Knicks · Biden out (page 8)

newyorknewyork @ 8/9/2024 9:09 AM
Nalod wrote:I suppose its a bit too late for GOP to ask Trump to back away?
The man is coming undone.
He will lose the popular vote has he has twice now. Its swing states that will determine the electoral college.

Rest assured she will do interviews.
I cannot imagine Trump doing all three debates.

His rants at Mari Lago yesterday appeared to be a dude who was jacked stimulants.

The GOP chances have always been tied to the public appeal of the Conman Trump. Outside of that, they don't have anyone that can garner the appeal to win an election. Which is why they stick with the convicted felon through his crimes & his stupidity + cognitive decline.

Dems on the other hand have multiple people that can garner decent amount public appeal going forward. Harris, Walz, Shapiro, Newsome, Buttigieg, AOC. But Dems need to have learned their lesson toward the sentiments that allowed Trump to gain office to begin with. Or they will set themselves up for the same failures where people protest vote for the other side out of spite.

NYKBocker @ 8/10/2024 10:16 AM


Nalod @ 8/10/2024 12:30 PM
NYKBocker wrote:


GOP calling for Biden to step away because of cognitive issues might want to do the same.
My 83 year old mother in law does this. Switches subjects and not complete sentences and thoughts. She is a lovely women and able to live independently but she is retired many years and not seeking one of the most stressful jobs in the world.

Remember when Trump would play golf few times a week and not really work? Its not going to be better.
The fear mongering is really all he has.

Alpha1971 @ 8/10/2024 6:00 PM
Nalod wrote:
NYKBocker wrote:


GOP calling for Biden to step away because of cognitive issues might want to do the same.
My 83 year old mother in law does this. Switches subjects and not complete sentences and thoughts. She is a lovely women and able to live independently but she is retired many years and not seeking one of the most stressful jobs in the world.

Remember when Trump would play golf few times a week and not really work? Its not going to be better.
The fear mongering is really all he has.

Fear mongering is really all he may need. His supporters want to be afraid it justified their world view. His base sees sin and death abounding. They see their Christian beliefs under threat as if they are the ones oppressed, sadly I'm a Christian too but don't share that view. They see aliens coming to take their lives, they see brown people replacing them, they see everything happening as benign as diversity on TV as indicative of their end. Fox News business model is not based on positively viewing the world. Trump promises to take away their fears and cut their taxes as a bonus. Whether he delivered or not in his time in office doesn't matter. Fear is a popular selling point for voters.

Nalod @ 8/10/2024 7:31 PM
its an hour long podcast but worth the investment.

martin @ 8/17/2024 6:43 PM
Here you go. This is the level of stupidity from this candidate. This is embarrassing, for everyone.

gradyandrew @ 8/17/2024 8:11 PM
martin wrote:Here you go. This is the level of stupidity from this candidate. This is embarrassing, for everyone.

Dean Baker has some good points as a progressive economist regarding tariffs. While tariff elimination has benefitted all consumers, their elimination has had a negative effect on domestic manufacturing jobs. Professionals, whether doctors, lawyers, or barbers, and copyright holders operate with considerable government protection, so they enjoy low priced manufactured goods while getting high salaries in protected fields.

Baker has a lot of interesting ideas for mitigating those problems and just a more level economy overall, but his main point is simply saying tariffs are bad isn't nuanced enough.

ESOMKnicks @ 8/18/2024 4:20 AM
I have decided to cut through the leftist media propaganda and see Trump for myself in his recent "we are all intellectuals today" NC speech. My impression: a rambling, vile and increasingly incoherent orator for dimwits. So, the "leftist mainstream media" is not exaggerating.

Can anyone recommend something from Kamala to form an opinion on her as a potential future leader of the country? From newsclips here and there I get a sense that she is kinda ditzy, but I want to see for myself if this impression is fair.

martin @ 8/18/2024 11:35 AM
ESOMKnicks wrote:I have decided to cut through the leftist media propaganda and see Trump for myself in his recent "we are all intellectuals today" NC speech. My impression: a rambling, vile and increasingly incoherent orator for dimwits. So, the "leftist mainstream media" is not exaggerating.

Can anyone recommend something from Kamala to form an opinion on her as a potential future leader of the country? From newsclips here and there I get a sense that she is kinda ditzy, but I want to see for myself if this impression is fair.

Trump has been prominent in the media since 2016. He has a long, ugly personal history building up to his presidency (lots of mob related stuff with a side of being tight with Jeffery Epstein and that assortment of folks, along with the fairly well establish money laundering ties through his businesses), for which he spent 4 years spewing idiot level understanding of well established facts and thought processes. Trump had quite a prominent role during the pandemic that captured lots of his stupidity, all on the world stage for lots of people to witness.

It apparently took you until today to realize this. It is 2024.

Kamala has been the VP of the United States and senator and AG of the state with the 5th biggest economy in the world.

I don’t know if you are American or not but this speaks volumes.

Your ditzy comment is the icing on the cake for this abyss sized gap in your base understanding of fairly prominent things.

Why are you relying on Knicks fan website to get you even this far?

Nalod @ 8/18/2024 1:29 PM
martin wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:I have decided to cut through the leftist media propaganda and see Trump for myself in his recent "we are all intellectuals today" NC speech. My impression: a rambling, vile and increasingly incoherent orator for dimwits. So, the "leftist mainstream media" is not exaggerating.

Can anyone recommend something from Kamala to form an opinion on her as a potential future leader of the country? From newsclips here and there I get a sense that she is kinda ditzy, but I want to see for myself if this impression is fair.

Trump has been prominent in the media since 2016. He has a long, ugly personal history building up to his presidency (lots of mob related stuff with a side of being tight with Jeffery Epstein and that assortment of folks, along with the fairly well establish money laundering ties through his businesses), for which he spent 4 years spewing idiot level understanding of well established facts and thought processes. Trump had quite a prominent role during the pandemic that captured lots of his stupidity, all on the world stage for lots of people to witness.

It apparently took you until today to realize this. It is 2024.

Kamala has been the VP of the United States and senator and AG of the state with the 5th biggest economy in the world.

I don’t know if you are American or not but this speaks volumes.

Your ditzy comment is the icing on the cake for this abyss sized gap in your base understanding of fairly prominent things.

Why are you relying on Knicks fan website to get you even this far?

ESOM, Im not sure Kamala is the perfect candidate. Forget opinions either here or on news channels. Think for yourself. Trump repulsed your senses and now you need to feel good about Kamala. There is plenty to look at if you can digest her back ground objectively.
As an attorney who went and graduated law school and passed the bar, one who became Attorney General for a state that is more formidable than most countries, and is Vice President she has shown far more integrity and intellectual capacity than Trump ever has.
For me I want someone that will defend the constitution of the country and communicate properly and with integrity. The Ditzy thing is media painting her to knock her down in that light. Trump is a miserable human and has been his whole life. Its all about him. $35 insulin is a win for Diabetics, not for him. One of so many things he portrays in bad light.

ToddTT @ 8/18/2024 1:35 PM
ESOMKnicks wrote:I have decided to cut through the leftist media propaganda and see Trump for myself in his recent "we are all intellectuals today" NC speech. My impression: a rambling, vile and increasingly incoherent orator for dimwits. So, the "leftist mainstream media" is not exaggerating.

Can anyone recommend something from Kamala to form an opinion on her as a potential future leader of the country? From newsclips here and there I get a sense that she is kinda ditzy, but I want to see for myself if this impression is fair.

Soooo... is it still propaganda?

Here's hoping that more and more people see things for what/who they really are.

foosballnick @ 8/18/2024 3:43 PM
ESOMKnicks wrote:I have decided to cut through the leftist media propaganda and see Trump for myself in his recent "we are all intellectuals today" NC speech. My impression: a rambling, vile and increasingly incoherent orator for dimwits. So, the "leftist mainstream media" is not exaggerating.

Can anyone recommend something from Kamala to form an opinion on her as a potential future leader of the country? From newsclips here and there I get a sense that she is kinda ditzy, but I want to see for myself if this impression is fair.

Not sure this is serious or not.

In case it is, Trump has been making stump speeches for 9 years and during that time was President for 4. Have you never actually listened to him directly? Not much has changed regarding his vileness and rambling....however he has become increasingly incoherent over time.

"Ditzy" was a term used over 50 years ago that originated during the woman's lib movement that started in the late 60's. Generally used to label/paint women as having lesser intelligence. Sounds like what they are trying to do to Kamala.

ESOMKnicks @ 8/19/2024 3:30 AM
I can certainly find a speech by Kamala to form an unbiased opinion about her as a potential future president on my own. But I was sincerely asking for recommendations from knowledgeable people, whose opinions I have grown to trust over 10 years of reading their basketball discussions, and was sincerely expressing my current thoughts, while admitting that they may be based on insufficient and superficial info.

The fact that I asked people who are actively involved in a political discussion topic for advice as to what to watch to get better informed, and instead got loads of feedback about everything that may be wrong with me is very telling. Political discourse is fraught with too much mistrust, paranoia and hostility, and there is too much tendency to carp on the other interlocutor's alleged intentions and choice of words rather than substantive things. And such attitude is, regrettably, coming not only from the Trumpist camp. "Oh, he said "ditzy", he must be trying to pull off a right-wing provocation here!"

Social phenomena like Trumpism exist precisely because of such "us vs them" mentality.

And, Martin, yes, I am an American and an FL-registered voter to boot. The fact that I am an immigrant and have been living outside of the US for 20 years does not make me any less American than you. Especially as far as the IRS is concerned.

And I do not think my English is any worse than yours, frankly.

Alpha1971 @ 8/19/2024 6:03 AM
An observation on the term ditzy. I have never heard of a black woman referred to as ditzy. In itself that is an improvement in a sense. Black woman often face the accusation of being angry, unfeminine, combative, disagreeable. Recall recently Trump got angry, for show, at a gathering of and organization of Black journalists terms like ditzy usually are reserved for attractive woman who people try make them seem less intelligent due to their looks and often youth. The fact the term ditzy was used means that she is being afforded a grace of being considered youthful feminine, and attractive terms not often extended to black women in power. So I guess that gives Harris a few fewer obstacles to overcome in the way she is perceived outside of her qualifications. The right wing will just imply she got where she is solely on racial and gender affirmative action and having a Jewish husband you know normal Republican stuff
ESOMKnicks @ 8/19/2024 6:37 AM
Alpha1971 wrote:An observation on the term ditzy. I have never heard of a black woman referred to as ditzy. In itself that is an improvement in a sense. Black woman often face the accusation of being angry, unfeminine, combative, disagreeable. Recall recently Trump got angry, for show, at a gathering of and organization of Black journalists terms like ditzy usually are reserved for attractive woman who people try make them seem less intelligent due to their looks and often youth. The fact the term ditzy was used means that she is being afforded a grace of being considered youthful feminine, and attractive terms not often extended to black women in power. So I guess that gives Harris a few fewer obstacles to overcome in the way she is perceived outside of her qualifications. The right wing will just imply she got where she is solely on racial and gender affirmative action and having a Jewish husband you know normal Republican stuff

A female politician can be youthful, feminine, attractive and fun-loving without coming across as ditzy at all. This is how it looks:

Alpha1971 @ 8/19/2024 6:56 AM
ESOMKnicks wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:An observation on the term ditzy. I have never heard of a black woman referred to as ditzy. In itself that is an improvement in a sense. Black woman often face the accusation of being angry, unfeminine, combative, disagreeable. Recall recently Trump got angry, for show, at a gathering of and organization of Black journalists terms like ditzy usually are reserved for attractive woman who people try make them seem less intelligent due to their looks and often youth. The fact the term ditzy was used means that she is being afforded a grace of being considered youthful feminine, and attractive terms not often extended to black women in power. So I guess that gives Harris a few fewer obstacles to overcome in the way she is perceived outside of her qualifications. The right wing will just imply she got where she is solely on racial and gender affirmative action and having a Jewish husband you know normal Republican stuff

A female politician can be youthful, feminine, attractive and fun-loving without coming across as ditzy at all. This is how it looks:

Nice job however, the dynamics at play in Finland pale in comparison to the issues that affect a black woman in the US. Finland is a largely heterogenous population by comparison to the US with a much more progressive political culture. It's not apples to apples in this context. However I hope your use of ditzy means that to a general segment of the voters she is ditzy which is more benign than the normal perceptions of black woman I'm the US. Hopefully Harris can do what Hilary Clinton didn't do against Trump. Namely, when he talks sht to her she puts him in his place hard to his face and with style. 2 use her youth and campaign hard and visit town after town unlike Clinton who mailed it in. 3 Not wear those ugly suits Hilary wore, man she needed a stylist. 4) Connect with the people and have a good sense of humor. She is the new candidate she has to sell herself as a woman people want to have a glass of wine with and entrust with their kids over the weekend to pull this off and make Trump out to be your crazy uncle who you want to have his car keys hidden from

ESOMKnicks @ 8/19/2024 7:00 AM
Alpha1971 wrote:
ESOMKnicks wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:An observation on the term ditzy. I have never heard of a black woman referred to as ditzy. In itself that is an improvement in a sense. Black woman often face the accusation of being angry, unfeminine, combative, disagreeable. Recall recently Trump got angry, for show, at a gathering of and organization of Black journalists terms like ditzy usually are reserved for attractive woman who people try make them seem less intelligent due to their looks and often youth. The fact the term ditzy was used means that she is being afforded a grace of being considered youthful feminine, and attractive terms not often extended to black women in power. So I guess that gives Harris a few fewer obstacles to overcome in the way she is perceived outside of her qualifications. The right wing will just imply she got where she is solely on racial and gender affirmative action and having a Jewish husband you know normal Republican stuff

A female politician can be youthful, feminine, attractive and fun-loving without coming across as ditzy at all. This is how it looks:

Nice job however, the dynamics at play in Finland pale in comparison to the issues that affect a black woman in the US. Finland is a largely heterogenous population by comparison to the US with a much more progressive political culture. It's not apples to apples in this context. However I hope your use of ditzy means that to a general segment of the voters she is ditzy which is more benign than the normal perceptions of black woman I'm the US. Hopefully Harris can do what Hilary Clinton didn't do against Trump. Namely, when he talks sht to her she puts him in his place hard to his face and with style. 2 use her youth and campaign hard and visit town after town unlike Clinton who mailed it in. 3 Not wear those ugly suits Hilary wore, man she needed a stylist. 4) Connect with the people and have a good sense of humor.

I have added a link to Benazir Bhutto as well. She faced immensely complex issues which literally cost her her life.

All I wanted was "Check out Kamala's speech / interview at [insert reference], and then ask yourself whether it was fair of you to consider her ditzy". A link would have been even nicer.
I can find such links on my own, of course, but was hoping for advice from the more knowledgeable people here. One may accuse me of being insincere before and backtracking now, but that is absolutely not the case.

Finland is a small country with a small, but highly important Swedish minority (so no, not at all heterogenous), plus a huge and dangerous neighbor that tried to overrun it in the past and by the looks of it, has not given up of trying it again in the future. Estonia is an even smaller country with a highly complex issue of dealing with a Russian minority, where resentment about the country becoming independent still resonates. So, no, not at all heterogenous either. And the same huge and dangerous neighbor. Not that it really matters to this particular debate.

But since Kamala represents a progressive approach to political culture, comparisons to Marin, Kallas and Bhutto, if we are talking about female politicians, are more than apt.

My problem with Hilary was that, much like Trump, she was making the presidential campaign about herself, rather than what she believed was best for the country. Plus, the history of infighting on her behalf within the Democratic party against people like Obama and Sanders, with whose views I may have often disagreed, but towards whom I have always had tremendous amounts of respect. But as a public speaker, Hillary was pretty good.

ESOMKnicks @ 8/19/2024 8:34 AM
And then I see this. Where is the conviction? Where is the determination? Am I the only one reading her tone and body language as if she is feeling almost abashed about what she is saying and offering excuses for supporting Ukraine against Putin? Is this supposed to convince Putin that the US is not going to kid around with him? Or is this going to inspire American voters to feel greater support for Ukraine?

The interview is more than a year old, I really hope she has stepped it up since then, and really hope to see some direct evidence of that.

Nalod @ 8/19/2024 9:14 AM
ESOMKnicks wrote:And then I see this. Where is the conviction? Where is the determination? Am I the only one reading her tone and body language as if she is feeling almost abashed about what she is saying and offering excuses for supporting Ukraine against Putin? Is this supposed to convince Putin that the US is not going to kid around with him? Or is this going to inspire American voters to feel greater support for Ukraine?

The interview is more than a year old, I really hope she has stepped it up since then, and really hope to see some direct evidence of that.

Or you can choose to cast your vote for a man whose adulation of Putin would not stand up to him, but stand next to him.
You do remember his visits to Europe, his non visit to normandy because it rained?

What are you looking for? Jobs? Tax credits? More bull shit from both? Inflation is done.
Harris wants to help first time buyer with a 25k credit of some sort? that will only drive prices up.
That a reason to not vote for her? The Orange idiot does not understand tariffs and how inflationary they are. Now, Im not saying China is not talking advantage of things, but to undue that economic inequity will take time to sort it thru.
Trump talks about disloyalty and how it relates to him. Not the country, not the constitution, and not to how expensive child care is. Etc etc........

Bottom line is they will both tell you want you want to hear. What you have to decide is how you want to digest their messages. think for yourself.

ESOMKnicks @ 8/19/2024 9:43 AM
Nalod wrote:Or you can choose to cast your vote for a man whose adulation of Putin would not stand up to him, but stand next to him.
You do remember his visits to Europe, his non visit to normandy because it rained?

Sorry, but I am getting tired of this "vote for anyone just to keep Trump out of office" narrative. Kamala is an experienced politician with her own convictions, her own qualities and her own voice. She should be recognized as existing in her own right, not just as an antithesis to Trump. Perceiving her only in relation to Trump is disrespectful to her as a politician and as a person. So, I prefer to frame it as: "Does she make me feel inspired enough to spend 4 hours on Nov 5 to get to the voting booth for her?" And to spend time to understand her character and platform prior to that. Or is there no need to bother?

Nalod wrote:What are you looking for? Jobs? Tax credits? More bull shit from both? Inflation is done.
Harris wants to help first time buyer with a 25k credit of some sort? that will only drive prices up.
That a reason to not vote for her? The Orange idiot does not understand tariffs and how inflationary they are. Now, Im not saying China is not talking advantage of things, but to undue that economic inequity will take time to sort it thru.
Trump talks about disloyalty and how it relates to him. Not the country, not the constitution, and not to how expensive child care is. Etc etc........

These are the issues that are most important to me personally as a voter right now:

1) Determined and capable opposition to Putin and other world dictators
2) Recognition of the utter failure of the War on Drugs and the need to dismantle its legacy as soon as possible
3) Fiscal responsibility and reduction of government debt / GDP from current unsustainable levels

Now, I recognize that (3) (along with sensible economic policy) is a hopeless pipe dream from the Land of Pink Ponies, so I try not to think about it anymore. On (2) Kamala has finally come around to expressing the right sentiments for political expediency, but Trump, while no friend of ongoing drug policy reforms, is not really doing much to reverse the gains achieved to date either. And on (1), it looks now that Trump could very well sell Ukraine down the river to Putin, unless the latter pisses him off personally somehow (unlikely, but possible), in which case Putin will face the most dangerous and capable enemy he's ever dealt with. Can Kamala become such an enemy regardless? I surely hope to see some evidence that she will.

Nalod wrote:Bottom line is they will both tell you want you want to hear. What you have to decide is how you want to digest their messages. think for yourself.

Which is why I want to hear first-hand what they are saying, and have been asking for suggestions on things to watch.

P.S. I have been thinking about child care and healthcare in general quite a lot, immigration too, and have some views on those things, but this is a whole new massive volume of discussion we should probably not be getting into here.

newyorknewyork @ 8/19/2024 9:48 AM
ESOMKnicks wrote:I can certainly find a speech by Kamala to form an unbiased opinion about her as a potential future president on my own. But I was sincerely asking for recommendations from knowledgeable people, whose opinions I have grown to trust over 10 years of reading their basketball discussions, and was sincerely expressing my current thoughts, while admitting that they may be based on insufficient and superficial info.

The fact that I asked people who are actively involved in a political discussion topic for advice as to what to watch to get better informed, and instead got loads of feedback about everything that may be wrong with me is very telling. Political discourse is fraught with too much mistrust, paranoia and hostility, and there is too much tendency to carp on the other interlocutor's alleged intentions and choice of words rather than substantive things. And such attitude is, regrettably, coming not only from the Trumpist camp. "Oh, he said "ditzy", he must be trying to pull off a right-wing provocation here!"

Social phenomena like Trumpism exist precisely because of such "us vs them" mentality.

And, Martin, yes, I am an American and an FL-registered voter to boot. The fact that I am an immigrant and have been living outside of the US for 20 years does not make me any less American than you. Especially as far as the IRS is concerned.

And I do not think my English is any worse than yours, frankly.

Seems you are aware of the climate. So should maybe put more effort into choosing your words more carefully if you actually do want good faith discussion.

Kamala made her chops as a District Attorney of San Francisco & the Attorney General of California...

Her campaign has gone the route to electrify and unity, and based on the outstanding results thus far has been the correct strategy. So if being called ditzy by someone on the Internet is the price. That is a winning trade off.

When you cut through the leftist media propaganda. And listened to Trump directly when attempting to have an intellectual conversation about the policies he will put in place to help Americans. Should be clear that he has none. All he can do is say he will fix it with no communitive details on how. That everything will be the worst in American history if Kamala is President. Same thing he was saying vs Biden prior and Hillary before that. If elected Trump will do what Trump does. He will give rich ppl hefty tax breaks and finesses any way he can for his own pockets. Everything else will be left to his cabinet members who won't be formed by the best possible candidates of the brightest minds and highest character. But by the people who are considered the most loyal. Not including the possibilities that they rig rules and landscapes for future elections in GOP favor. On the other hand Kamala whether you agree or not actually can verbally communicate her plans and have the intellectual conversation communicating the details of how.

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