Knicks · Biden out (page 24)

ToddTT @ 9/14/2024 3:36 PM
Where do I get my chicken parm voucher? That shit is delicious.

I can’t wait to vote. Gonna make a huge bowl of spaghetti. 🍝

martin @ 9/14/2024 4:14 PM
ToddTT wrote:Where do I get my chicken parm voucher? That shit is delicious.

I can’t wait to vote. Gonna make a huge bowl of spaghetti. 🍝

You have to have the right wine though. I must insist.

And a 1 bottle minimum

martin @ 9/14/2024 4:30 PM
I do not have any sort of background to begin to understand any of this.

But it does seem like perpetuated violence and disorder in pursuit of power.

gradyandrew @ 9/14/2024 5:05 PM
Get a grip Martin. David Muir thought the economy question was important as well.
gradyandrew @ 9/14/2024 5:14 PM
Are you truly incapable of acknowledging that Harris flubbed the first question?
gradyandrew @ 9/14/2024 5:24 PM
And if instead of saying "They are eating cats and dogs." He had said "People have been calling emergency services to report geese being taken from public parks and citizens are living in fear." Is it really that different?

Trump sounded like a madman, but after watching the most recent townhall from Springfield re the immigrant community, it's not really possible to ignore that this is an issue for a lot of people.

gradyandrew @ 9/14/2024 5:33 PM

4 in 10 on the economy as most important issue, so yes, more people than me think this is an important issue.

HofstraBBall @ 9/14/2024 5:41 PM
gradyandrew wrote:I don't really follow the chicken parm analogy.

As I stated on January/ February, the Deutsch Bank case against Trump really bothered me. As per a recent news story:

CNN — 

A spokesman for the Manhattan US Attorney’s office apologized following the release of a secretly recorded video that captured him slamming Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s hush money case against Donald Trump as “nonsense” and a “perversion of justice.”

I also wanted to see the debate and was looking forward to it as a way to measure the candidates. Objectively, Kamala could have done a lot better on her answer and objectively Trump gave a better answer. Why call the tariffs a sales tax? If tariffs are bad, why were they left in place?

Trump was unhinged later on and Kamala got a lot stronger as the debate went on. But all of that is kind of secondary. What did you think of Kamala's response? I thought you could have answered it better.

In the past, with a candidate that can’t make up lies, best path for candidates is to sate their policy and platform. Going into the debate many were asking for more clarification on Harris’s platform. Including the economy. She was caught up in trying to stay on course and state her plans and having to defend the lies Trump kept stating. Either way, some would have found fault with her response like you. It’s also smart to not dismiss the voters that are hurting by saying everything is great. She stated what she plans on doing to make things better not defend the lie Trump was pushing.

Most not in cult know that the economy is doing well. Inflation, compared to other countries is leveling off and showing signs of tapering off. Something that was not predicted a year ago. Most of us on Wall Street predicted a recession.

gradyandrew @ 9/14/2024 5:57 PM
It was the first question and Kamala answered first, so at least for that one, she didn't need to defend on any lies. Otherwise, I'm mostly in agreement, though I thought it weird to bring up the housing crisis without proposing a solution. Anyway, Harris had a higher bar to hit because for all intents and purposes this was her first interview after being the candidate for 50 days. (Not counting the softball cnn one with Walz)
Nalod @ 9/14/2024 6:54 PM
Violent crimes are down, It was fact checked. The imbecile goes to conspiracy. Lazy ass lies and embellishments.
Legal immigrants filled a booming economy in Springfield.
The Geese thing, and others is rooted in some ugly rhetoric and some awful political posturing.
wanna learn something that is factual, not shitheat fox propaganda, give a listen:

ToddTT @ 9/14/2024 7:36 PM
Nalod wrote:Violent crimes are down, It was fact checked. The imbecile goes to conspiracy. Lazy ass lies and embellishments.
Legal immigrants filled a booming economy in Springfield.
The Geese thing, and others is rooted in some ugly rhetoric and some awful political posturing.
wanna learn something that is factual, not shitheat fox propaganda, give a listen:

Trump knows about the dogs and cats from reliable sources. Some would say the most reliable. Hugely reliable.

And he dropped that bomb on poor Kamala who was left speechless. Brilliant debating. Some would say the most brilliant ever witnessed.

I think the question was about... January 6th? I forget. I was too amazed at the weave.

martin @ 9/14/2024 8:44 PM
Of course

HofstraBBall @ 9/14/2024 10:15 PM
gradyandrew wrote:@HofstraBBall
It was the first question and Kamala answered first, so at least for that one, she didn't need to defend on any lies. Otherwise, I'm mostly in agreement, though I thought it weird to bring up the housing crisis without proposing a solution. Anyway, Harris had a higher bar to hit because for all intents and purposes this was her first interview after being the candidate for 50 days. (Not counting the softball cnn one with Walz)

She was definitely nervous.
Could have been more Trump like and given extra rebuttals but that’s not her.
Think debates are not to change minds anymore. Especially with MAGA. Nothing said at a debate or anywhere will change their stance. Debates are about energizing your base. Think Harris did that.

Anyone still unclear on whether to vote from Trump has either been in a cave since 2015 or is like the wife who is sometimes gets beaten and cheated on by her husband but tries to make up reasons why it’s not his fault.

gradyandrew @ 9/15/2024 6:38 AM
HofstraBBall wrote:
gradyandrew wrote:@HofstraBBall
It was the first question and Kamala answered first, so at least for that one, she didn't need to defend on any lies. Otherwise, I'm mostly in agreement, though I thought it weird to bring up the housing crisis without proposing a solution. Anyway, Harris had a higher bar to hit because for all intents and purposes this was her first interview after being the candidate for 50 days. (Not counting the softball cnn one with Walz)

She was definitely nervous.
Could have been more Trump like and given extra rebuttals but that’s not her.
Think debates are not to change minds anymore. Especially with MAGA. Nothing said at a debate or anywhere will change their stance. Debates are about energizing your base. Think Harris did that.

Anyone still unclear on whether to vote from Trump has either been in a cave since 2015 or is like the wife who is sometimes gets beaten and cheated on by her husband but tries to make up reasons why it’s not his fault.

I've been Obama, Obama, Clinton, Biden the last four cycles. I thought Biden was pretty obviously suffering from cognitive decline and didn't think he could handle the job going back a year or so. I also have a lot of problems with Bidens foreign policy and in general favor a non- interventionist approach. I would have voted for Trump over Biden after their debate. When Harris got in, I basically reset to zero.

For me the most important part of the debate was Trump's answer to his role on January 6.

DAVID MUIR: You were the president. You were watching it unfold on television. It's a very simple question as we move forward toward another election. Is there anything you regret about what you did on that day? Yes or no.

FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: I had nothing to do with that other than they asked me to make a speech. I showed up for a speech.

This was more or less the head shot for me. There's exaggerating, sarcasm, and hyperbole which I expect from Trump but this was just such a bald faced lie, that I don't think anyone can honestly agree with. And it was a totally unforced error. Lying when a mea culpa could have sufficed. I can't speak for anyone else, but the debate gave me a lot to think about.

I think in general it's a losing argument to demonize the other side. I don't think anyone's political opinions are primie facie evidence of their intelligence or morality. I know lots of smart and moral people who are single issue voters.

martin @ 9/15/2024 12:07 PM
gradyandrew wrote:I would have voted for Trump over Biden after their debate.

Good summary.

martin @ 9/15/2024 12:07 PM
ToddTT @ 9/15/2024 12:44 PM
martin wrote:

His base eats this stuff up.

He's so funny and clever! OMG, ROFL!!!

Nalod @ 9/15/2024 5:09 PM
martin wrote:

This is a man whose thin skin lets his emotions drive.
She was forced to back Harris because there was fake "Swift for Trump" stuff out there.

This is childish. He is a a broken miserable human.
This felon can't be trusted to defend himself in court yet blames all but himself for his indescretions.
And this is who we want to defend the constitution and uphold the law of the land? Me? I can't fathom how anyone on the fence can tilt to earn his vote.

martin @ 9/16/2024 12:19 PM
Does economic answers in a debate really even matter?

ToddTT @ 9/16/2024 7:23 PM
Another republican tried to kill Trump, and no posts here.

It's the new norm... already not terribly interesting.

I wonder if Trump will upgrade to a bulletproof golf cart.

NYKBocker @ 9/16/2024 10:29 PM
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