Knicks · Biden out (page 21)

HofstraBBall @ 9/7/2024 12:46 AM
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Not sure if there is a language barrier or if you are not able to fully open up certain links.

Article posted was how thousands marched for democracy. Which is a common occurrence in several communist countries despite efforts by those governments to suppress them. Missed how marching in front of the US consulate is a “meeting”?

Apologies. Here's the correct link regarding US diplomat meeting with the protesters and state department spokesperson confirming. You have to wonder what the reaction in America would be if Russia met with a January 6 militia man.

Best I can tell is that you're thinking of voting for Trump because some state department person met with protesters from Hong Kong, a long standing democracy that was converted to an autocracy (and dissenting news and media outlets in HK were shut down by the Chinese government)? This because you've conveniently ignored responses in this thread regarding Trump's experiences with foreign policy and the Nuclear arsenal and you have indicated that domestic policy is not in control for the POTUS ..... one can only assume this right here is your reason you want Trump.

Now my turn.....what would Putin do if the US poured millions into a Russian media outlet to spread anti-Putin sentiment? My best guess is that anyone associated would either suspiciously die after being poisoned or they would be sent to some prison in Siberia for life.

He is not voting in our election. He is just trying to push propaganda.

There's Photographic and video evidence in there.

Here's a non ccp approved link.

Thing about communist propaganda is that it is often based on paranoia. The biggest fear of course is that a citizens gets a taste for democracy and individual thought. You continuing to post BS articles about Chinas paranoia proves you are just pushing a hidden agenda. Especially when the biggest source of info in the article is a quote from a US official stating it is inaccurate and based on a common Chinese narrative. But keep pushing, I am sure someone will bite.

The funny thing is that you are spending so much time trying to make a meeting seem like the invasion of Crimea? I hope the US is putting as many resources into overthrowing ALL oppressive governments. Russia and China are key examples of why Communism is the worst form of government.
They remind us why we fight so hard to keep Democracy here in the US.

Dude, we've known each other for about 20 years now. We first met on the nykfanpage which I joined right before the Stephon Marbury trade. You, along with bobhait and isasoulstar were one of my favorite posters there. I always valued your well thought out insights. Anyway. I hope over that time we have built up some modicum of respect where we can disagree with each other without disparaging the other.

I don't want to get into a zero sum game where we are dunking on each other.

Will still carry a convo about our mutual Knick admiration.
Pointing out that you are posting bias news sources should not be disparaging. Just a comment that you are ill informed. And that your point carries less weight when doing so. Furthermore, stating that there is a hidden agenda seems fair when posting well known Chinese propaganda sites.

It can be a agree to disagree type exchange. However intentionally posting bias sources will always be seen as intentionally pushing a bias narrative.

gradyandrew @ 9/7/2024 1:43 AM
Just want to respond to the rest of your points since you are clearly making the much appreciated effort to engage in an honest exchange of ideas.

foosballnick wrote:I think that you are potentially taking a narrow view of the US regarding international relations. There's a nuance, and every country/issue has different circumstances. Start with the premise that the US is at it's core a highly consumer driven society/economy with significant reliance on the global market for goods and services. While you seem to be preaching for isolationism, in actuality, every move that is made internationally is to either secure long term US Security and Trade interests.

Agree 100% about the benefits of international trade to the US economy. I'll go one step further and add that if foreign governments are willing to subsidize American consumers by decreasing capital costs for exporters, the US government, acting on behalf of the majority of Americans,
should be happy to accept their ill- considered generosity. Free trade is about lowering consumer costs and nothing else.

In terms of the supply side, my suspicion is that tariff increases are meant to be bargaining chip in opening up China to US tech firms AI services, since this is the next big thing, but I have no evidence to support that idea.

Re: "While you ...Security and trade interests" my view is that there's been a steady erosion of those over the past two decades vis a vis China, not because of any nefarious planning by the CCP Politburo but by a series of unforced errors in American foreign policy and overspending on the military rather than on infrastructure. I thought Obama's foreign policy was pretty good and Trump's decisions to exit the TPP, Iran deal, and the climate deal with China were mistakes. When Biden took office he was pretty forthright about rebalanced relations with China. I don't find any strong evidence of that happening besides at least that the two militaries are talking with each other again.

So I'm not a fan of Trump's first term foreign policy or of Biden's. I slightly lean Trump here because I don't think he was really in the driver's seat for a lot of his foreign policy in his first term and he seems like someone who's more willing to negotiate a compromise so he can get a win. On Harris's side, I really like that Walz has extensive experience in China as more or less a regular citizen. It's a tall ask but I hope the debate can clarify at least some of their differences.

foosballnick wrote:To the points you are made......

- The middle east has oil but is unstable politically across a confluence of countries, religions/sects and socio-economic differences. This is why it is necessary to form stable relationships- as distasteful as it may be - without monarchies such as the Saudi's to help drive stability and exert proxy control across the region.

Agree again here. Let's push it further and say that Venezuela, Russia, and Iran are all distasteful. As far as I know, Putin, Maduro, and the mullah have never been accused with something as distasteful as what happened to Kashoggi. Also, plenty of similarities between Ukraine and Yemen. And here's the thing, the "we need oil" argument made sense 20 years ago, but the US is now a net exporter. My ideal candidate would favor unrestricted trade along with a relatively open immigration policy for asylum seekers from undemocratic regimes.

foosballnick wrote:- Just a guess - but the US meddling in Hong Kong is likely meant to rattle chains about Taiwan As I previously mentioned - the US has significant trade partnerships with Taiwan in Semi-conductors & chips.

And sadly dissident Joshua Wong pays the price when the US government gives him a handy (public support) but no happy ending (pretty sure US rejected his request for asylum)

foosballnick wrote:Also - not sure what factors would lead you to believe that there would be a greater chance at nuclear conflict with Harris vs. Trump beyond what I had previously shared. It was not only about controlling the nuclear arsenal. Further, Trump is 78 years old and showing signs of derangement and thirst for vengence. Further - if elected, he will likely surround himself with "yes" men as he has shown a significant history of not liking nor seek any dissenting opinions. Not sure how you would equate that to a model of being able to handle international crisis in a sane way.

I guess the answer here is that Trump has stated he will end the war in Ukraine on day one.

gradyandrew @ 9/7/2024 2:35 AM
Will still carry a convo about our mutual Knick admiration.
Pointing out that you are posting bias news sources should not be disparaging. Just a comment that you are ill informed. And that your point carries less weight when doing so. Furthermore, stating that there is a hidden agenda seems fair when posting well known Chinese propaganda sites.

It can be a agree to disagree type exchange. However intentionally posting bias sources will always be seen as intentionally pushing a bias narrative.

Bias. This got me thinking about that viral clip of KaitlAn Collins on Colbert. We good, go Knicks.

martin @ 9/7/2024 11:28 AM
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:Why didn’t Presidents and economists think of this before? Just raise taxes on foreign country imports and make them pay for our deficit and child care and stuff!?!? Just do that. Send them a bill and watch the money come in?

This is Wharton level stuff?

You know that Biden just introduced new tariffs on Chinese EVs with Janet Yellens support, in addition to keeping Trump's tariffs in place, right? This is something Dems and Republicans both agree on.

You gotta know this wasn't really about tariffs, right?

I made zero indication if tariffs were good or bad or if Biden or Trump or Dems or Repub bro's want or implemented them or whatnot.

Come on man, open the eyes and look at and pay attention to what you are watching.

I'm back behind the great fire wall so Twitter gets blocked. Just responding to your written comment.

You are responding to a video you cannot watch and you don’t think that’s not worth mentioning?

Are you this daft man?

I've been rolling this way on Knicks comments since I joined the forum more or less. Apologies for misunderstanding what your comments were referring too.

gradyandrew, you have got to do better. I will start there.

Lots of people are trying to make an accommodation for you and you seem to be blithely going about without that understanding. Candidly, you are not doing very much to help and your response above is utterly lacking as a person quite frankly, especially considering your role you have described to us.

We do not know when you are in the US, when you are in a foreign country, how much information you have access to, what you can and cannot view or read. You have not endeavored to really help anyone you are interacting with on that.

Use simple phrases like “although I can’t view the video from where I currently am located, let me say”.

I don’t know how to help you better. But this type of interaction is not good for anyone. It’ll start with you.

gradyandrew @ 9/7/2024 2:46 PM
martin @ 9/7/2024 3:46 PM
gradyandrew wrote:OK

Thank you.

I don’t want to belabor this but some of the above videos are kinda clearly labeled as coming from China Propaganda Central and maybe it’s literally as easy as you cannot see that same label on your version of youtube? Or something close? And let’s just assume that?

And we are all 360 degree circle jerking ourselves hate-style for no apparent reason?

HofstraBBall @ 9/7/2024 6:35 PM
martin @ 9/7/2024 6:47 PM
HofstraBBall wrote:

Shit is finally, glacially starting to unravel. It’s been slow going.

gradyandrew @ 9/7/2024 9:27 PM
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:OK

Thank you.

I don’t want to belabor this but some of the above videos are kinda clearly labeled as coming from China Propaganda Central and maybe it’s literally as easy as you cannot see that same label on your version of youtube? Or something close? And let’s just assume that?

And we are all 360 degree circle jerking ourselves hate-style for no apparent reason?

Ha! When there's a cookie/ biscuit in the middle, it's love.

gradyandrew @ 9/7/2024 9:39 PM
HofstraBBall wrote:

Last November, Rubin attacked Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has called Putin a “monster,” after Trudeau urged Israel to show restraint in its military campaign against Hamas following the October 7 attack.

Trudeau is “an evil communist piece of sh–,” Rubin wrote in an X post, who should “just come out of the closet already,” neither statements are true.

Jeebus, wtf is wrong that cnn feels they need to clarify that? SMH

martin @ 9/9/2024 6:43 PM
Mark burns this dude but that’s not much of an accomplishment

BigDaddyG @ 9/9/2024 6:56 PM
martin wrote:Mark burns this dude but that’s not much of an accomplishment

Vivek comes off as a bit of a lightweight in these... I still think Trump would've been better of with him as a running mat than Vance.

GustavBahler @ 9/9/2024 7:54 PM
^ Reminds me.. come back Briggs! Season is about to start, and it should be a good one.
ToddTT @ 9/9/2024 10:31 PM
That’s a shame.

martin @ 9/10/2024 7:38 AM
Feel like some people just turn into caricatures of themselves. Look at this

ToddTT wrote:That’s a shame.

martin @ 9/10/2024 9:22 PM
How’s it goink?
NYKBocker @ 9/10/2024 9:34 PM
Holy Crap. What the fuck is this guy talking about? He is talking about Americans eating dogs and cats
martin @ 9/10/2024 10:30 PM
This is torture. But maybe like the kind that leaves Alpha with a reminder of what tomorrows pleasure will bring.
martin @ 9/10/2024 10:43 PM
Bro knows his stuff

ToddTT @ 9/10/2024 11:19 PM
martin wrote:Bro knows his stuff

Tuned into Fox. They just played clips of Trump rambling. Then they said that Kamala didn’t answer any questions.

Called it a win for Trump.

BigDaddyG @ 9/10/2024 11:50 PM
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