Knicks · Biden out (page 20)

gradyandrew @ 9/5/2024 9:01 PM
Foosballnick, thanks for posting both those links, the one regarding Harris's foreign policy was particularly enlightening. The one by Rice, less so. Does this paragraph read like the underpants gnomes of foreign policy to you?

Globalization will continue in some form. But the sense that it is a positive force has lost steam. Consider the way countries acted in response to 9/11 versus how they acted in response to the pandemic. After 9/11, the world united in tackling terrorism, a problem that almost every country was experiencing in some form. Within a few weeks of the attack, the UN Security Council unanimously passed a resolution allowing the tracking of terrorist financing across borders. Countries quickly harmonized their airport security standards. The United States soon joined with other countries to create the Proliferation Security Initiative, a forum for sharing information on suspicious cargo that would grow to include over 100 member states. Fast-forward to 2020, and the world saw the revenge of the sovereign state. International institutions were compromised, the chief example being the World Health Organization, which had grown too close to China. Travel restrictions, bans on the export of protective gear, and claims on vaccines complicated the road to recovery.

It seems as if the crucial part 2 of "But then GW and I decided to invade Iraq and whatever international good will towards America that had been built up over 50+ years of post wwii leadership was squandered." A 5000 word essay on international affairs and she didn't mention once the effects of the Iraq war seems disenguous to the extreme.

gradyandrew @ 9/5/2024 9:03 PM
HofstraBBall wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Not sure if there is a language barrier or if you are not able to fully open up certain links.

Article posted was how thousands marched for democracy. Which is a common occurrence in several communist countries despite efforts by those governments to suppress them. Missed how marching in front of the US consulate is a “meeting”?

Apologies. Here's the correct link regarding US diplomat meeting with the protesters and state department spokesperson confirming. You have to wonder what the reaction in America would be if Russia met with a January 6 militia man.

Best I can tell is that you're thinking of voting for Trump because some state department person met with protesters from Hong Kong, a long standing democracy that was converted to an autocracy (and dissenting news and media outlets in HK were shut down by the Chinese government)? This because you've conveniently ignored responses in this thread regarding Trump's experiences with foreign policy and the Nuclear arsenal and you have indicated that domestic policy is not in control for the POTUS ..... one can only assume this right here is your reason you want Trump.

Now my turn.....what would Putin do if the US poured millions into a Russian media outlet to spread anti-Putin sentiment? My best guess is that anyone associated would either suspiciously die after being poisoned or they would be sent to some prison in Siberia for life.

He is not voting in our election. He is just trying to push propaganda.

There's Photographic and video evidence in there.

Here's a non ccp approved link.

gradyandrew @ 9/5/2024 9:08 PM
Condi also repeats the most bullshit of truths out there that "China now has the world's largest navy" which is accurate only insofar as total numbers of vessels, ignoring tonnage and capabilities. The Ford could take out all of China's surface ships in an afternoon.
HofstraBBall @ 9/6/2024 7:31 AM
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Not sure if there is a language barrier or if you are not able to fully open up certain links.

Article posted was how thousands marched for democracy. Which is a common occurrence in several communist countries despite efforts by those governments to suppress them. Missed how marching in front of the US consulate is a “meeting”?

Apologies. Here's the correct link regarding US diplomat meeting with the protesters and state department spokesperson confirming. You have to wonder what the reaction in America would be if Russia met with a January 6 militia man.

Best I can tell is that you're thinking of voting for Trump because some state department person met with protesters from Hong Kong, a long standing democracy that was converted to an autocracy (and dissenting news and media outlets in HK were shut down by the Chinese government)? This because you've conveniently ignored responses in this thread regarding Trump's experiences with foreign policy and the Nuclear arsenal and you have indicated that domestic policy is not in control for the POTUS ..... one can only assume this right here is your reason you want Trump.

Now my turn.....what would Putin do if the US poured millions into a Russian media outlet to spread anti-Putin sentiment? My best guess is that anyone associated would either suspiciously die after being poisoned or they would be sent to some prison in Siberia for life.

He is not voting in our election. He is just trying to push propaganda.

There's Photographic and video evidence in there.

Here's a non ccp approved link.

Thing about communist propaganda is that it is often based on paranoia. The biggest fear of course is that a citizens gets a taste for democracy and individual thought. You continuing to post BS articles about Chinas paranoia proves you are just pushing a hidden agenda. Especially when the biggest source of info in the article is a quote from a US official stating it is inaccurate and based on a common Chinese narrative. But keep pushing, I am sure someone will bite.

The funny thing is that you are spending so much time trying to make a meeting seem like the invasion of Crimea? I hope the US is putting as many resources into overthrowing ALL oppressive governments. Russia and China are key examples of why Communism is the worst form of government.
They remind us why we fight so hard to keep Democracy here in the US.

gradyandrew @ 9/6/2024 11:41 AM
HofstraBBall wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Not sure if there is a language barrier or if you are not able to fully open up certain links.

Article posted was how thousands marched for democracy. Which is a common occurrence in several communist countries despite efforts by those governments to suppress them. Missed how marching in front of the US consulate is a “meeting”?

Apologies. Here's the correct link regarding US diplomat meeting with the protesters and state department spokesperson confirming. You have to wonder what the reaction in America would be if Russia met with a January 6 militia man.

Best I can tell is that you're thinking of voting for Trump because some state department person met with protesters from Hong Kong, a long standing democracy that was converted to an autocracy (and dissenting news and media outlets in HK were shut down by the Chinese government)? This because you've conveniently ignored responses in this thread regarding Trump's experiences with foreign policy and the Nuclear arsenal and you have indicated that domestic policy is not in control for the POTUS ..... one can only assume this right here is your reason you want Trump.

Now my turn.....what would Putin do if the US poured millions into a Russian media outlet to spread anti-Putin sentiment? My best guess is that anyone associated would either suspiciously die after being poisoned or they would be sent to some prison in Siberia for life.

He is not voting in our election. He is just trying to push propaganda.

There's Photographic and video evidence in there.

Here's a non ccp approved link.

Thing about communist propaganda is that it is often based on paranoia. The biggest fear of course is that a citizens gets a taste for democracy and individual thought. You continuing to post BS articles about Chinas paranoia proves you are just pushing a hidden agenda. Especially when the biggest source of info in the article is a quote from a US official stating it is inaccurate and based on a common Chinese narrative. But keep pushing, I am sure someone will bite.

The funny thing is that you are spending so much time trying to make a meeting seem like the invasion of Crimea? I hope the US is putting as many resources into overthrowing ALL oppressive governments. Russia and China are key examples of why Communism is the worst form of government.
They remind us why we fight so hard to keep Democracy here in the US.

Dude, we've known each other for about 20 years now. We first met on the nykfanpage which I joined right before the Stephon Marbury trade. You, along with bobhait and isasoulstar were one of my favorite posters there. I always valued your well thought out insights. Anyway. I hope over that time we have built up some modicum of respect where we can disagree with each other without disparaging the other.

I don't want to get into a zero sum game where we are dunking on each other.

martin @ 9/6/2024 11:45 AM
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Not sure if there is a language barrier or if you are not able to fully open up certain links.

Article posted was how thousands marched for democracy. Which is a common occurrence in several communist countries despite efforts by those governments to suppress them. Missed how marching in front of the US consulate is a “meeting”?

Apologies. Here's the correct link regarding US diplomat meeting with the protesters and state department spokesperson confirming. You have to wonder what the reaction in America would be if Russia met with a January 6 militia man.

Best I can tell is that you're thinking of voting for Trump because some state department person met with protesters from Hong Kong, a long standing democracy that was converted to an autocracy (and dissenting news and media outlets in HK were shut down by the Chinese government)? This because you've conveniently ignored responses in this thread regarding Trump's experiences with foreign policy and the Nuclear arsenal and you have indicated that domestic policy is not in control for the POTUS ..... one can only assume this right here is your reason you want Trump.

Now my turn.....what would Putin do if the US poured millions into a Russian media outlet to spread anti-Putin sentiment? My best guess is that anyone associated would either suspiciously die after being poisoned or they would be sent to some prison in Siberia for life.

He is not voting in our election. He is just trying to push propaganda.

There's Photographic and video evidence in there.

Here's a non ccp approved link.

Thing about communist propaganda is that it is often based on paranoia. The biggest fear of course is that a citizens gets a taste for democracy and individual thought. You continuing to post BS articles about Chinas paranoia proves you are just pushing a hidden agenda. Especially when the biggest source of info in the article is a quote from a US official stating it is inaccurate and based on a common Chinese narrative. But keep pushing, I am sure someone will bite.

The funny thing is that you are spending so much time trying to make a meeting seem like the invasion of Crimea? I hope the US is putting as many resources into overthrowing ALL oppressive governments. Russia and China are key examples of why Communism is the worst form of government.
They remind us why we fight so hard to keep Democracy here in the US.

Dude, we've known each other for about 20 years now. We first met on the nykfanpage which I joined right before the Stephon Marbury trade. You, along with bobhait and isasoulstar were one of my favorite posters there. I always valued your well thought out insights. Anyway. I hope over that time we have built up some modicum of respect where we can disagree with each other without disparaging the other.

I don't want to get into a zero sum game where we are dunking on each other.

When you accidentally post (I am being generous here) some "evidence" from a known propaganda source, maybe the take is to not ignore and maybe take a responsible route so that the dunking need not occur?

gradyandrew @ 9/6/2024 11:58 AM
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Not sure if there is a language barrier or if you are not able to fully open up certain links.

Article posted was how thousands marched for democracy. Which is a common occurrence in several communist countries despite efforts by those governments to suppress them. Missed how marching in front of the US consulate is a “meeting”?

Apologies. Here's the correct link regarding US diplomat meeting with the protesters and state department spokesperson confirming. You have to wonder what the reaction in America would be if Russia met with a January 6 militia man.

Best I can tell is that you're thinking of voting for Trump because some state department person met with protesters from Hong Kong, a long standing democracy that was converted to an autocracy (and dissenting news and media outlets in HK were shut down by the Chinese government)? This because you've conveniently ignored responses in this thread regarding Trump's experiences with foreign policy and the Nuclear arsenal and you have indicated that domestic policy is not in control for the POTUS ..... one can only assume this right here is your reason you want Trump.

Now my turn.....what would Putin do if the US poured millions into a Russian media outlet to spread anti-Putin sentiment? My best guess is that anyone associated would either suspiciously die after being poisoned or they would be sent to some prison in Siberia for life.

He is not voting in our election. He is just trying to push propaganda.

There's Photographic and video evidence in there.

Here's a non ccp approved link.

Thing about communist propaganda is that it is often based on paranoia. The biggest fear of course is that a citizens gets a taste for democracy and individual thought. You continuing to post BS articles about Chinas paranoia proves you are just pushing a hidden agenda. Especially when the biggest source of info in the article is a quote from a US official stating it is inaccurate and based on a common Chinese narrative. But keep pushing, I am sure someone will bite.

The funny thing is that you are spending so much time trying to make a meeting seem like the invasion of Crimea? I hope the US is putting as many resources into overthrowing ALL oppressive governments. Russia and China are key examples of why Communism is the worst form of government.
They remind us why we fight so hard to keep Democracy here in the US.

Dude, we've known each other for about 20 years now. We first met on the nykfanpage which I joined right before the Stephon Marbury trade. You, along with bobhait and isasoulstar were one of my favorite posters there. I always valued your well thought out insights. Anyway. I hope over that time we have built up some modicum of respect where we can disagree with each other without disparaging the other.

I don't want to get into a zero sum game where we are dunking on each other.

When you accidentally post (I am being generous here) some "evidence" from a known propaganda source, maybe the take is to not ignore and maybe take a responsible route so that the dunking need not occur?

Honestly, I don't want to sound like I'm wearing a tin foil hat but I remember that meeting being reported by a variety of western news sources at the time. I get 90% of my news from cnn. I'm pretty sure I read a nytimes article about it as well. When I searched on Google for it, the first relevant hit I saw I posted it. When the source got flagged, I posted another one. Here's a link on the Hong Kong free press

martin @ 9/6/2024 12:32 PM
A lot more entertaining than the rallies holy crap

martin @ 9/6/2024 12:40 PM
This is part of his campaign speech? Watch this and still be undecided?

gradyandrew @ 9/6/2024 1:50 PM
martin wrote:Why didn’t Presidents and economists think of this before? Just raise taxes on foreign country imports and make them pay for our deficit and child care and stuff!?!? Just do that. Send them a bill and watch the money come in?

This is Wharton level stuff?

You know that Biden just introduced new tariffs on Chinese EVs with Janet Yellens support, in addition to keeping Trump's tariffs in place, right? This is something Dems and Republicans both agree on.

NYKBocker @ 9/6/2024 2:14 PM
martin wrote:A lot more entertaining than the rallies holy crap


NYKBocker @ 9/6/2024 2:18 PM
Forget about political issues. I just don't understand how anyone can vote for a despicable man like this. I would not want this man around my family.
BigDaddyG @ 9/6/2024 3:13 PM
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:Why didn’t Presidents and economists think of this before? Just raise taxes on foreign country imports and make them pay for our deficit and child care and stuff!?!? Just do that. Send them a bill and watch the money come in?

This is Wharton level stuff?

You know that Biden just introduced new tariffs on Chinese EVs with Janet Yellens support, in addition to keeping Trump's tariffs in place, right? This is something Dems and Republicans both agree on.

The question wasn't about tariffs though. He was asked a question about his plans for making child care affordable and the he vomited out a word salad that didn't make sense, even if he was trying to pivot to his plans for the economy.
martin @ 9/6/2024 3:42 PM
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:Why didn’t Presidents and economists think of this before? Just raise taxes on foreign country imports and make them pay for our deficit and child care and stuff!?!? Just do that. Send them a bill and watch the money come in?

This is Wharton level stuff?

You know that Biden just introduced new tariffs on Chinese EVs with Janet Yellens support, in addition to keeping Trump's tariffs in place, right? This is something Dems and Republicans both agree on.

You gotta know this wasn't really about tariffs, right?

I made zero indication if tariffs were good or bad or if Biden or Trump or Dems or Repub bro's want or implemented them or whatnot.

Come on man, open the eyes and look at and pay attention to what you are watching.

KnickDanger @ 9/6/2024 6:03 PM
NYKBocker wrote:Forget about political issues. I just don't understand how anyone can vote for a despicable man like this. I would not want this man around my family.


martin @ 9/6/2024 6:09 PM
KnickDanger wrote:
NYKBocker wrote:Forget about political issues. I just don't understand how anyone can vote for a despicable man like this. I would not want this man around my family.


If you guys are up for watching 10 hours of a Trump rally you can maybe see how he likes to share the spotlight though?

That’s something?

gradyandrew @ 9/6/2024 7:26 PM
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:Why didn’t Presidents and economists think of this before? Just raise taxes on foreign country imports and make them pay for our deficit and child care and stuff!?!? Just do that. Send them a bill and watch the money come in?

This is Wharton level stuff?

You know that Biden just introduced new tariffs on Chinese EVs with Janet Yellens support, in addition to keeping Trump's tariffs in place, right? This is something Dems and Republicans both agree on.

You gotta know this wasn't really about tariffs, right?

I made zero indication if tariffs were good or bad or if Biden or Trump or Dems or Repub bro's want or implemented them or whatnot.

Come on man, open the eyes and look at and pay attention to what you are watching.

I'm back behind the great fire wall so Twitter gets blocked. Just responding to your written comment.

martin @ 9/6/2024 7:31 PM
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:Why didn’t Presidents and economists think of this before? Just raise taxes on foreign country imports and make them pay for our deficit and child care and stuff!?!? Just do that. Send them a bill and watch the money come in?

This is Wharton level stuff?

You know that Biden just introduced new tariffs on Chinese EVs with Janet Yellens support, in addition to keeping Trump's tariffs in place, right? This is something Dems and Republicans both agree on.

You gotta know this wasn't really about tariffs, right?

I made zero indication if tariffs were good or bad or if Biden or Trump or Dems or Repub bro's want or implemented them or whatnot.

Come on man, open the eyes and look at and pay attention to what you are watching.

I'm back behind the great fire wall so Twitter gets blocked. Just responding to your written comment.

You are responding to a video you cannot watch and you don’t think that’s not worth mentioning?

Are you this daft man?

gradyandrew @ 9/6/2024 9:59 PM
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
martin wrote:Why didn’t Presidents and economists think of this before? Just raise taxes on foreign country imports and make them pay for our deficit and child care and stuff!?!? Just do that. Send them a bill and watch the money come in?

This is Wharton level stuff?

You know that Biden just introduced new tariffs on Chinese EVs with Janet Yellens support, in addition to keeping Trump's tariffs in place, right? This is something Dems and Republicans both agree on.

You gotta know this wasn't really about tariffs, right?

I made zero indication if tariffs were good or bad or if Biden or Trump or Dems or Repub bro's want or implemented them or whatnot.

Come on man, open the eyes and look at and pay attention to what you are watching.

I'm back behind the great fire wall so Twitter gets blocked. Just responding to your written comment.

You are responding to a video you cannot watch and you don’t think that’s not worth mentioning?

Are you this daft man?

I've been rolling this way on Knicks comments since I joined the forum more or less. Apologies for misunderstanding what your comments were referring too.

GustavBahler @ 9/6/2024 10:43 PM
HofstraBBall @ 9/7/2024 12:46 AM
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
foosballnick wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:
HofstraBBall wrote:
Not sure if there is a language barrier or if you are not able to fully open up certain links.

Article posted was how thousands marched for democracy. Which is a common occurrence in several communist countries despite efforts by those governments to suppress them. Missed how marching in front of the US consulate is a “meeting”?

Apologies. Here's the correct link regarding US diplomat meeting with the protesters and state department spokesperson confirming. You have to wonder what the reaction in America would be if Russia met with a January 6 militia man.

Best I can tell is that you're thinking of voting for Trump because some state department person met with protesters from Hong Kong, a long standing democracy that was converted to an autocracy (and dissenting news and media outlets in HK were shut down by the Chinese government)? This because you've conveniently ignored responses in this thread regarding Trump's experiences with foreign policy and the Nuclear arsenal and you have indicated that domestic policy is not in control for the POTUS ..... one can only assume this right here is your reason you want Trump.

Now my turn.....what would Putin do if the US poured millions into a Russian media outlet to spread anti-Putin sentiment? My best guess is that anyone associated would either suspiciously die after being poisoned or they would be sent to some prison in Siberia for life.

He is not voting in our election. He is just trying to push propaganda.

There's Photographic and video evidence in there.

Here's a non ccp approved link.

Thing about communist propaganda is that it is often based on paranoia. The biggest fear of course is that a citizens gets a taste for democracy and individual thought. You continuing to post BS articles about Chinas paranoia proves you are just pushing a hidden agenda. Especially when the biggest source of info in the article is a quote from a US official stating it is inaccurate and based on a common Chinese narrative. But keep pushing, I am sure someone will bite.

The funny thing is that you are spending so much time trying to make a meeting seem like the invasion of Crimea? I hope the US is putting as many resources into overthrowing ALL oppressive governments. Russia and China are key examples of why Communism is the worst form of government.
They remind us why we fight so hard to keep Democracy here in the US.

Dude, we've known each other for about 20 years now. We first met on the nykfanpage which I joined right before the Stephon Marbury trade. You, along with bobhait and isasoulstar were one of my favorite posters there. I always valued your well thought out insights. Anyway. I hope over that time we have built up some modicum of respect where we can disagree with each other without disparaging the other.

I don't want to get into a zero sum game where we are dunking on each other.

Will still carry a convo about our mutual Knick admiration.
Pointing out that you are posting bias news sources should not be disparaging. Just a comment that you are ill informed. And that your point carries less weight when doing so. Furthermore, stating that there is a hidden agenda seems fair when posting well known Chinese propaganda sites.

It can be a agree to disagree type exchange. However intentionally posting bias sources will always be seen as intentionally pushing a bias narrative.

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