’re googling tulsi gabbard talking points

According to the Council on Foreign Relations there were 14,000 casualties in Donbass and Luhansk between 2014 and 2022.

Not sure if Grady is allowed to open these sites?

Good stuff. Kind of begs the question of why Sweden and Finland were so quickly admitted to NATO while Ukraine has had to wait 20 years. Is it a stretch of the imagination to understand why Russia would feel nervous about NATO on it's doorstep, especially considering how the threat that NATO was established to counter is 30+ years in the past?

I haven't heard a cogent argument as to why it's in American interest to fund Ukraine as a client state. Trump is running for president of America, not the world.

gradyandrew @ 9/4/2024 12:18 AM
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:

You are an American. Why is the first time you are watching Trump in this type of setting?

I know enough about him such that a scripted speech does not give me additional information. Are you still learning about Trump in 2024? He was already president.

I hated Trump for years, so I never had any desire to watch a rally before.

Great, 10 hours of watching should have gotten you a ton of policy. Please share that.

I wasn't taken notes. The rallies are almost absent of any specific policies, not taxing tips was the only one I remember.

HofstraBBall @ 9/4/2024 7:39 AM
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
When Putin invaded a sovereign country. But lemme guess you’re googling tulsi gabbard talking points

According to the Council on Foreign Relations there were 14,000 casualties in Donbass and Luhansk between 2014 and 2022.

Not sure if Grady is allowed to open these sites?

US officials met with protesters calling for the overthrow of the Chinese government on Chinese soil. How's this any different?

Not sure if there is a language barrier or if you are not able to fully open up certain links.

Article posted was how thousands marched for democracy. Which is a common occurrence in several communist countries despite efforts by those governments to suppress them. Missed how marching in front of the US consulate is a “meeting”?

HofstraBBall @ 9/4/2024 7:57 AM
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
When Putin invaded a sovereign country. But lemme guess you’re googling tulsi gabbard talking points

According to the Council on Foreign Relations there were 14,000 casualties in Donbass and Luhansk between 2014 and 2022.

Not sure if Grady is allowed to open these sites?

Good stuff. Kind of begs the question of why Sweden and Finland were so quickly admitted to NATO while Ukraine has had to wait 20 years. Is it a stretch of the imagination to understand why Russia would feel nervous about NATO on it's doorstep, especially considering how the threat that NATO was established to counter is 30+ years in the past?

I haven't heard a cogent argument as to why it's in American interest to fund Ukraine as a client state. Trump is running for president of America, not the world.

Again, don’t think that you are able or want to read any of the link that I posted.
You are trying to put a lot of mental effort into making a point yet missing very basic concepts.
One, any country who distances itself from the rest of the world by invading a neighboring democratic country, should feel “nervous about NATO on its doorstep”. Especially a communist country.
Two, why would NATO not speed track any countries application to help in light of such aggression?

If you do not know why the US has an interest in disrupting communist aggression around the world, then you are not as well informed as you are trying to portray. Or just using communist talking points ingrained by years of communist propaganda.

martin @ 9/4/2024 9:01 AM
HofstraBBall wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
When Putin invaded a sovereign country. But lemme guess you’re googling tulsi gabbard talking points

According to the Council on Foreign Relations there were 14,000 casualties in Donbass and Luhansk between 2014 and 2022.

Not sure if Grady is allowed to open these sites?

Good stuff. Kind of begs the question of why Sweden and Finland were so quickly admitted to NATO while Ukraine has had to wait 20 years. Is it a stretch of the imagination to understand why Russia would feel nervous about NATO on it's doorstep, especially considering how the threat that NATO was established to counter is 30+ years in the past?

I haven't heard a cogent argument as to why it's in American interest to fund Ukraine as a client state. Trump is running for president of America, not the world.

Again, don’t think that you are able or want to read any of the link that I posted.
You are trying to put a lot of mental effort into making a point yet missing very basic concepts.
One, any country who distances itself from the rest of the world by invading a neighboring democratic country, should feel “nervous about NATO on its doorstep”. Especially a communist country.
Two, why would NATO not speed track any countries application to help in light of such aggression?

If you do not know why the US has an interest in disrupting communist aggression around the world, then you are not as well informed as you are trying to portray. Or just using communist talking points ingrained by years of communist propaganda.

Candidly, I am still grappling with how anyone can think Trump even has a thought about foreign or domestic policy let alone have one. You start with the stolen classified information and then you go nowhere from that point.

martin @ 9/4/2024 9:06 AM
doomed wrote:Can’t believe people still think this guy is a viable human being let alone someone worthy of leadership.

I’m done being nice or mincing words. Some of you need to wake up. There’s so much wrong with this turd. You can throw a dart at his entire existence and heritage and come up with something vile.

Random info of the day— there’s so much, but let’s chew on this one— trump’s grandfather was a pimp. Yep. That bag of shit ran a brothel out in the Pacific Northwest. And he pimped out underage girls.

That’s one grain of sand from the scumbag beach of Trump. Ps That’s not even their real name. They changed from drumpf to trump. Their entire existence is fraudulent and dirty.


The world gives us feedback and we should listen.

Philc1 @ 9/4/2024 9:14 AM
gradyandrew wrote:
Philc1 wrote:
When Putin invaded a sovereign country. But lemme guess you’re googling tulsi gabbard talking points

According to the Council on Foreign Relations there were 14,000 casualties in Donbass and Luhansk between 2014 and 2022.

Are you referring to when Putin took Crimea a territory from a sovereign country?

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