Knicks · Biden out (page 11)

Nalod @ 8/22/2024 9:25 AM
a wounded animal is dangerous. Trump is scared now.
sadly we enabled this behavior. MAGA heads will vote him in anyway.
its not the popular vote he gets. He has NEVER WON THAT in two elections. Its the electoral college process and the swing states.

I don't agree with everything on this demographic ticket but the GOP has gone so far to the right of center its not even a consideration for me.
Then you have this monster who is melting down because he is inept.

martin @ 8/22/2024 9:28 AM
Nalod wrote:a wounded animal is dangerous. Trump is scared now.
sadly we enabled this behavior. MAGA heads will vote him in anyway.
its not the popular vote he gets. He has NEVER WON THAT in two elections. Its the electoral college process and the swing states.

I don't agree with everything on this demographic ticket but the GOP has gone so far to the right of center its not even a consideration for me.
Then you have this monster who is melting down because he is inept.

That "we" doing a lot of work and stretched too thin.

newyorknewyork @ 8/22/2024 11:06 AM
Nalod wrote:a wounded animal is dangerous. Trump is scared now.
sadly we enabled this behavior. MAGA heads will vote him in anyway.
its not the popular vote he gets. He has NEVER WON THAT in two elections. Its the electoral college process and the swing states.

I don't agree with everything on this demographic ticket but the GOP has gone so far to the right of center its not even a consideration for me.
Then you have this monster who is melting down because he is inept.

I don't believe the GOP is looking to outright win the election with Biden out and Kamala surging. The plan will be to muddy the waters of the electoral college enough to be able to push the finals decision to the Supreme Court.

Dems seem prepared for his attempt though. Hopefully will see quality execution to combat it. Which would be a good demonstration of organization and leadership.

gradyandrew @ 8/22/2024 4:43 PM
newyorknewyork wrote:
Nalod wrote:a wounded animal is dangerous. Trump is scared now.
sadly we enabled this behavior. MAGA heads will vote him in anyway.
its not the popular vote he gets. He has NEVER WON THAT in two elections. Its the electoral college process and the swing states.

I don't agree with everything on this demographic ticket but the GOP has gone so far to the right of center its not even a consideration for me.
Then you have this monster who is melting down because he is inept.

I don't believe the GOP is looking to outright win the election with Biden out and Kamala surging. The plan will be to muddy the waters of the electoral college enough to be able to push the finals decision to the Supreme Court.

Dems seem prepared for his attempt though. Hopefully will see quality execution to combat it. Which would be a good demonstration of organization and leadership.

I'm in Pennsylvania and the candidates are visiting here once a week. Easiest path to victory for DJT is to flip Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. I don't think anyone in the GOP is even paying attention to the popular vote. Dems have looked real good at the convention, they just have to keep the momentum. Tonight's speech and the first debate will be huge.

Alpha1971 @ 8/23/2024 6:42 PM
WTF is RFKs deal ? His ideology is all over the place. From supporting Hugo Chavis now Trump does it make sense, ? What would his dad think ? He is a environmental lawyer who supports a president who did all he could to aid polluters for example
foosballnick @ 8/23/2024 8:54 PM
Alpha1971 wrote:WTF is RFKs deal ? His ideology is all over the place. From supporting Hugo Chavis now Trump does it make sense, ? What would his dad think ? He is a environmental lawyer who supports a president who did all he could to aid polluters for example

His environmental crusading days have been over for a while. The guy transitioned to a deep state conspiracy loon a while back. He's probably getting something in return for throwing his support to Trump....Cabinet? Ambassadorship? Who knows.

Alpha1971 @ 8/23/2024 10:47 PM
foosballnick wrote:
Alpha1971 wrote:WTF is RFKs deal ? His ideology is all over the place. From supporting Hugo Chavis now Trump does it make sense, ? What would his dad think ? He is a environmental lawyer who supports a president who did all he could to aid polluters for example

His environmental crusading days have been over for a while. The guy transitioned to a deep state conspiracy loon a while back. He's probably getting something in return for throwing his support to Trump....Cabinet? Ambassadorship? Who knows.

RFK seems to be giving a middle finger to his family. It's seems psychological to me and a quest for relevancy. Megalomania and narcissism, takes one to know one.

CanItGetAnyWorse @ 8/24/2024 6:53 AM
Ironic, they didn’t want RFK Jr. to be the nomination (and he would have easily won) and here he is backing Trump. Glorious.

Guy had his Dad and Uncle assassinated and yet the Biden/Harris admin denied secret service protection. Touché

Look forward to him dismantling the CIA (as his dad was about to do) and cleaning up Big Pharma (cough chronic diseases in children cough) and Big Food. Make America Healthy again.

And Trump announces he will release the JFK files.

Everyone enjoying the show? Get it yet Deep State cleanup in progress.

Nalod @ 8/24/2024 9:01 AM
Why does anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth when he spews inaccurate statements over and over.
His rallies are conventions for the weak minded.
Trump polls very well with uneducated males.

Trump promised to release the JFK files in his first term.

Here's how it works, when a candidate drops out he bids him/her to get a cabinet positions for support. RFK Jr is a nut job. Read up on him and learn why.
Just because he is a Kennedy does not make him whole. Every family has them.

newyorknewyork @ 8/24/2024 10:36 AM
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:Ironic, they didn’t want RFK Jr. to be the nomination (and he would have easily won) and here he is backing Trump. Glorious.

Guy had his Dad and Uncle assassinated and yet the Biden/Harris admin denied secret service protection. Touché

Look forward to him dismantling the CIA (as his dad was about to do) and cleaning up Big Pharma (cough chronic diseases in children cough) and Big Food. Make America Healthy again.

And Trump announces he will release the JFK files.

Everyone enjoying the show? Get it yet Deep State cleanup in progress.

Anybody need something from the store?

GustavBahler @ 8/24/2024 10:37 AM
Nalod wrote:Why does anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth when he spews inaccurate statements over and over.
His rallies are conventions for the weak minded.

Trump polls very well with uneducated males.

Trump promised to release the JFK files in his first term.

Here's how it works, when a candidate drops out he bids him/her to get a cabinet positions for support. RFK Jr is a nut job. Read up on him and learn why.
Just because he is a Kennedy does not make him whole. Every family has them.

Living in a very conservative county. Having spoken to many neighbors and strangers about Trump, it’s mostly about “owning the Libs”.

The Democrats didn’t do themselves any favors from cynically weaponizing the “Woke” movement to divide and conquer.

Philc1 @ 8/24/2024 11:50 AM
Alpha1971 wrote:WTF is RFKs deal ? His ideology is all over the place. From supporting Hugo Chavis now Trump does it make sense, ? What would his dad think ? He is a environmental lawyer who supports a president who did all he could to aid polluters for example

RFK Jr was running to draw votes from Biden and help trump win. It was a flawed plan because RFK Jr is Mr Anti-Vaxx and the anti-vaxx people are currently all radical online conservatives so he was actually drawing more from trump than the democrat in polling

Philc1 @ 8/24/2024 11:51 AM
CanItGetAnyWorse wrote:Ironic, they didn’t want RFK Jr. to be the nomination (and he would have easily won) and here he is backing Trump. Glorious.

Guy had his Dad and Uncle assassinated and yet the Biden/Harris admin denied secret service protection. Touché

Look forward to him dismantling the CIA (as his dad was about to do) and cleaning up Big Pharma (cough chronic diseases in children cough) and Big Food. Make America Healthy again.

And Trump announces he will release the JFK files.

Everyone enjoying the show? Get it yet Deep State cleanup in progress.

RFK Jr didn’t meet any of the polling and balloting thresholds to get secret service protection. You don’t see Cornel West with 24/7 Secret Service protection

A third party candidate needs to poll at 20% or more for 30 consecutive days to qualify for secret service protection. RFK Jr was polling at between 5-10% in all polls. That’s why. It’s amazing he has the audacity to lie about this and all his supporters and the right wing media don’t bother to do a minimal fact check

martin @ 8/24/2024 12:01 PM
GustavBahler wrote:
Nalod wrote:Why does anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth when he spews inaccurate statements over and over.
His rallies are conventions for the weak minded.

Trump polls very well with uneducated males.

Trump promised to release the JFK files in his first term.

Here's how it works, when a candidate drops out he bids him/her to get a cabinet positions for support. RFK Jr is a nut job. Read up on him and learn why.
Just because he is a Kennedy does not make him whole. Every family has them.

Living in a very conservative county. Having spoken to many neighbors and strangers about Trump, it’s mostly about “owning the Libs”.

The Democrats didn’t do themselves any favors from cynically weaponizing the “Woke” movement to divide and conquer.

You are misinformed, as this is not at all what has transpired, it is actually the opposite. That you are convinced of your own statement - and let me say that this is not an unusual sentiment and in fact fairly commonplace - shows us how well this position is taking hold within our society.

Forces both outside and inside the United States have created that exact scenario you speak of: to divide a democratic system of government as its principal focus. The democrats did not come up with a divide and conquer “woke” strategy.

China, Middle East, Russia, extreme wealthy international oligarchs - think Elon, Thiel, Walmart family, opioid families, oil families and companies, Super PACs, “dark money”, Hetitage Foundation that bought Thomas and paid for at least 3 other United States Supreme Court justices, etc. to list some prominent names that everyone is familiar with - are behind this. Duh.

Those people and entities thrive in division, where international laws, rules, and norms keep countries thriving and working more harmoniously. Other types of well organized forces benefit, not the Untied States, not Americans as a whole, and definitely not average middle Americans. America is the primary bastion of democracy for the entire world. We are the example. It is being attached. We - the basis and foundation of our Constitution - are the target.

It’s the pure reason Trump was a candidate and continues to be while he fuckingly knowingly has pictures of fucking classified documents sitting in his fucking ballroom. Americans all around are pretty much doing nothing about this.

The fucking guy who was caught fucking red handed with stolen classified documents in his house is prancing around our country on TV and it’s the Woke democrats who are dividing our country? Fuck off.

What the fucking fuck are you fucking talking about? This is how our country slow gets corroded. We can’t even have the right conversation context.

Pardon my French? I mean, come on. Don’t fall off a cliff and even come close to joining the thought process of “What could go wrong?”.

Wake up.

GustavBahler @ 8/24/2024 12:35 PM
martin wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
Nalod wrote:Why does anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth when he spews inaccurate statements over and over.
His rallies are conventions for the weak minded.

Trump polls very well with uneducated males.

Trump promised to release the JFK files in his first term.

Here's how it works, when a candidate drops out he bids him/her to get a cabinet positions for support. RFK Jr is a nut job. Read up on him and learn why.
Just because he is a Kennedy does not make him whole. Every family has them.

Living in a very conservative county. Having spoken to many neighbors and strangers about Trump, it’s mostly about “owning the Libs”.

The Democrats didn’t do themselves any favors from cynically weaponizing the “Woke” movement to divide and conquer.

You are misinformed, as this is not at all what has transpired, it is actually the opposite. That you are convinced of your own statement - and let me say that this is not an unusual sentiment and in fact fairly commonplace - shows us how well this position is taking hold within our society.

Forces both outside and inside the United States have created that exact scenario you speak of: to divide a democratic system of government as its principal focus. The democrats did not come up with a divide and conquer “woke” strategy.

China, Middle East, Russia, extreme wealthy international oligarchs - think Elon, Thiel, Walmart family, opioid families, oil families and companies, Super PACs, “dark money”, Hetitage Foundation that bought Thomas and paid for at least 3 other United States Supreme Court justices, etc. to list some prominent names that everyone is familiar with - are behind this. Duh.

Those people and entities thrive in division, where international laws, rules, and norms keep countries thriving and working more harmoniously. Other types of well organized forces benefit, not the Untied States, not Americans as a whole, and definitely not average middle Americans. America is the primary bastion of democracy for the entire world. We are the example. It is being attached. We - the basis and foundation of our Constitution - are the target.

It’s the pure reason Trump was a candidate and continues to be while he fuckingly knowingly has pictures of fucking classified documents sitting in his fucking ballroom. Americans all around are pretty much doing nothing about this.

The fucking guy who was caught fucking red handed with stolen classified documents in his house is prancing around our country on TV and it’s the Woke democrats who are dividing our country? Fuck off.

What the fucking fuck are you fucking talking about? This is how our country slow gets corroded. We can’t even have the right conversation context.

Pardon my French? I mean, come on. Don’t fall off a cliff and even come close to joining the thought process of “What could go wrong?”.

Wake up.

Martin you ignorant slut...

The Dems have made racial justice the be all end all issue to the exclusion of economic justice. They've been in bed with Wall Street for far too long. The Clinton's, the Obamas were far too friendly with Wall Street than they should have been. It was the Clinton's who brought us the era of "Triangulation". It was Obama who lied about Americans being able to keep their doctors with the ACA. That we would have a Public Option to compete with the Health care conglomerates, knowing full well that was BS. Economic justice lifts all boats.

After Obama was elected, far too many people suggested that it proved that racism was a thing of the past. That structural racism was a thing of the past. That and the treatment of people of color by law enforcement was the impetus for the "Woke" movement. That there was still work to be done. But the Democrats made it the be all end all issue to the exclusion of economic justice for all Americans. Even Bernie Sanders said as much.

VP Harris made a point of not leaning into racial politics in her acceptance speech. Made a point of leaning on economic justice for all Americans. Why I'm hopeful that Harris will be elected President. She didn't refer to conservatives as "deplorables" she vowed to fight for a better life for all Americans, not just one part of it.

Nalod @ 8/24/2024 12:54 PM
GustavBahler wrote:
martin wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
Nalod wrote:Why does anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth when he spews inaccurate statements over and over.
His rallies are conventions for the weak minded.

Trump polls very well with uneducated males.

Trump promised to release the JFK files in his first term.

Here's how it works, when a candidate drops out he bids him/her to get a cabinet positions for support. RFK Jr is a nut job. Read up on him and learn why.
Just because he is a Kennedy does not make him whole. Every family has them.

Living in a very conservative county. Having spoken to many neighbors and strangers about Trump, it’s mostly about “owning the Libs”.

The Democrats didn’t do themselves any favors from cynically weaponizing the “Woke” movement to divide and conquer.

You are misinformed, as this is not at all what has transpired, it is actually the opposite. That you are convinced of your own statement - and let me say that this is not an unusual sentiment and in fact fairly commonplace - shows us how well this position is taking hold within our society.

Forces both outside and inside the United States have created that exact scenario you speak of: to divide a democratic system of government as its principal focus. The democrats did not come up with a divide and conquer “woke” strategy.

China, Middle East, Russia, extreme wealthy international oligarchs - think Elon, Thiel, Walmart family, opioid families, oil families and companies, Super PACs, “dark money”, Hetitage Foundation that bought Thomas and paid for at least 3 other United States Supreme Court justices, etc. to list some prominent names that everyone is familiar with - are behind this. Duh.

Those people and entities thrive in division, where international laws, rules, and norms keep countries thriving and working more harmoniously. Other types of well organized forces benefit, not the Untied States, not Americans as a whole, and definitely not average middle Americans. America is the primary bastion of democracy for the entire world. We are the example. It is being attached. We - the basis and foundation of our Constitution - are the target.

It’s the pure reason Trump was a candidate and continues to be while he fuckingly knowingly has pictures of fucking classified documents sitting in his fucking ballroom. Americans all around are pretty much doing nothing about this.

The fucking guy who was caught fucking red handed with stolen classified documents in his house is prancing around our country on TV and it’s the Woke democrats who are dividing our country? Fuck off.

What the fucking fuck are you fucking talking about? This is how our country slow gets corroded. We can’t even have the right conversation context.

Pardon my French? I mean, come on. Don’t fall off a cliff and even come close to joining the thought process of “What could go wrong?”.

Wake up.

Martin you ignorant slut...

The Dems have made racial justice the be all end all issue to the exclusion of economic justice. They've been in bed with Wall Street for far too long. The Clinton's, the Obamas were far too friendly with Wall Street than they should have been. It was the Clinton's who brought us the era of "Triangulation". It was Obama who lied about Americans being able to keep their doctors with the ACA. That we would have a Public Option to compete with the Health care conglomerates, knowing full well that was BS. Economic justice lifts all boats.

After Obama was elected, far too many people suggested that it proved that racism was a thing of the past. That structural racism was a thing of the past. That and the treatment of people of color by law enforcement was the impetus for the "Woke" movement. That there was still work to be done. But the Democrats made it the be all end all issue to the exclusion of economic justice for all Americans. Even Bernie Sanders said as much.

VP Harris made a point of not leaning into racial politics in her acceptance speech. Made a point of leaning on economic justice for all Americans. Why I'm hopeful that Harris will be elected President. She didn't refer to conservatives as "deplorables" she vowed to fight for a better life for all Americans, not just one part of it.

Your not incorrect. But the point is about Trump and Trumpism reaction. The truth is the lazy American male feels an entitlement because they grew up with family who went to war and fought for freedoms. Freedoms they don't care about. To them its about Freedom to buy a $100,000 pickup truck but not health issurance. Freedom to say what they want regardless of damage they cause. Freedom as a white christian to want a white christian America. Freedom to not recognize freedom. Freedom to remove science, women rights and the educated elite because they "Woke" and they are not being fair.

Trump says things but as president acted nearly as an agent for other countries. Break up NATO support Putin. All kinds of things white American lost its sons fishing in past wars to preserve "freedom". Trumps message is about border and blaming Biden/Harris for things not directly in control. Like inflation. What caused inflation? We flooded the system with cash first under Trumps admin then later to keep the economy growing. One of the few that did come out ok. Inflation was the price.

I can go on and on but the bottom line is I don't want that shit for brains as our country leader. He is not equipped. Dems and the past is not the reason to vote trump in again. Maybe we kick the can down the road a bit for Harris but thats better than knocking it backwards for a cognitive deficient narcissistic sociopath. Unless your genetically prone to support autocratic leaders, I can't understand Trumpism.

martin @ 8/24/2024 1:23 PM
GustavBahler wrote:
martin wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
Nalod wrote:Why does anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth when he spews inaccurate statements over and over.
His rallies are conventions for the weak minded.

Trump polls very well with uneducated males.

Trump promised to release the JFK files in his first term.

Here's how it works, when a candidate drops out he bids him/her to get a cabinet positions for support. RFK Jr is a nut job. Read up on him and learn why.
Just because he is a Kennedy does not make him whole. Every family has them.

Living in a very conservative county. Having spoken to many neighbors and strangers about Trump, it’s mostly about “owning the Libs”.

The Democrats didn’t do themselves any favors from cynically weaponizing the “Woke” movement to divide and conquer.

You are misinformed, as this is not at all what has transpired, it is actually the opposite. That you are convinced of your own statement - and let me say that this is not an unusual sentiment and in fact fairly commonplace - shows us how well this position is taking hold within our society.

Forces both outside and inside the United States have created that exact scenario you speak of: to divide a democratic system of government as its principal focus. The democrats did not come up with a divide and conquer “woke” strategy.

China, Middle East, Russia, extreme wealthy international oligarchs - think Elon, Thiel, Walmart family, opioid families, oil families and companies, Super PACs, “dark money”, Hetitage Foundation that bought Thomas and paid for at least 3 other United States Supreme Court justices, etc. to list some prominent names that everyone is familiar with - are behind this. Duh.

Those people and entities thrive in division, where international laws, rules, and norms keep countries thriving and working more harmoniously. Other types of well organized forces benefit, not the Untied States, not Americans as a whole, and definitely not average middle Americans. America is the primary bastion of democracy for the entire world. We are the example. It is being attached. We - the basis and foundation of our Constitution - are the target.

It’s the pure reason Trump was a candidate and continues to be while he fuckingly knowingly has pictures of fucking classified documents sitting in his fucking ballroom. Americans all around are pretty much doing nothing about this.

The fucking guy who was caught fucking red handed with stolen classified documents in his house is prancing around our country on TV and it’s the Woke democrats who are dividing our country? Fuck off.

What the fucking fuck are you fucking talking about? This is how our country slow gets corroded. We can’t even have the right conversation context.

Pardon my French? I mean, come on. Don’t fall off a cliff and even come close to joining the thought process of “What could go wrong?”.

Wake up.

Martin you ignorant slut...

The Dems have made racial justice the be all end all issue to the exclusion of economic justice. They've been in bed with Wall Street for far too long. The Clinton's, the Obamas were far too friendly with Wall Street than they should have been. It was the Clinton's who brought us the era of "Triangulation". It was Obama who lied about Americans being able to keep their doctors with the ACA. That we would have a Public Option to compete with the Health care conglomerates, knowing full well that was BS. Economic justice lifts all boats.

After Obama was elected, far too many people suggested that it proved that racism was a thing of the past. That structural racism was a thing of the past. That and the treatment of people of color by law enforcement was the impetus for the "Woke" movement. That there was still work to be done. But the Democrats made it the be all end all issue to the exclusion of economic justice for all Americans. Even Bernie Sanders said as much.

VP Harris made a point of not leaning into racial politics in her acceptance speech. Made a point of leaning on economic justice for all Americans. Why I'm hopeful that Harris will be elected President. She didn't refer to conservatives as "deplorables" she vowed to fight for a better life for all Americans, not just one part of it.

America, this is how far off kilter our people are; even well intended folks can’t even get very simple, fact-based things correct. They are quite easily looked up. On Google. It’s all right in front of us. Gustav, I don’t even have the energy to help you understand how far off you are in what you typed. It’s not even close to reality.

The ACA is vital to moving low and middle class Americans out from personal debt and provide them the infinitely more easy means to live a normal healthy life, which is then the means to then get educated, be productive, etc. and give families their opportunity to move themselves forward in life. That you bring up the “Keep your doctor” thing or Public option speaks directly to your level of understanding of who opposed those things and who actually wanted them. You don’t know the correct history of how the ACA was legislated, that’s an easy call. Just look it up.

Your personal story, along with BRIGGS and indeed mine as well, would have been infinitely better if Obama had gotten what he actually wanted. That you don’t even realize this is astounding to me. You are literally fighting against what would personally benefit you. It’s the case for a lot of Americans and people across our country. Large swaths of poorly educated live in this “state” because they are captured audiences that are literally forced into this position.

In the South, and indeed historically around the world, business owners know that it is personally beneficial to have both more poor and/or less educated people around them - it's a 2-pronged effort with the same goals - because it’s cheap labor that’ll make them more money (why do you think the rich rail against immigrants while knowing their own family are descendants of immigrants or are immigrants themselves, being a country that was literally founded on immigrants running away from a king, marrying them, hiring them as nannies, hiring them into their companies as cheap labor, etc). SIMILARLY, division - even contrived division - among large groups of people causes this type of “thriving” marketplace for them, but it also only benefits the people at the top and limits upward mobility.

There is a grand reason for the Electoral College and it is not to benefit winner take all in America, ie, the voters. There is a grand reason grassroots and Super PACs are favored by one class of Americans over the other. Blink Wink.

Cheap labor is just an extension of slave labor. The more you can have people whose personal circumstances are closer to slaves, the better business owners can profit. That’s the underlying premise of a “Captured” capitalist economy. The Captured part here is the work force. This is what a broken system propagates: poor and less educated. Why do you think negating Child Tax credits and Free School lunch and defeating Obamacare and school vouchers and abortions and poor housing situations are about? They are about having a lot of dumb, divided people who can work for cheap and so that the other people can buy yachts and vacation homes. That's the bottom line.

When you move it to a higher level, you have someone making up the story line that the Democrats are pushing a “woke” agenda and dividing our nation. That’s how it goes and you are playing the part of the vocal marionette.

Gustav, you talk in terms of “many people suggested” etc. it’s the same sort of phrases people who are not confident with the background of a particular topic employ, it gives them an unsubstantiated phrase to gloss over a lack of understanding; it’s someone else’s perspective that you rhetorically use as an argument. Trump does this a lot. “A lot of people are saying Kamala is not Black” like that. It is ineffective and a big tell of those that talk like that. Repeat it enough, and you find others not only using but believing. It’s the lemming model used as persuasion, get enough people to say and repeat something they really don’t understand, and then voila. This is a part of the business model of Fox.

Gustav, I know a lot about the ACA. I’ll read what you write but I’ll also let you know it’ll be a waste of your time as it relates to passing information back and forth about this topic, as I won’t be bothered to correct you as you really don’t seem interested in getting that correct. The information and historical context is there for you if you are interested. These things played out a lot time ago 2010(?) and have been readily available to everyone who is interested. It is 2024.

martin @ 8/24/2024 4:01 PM
Generally, the wealthy either buy politicians through PAC's or just have lobbyists buy them dinners for them and their mistresses and then hand them the laws they want written so that these things can happen.

I don't have the time to read all the details to confirm exact story lines but you get the picture. This is how the wealthy do their thing in our country. To their own personal benefit not the benefit of all of us.

martin @ 8/24/2024 5:25 PM
This is how losers in life who have been given every imaginable benefit mankind can actually get identify themselves as being not capable of doing the very things in life they were silver spoon fed.

That is a mouthful sentence.

GustavBahler @ 8/24/2024 8:37 PM
martin wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
martin wrote:
GustavBahler wrote:
Nalod wrote:Why does anyone believe anything that comes out of his mouth when he spews inaccurate statements over and over.
His rallies are conventions for the weak minded.

Trump polls very well with uneducated males.

Trump promised to release the JFK files in his first term.

Here's how it works, when a candidate drops out he bids him/her to get a cabinet positions for support. RFK Jr is a nut job. Read up on him and learn why.
Just because he is a Kennedy does not make him whole. Every family has them.

Living in a very conservative county. Having spoken to many neighbors and strangers about Trump, it’s mostly about “owning the Libs”.

The Democrats didn’t do themselves any favors from cynically weaponizing the “Woke” movement to divide and conquer.

You are misinformed, as this is not at all what has transpired, it is actually the opposite. That you are convinced of your own statement - and let me say that this is not an unusual sentiment and in fact fairly commonplace - shows us how well this position is taking hold within our society.

Forces both outside and inside the United States have created that exact scenario you speak of: to divide a democratic system of government as its principal focus. The democrats did not come up with a divide and conquer “woke” strategy.

China, Middle East, Russia, extreme wealthy international oligarchs - think Elon, Thiel, Walmart family, opioid families, oil families and companies, Super PACs, “dark money”, Hetitage Foundation that bought Thomas and paid for at least 3 other United States Supreme Court justices, etc. to list some prominent names that everyone is familiar with - are behind this. Duh.

Those people and entities thrive in division, where international laws, rules, and norms keep countries thriving and working more harmoniously. Other types of well organized forces benefit, not the Untied States, not Americans as a whole, and definitely not average middle Americans. America is the primary bastion of democracy for the entire world. We are the example. It is being attached. We - the basis and foundation of our Constitution - are the target.

It’s the pure reason Trump was a candidate and continues to be while he fuckingly knowingly has pictures of fucking classified documents sitting in his fucking ballroom. Americans all around are pretty much doing nothing about this.

The fucking guy who was caught fucking red handed with stolen classified documents in his house is prancing around our country on TV and it’s the Woke democrats who are dividing our country? Fuck off.

What the fucking fuck are you fucking talking about? This is how our country slow gets corroded. We can’t even have the right conversation context.

Pardon my French? I mean, come on. Don’t fall off a cliff and even come close to joining the thought process of “What could go wrong?”.

Wake up.

Martin you ignorant slut...

The Dems have made racial justice the be all end all issue to the exclusion of economic justice. They've been in bed with Wall Street for far too long. The Clinton's, the Obamas were far too friendly with Wall Street than they should have been. It was the Clinton's who brought us the era of "Triangulation". It was Obama who lied about Americans being able to keep their doctors with the ACA. That we would have a Public Option to compete with the Health care conglomerates, knowing full well that was BS. Economic justice lifts all boats.

After Obama was elected, far too many people suggested that it proved that racism was a thing of the past. That structural racism was a thing of the past. That and the treatment of people of color by law enforcement was the impetus for the "Woke" movement. That there was still work to be done. But the Democrats made it the be all end all issue to the exclusion of economic justice for all Americans. Even Bernie Sanders said as much.

VP Harris made a point of not leaning into racial politics in her acceptance speech. Made a point of leaning on economic justice for all Americans. Why I'm hopeful that Harris will be elected President. She didn't refer to conservatives as "deplorables" she vowed to fight for a better life for all Americans, not just one part of it.

America, this is how far off kilter our people are; even well intended folks can’t even get very simple, fact-based things correct. They are quite easily looked up. On Google. It’s all right in front of us. Gustav, I don’t even have the energy to help you understand how far off you are in what you typed. It’s not even close to reality.

The ACA is vital to moving low and middle class Americans out from personal debt and provide them the infinitely more easy means to live a normal healthy life, which is then the means to then get educated, be productive, etc. and give families their opportunity to move themselves forward in life. That you bring up the “Keep your doctor” thing or Public option speaks directly to your level of understanding of who opposed those things and who actually wanted them. You don’t know the correct history of how the ACA was legislated, that’s an easy call. Just look it up.

Your personal story, along with BRIGGS and indeed mine as well, would have been infinitely better if Obama had gotten what he actually wanted. That you don’t even realize this is astounding to me. You are literally fighting against what would personally benefit you. It’s the case for a lot of Americans and people across our country. Large swaths of poorly educated live in this “state” because they are captured audiences that are literally forced into this position.

In the South, and indeed historically around the world, business owners know that it is personally beneficial to have both more poor and/or less educated people around them - it's a 2-pronged effort with the same goals - because it’s cheap labor that’ll make them more money (why do you think the rich rail against immigrants while knowing their own family are descendants of immigrants or are immigrants themselves, being a country that was literally founded on immigrants running away from a king, marrying them, hiring them as nannies, hiring them into their companies as cheap labor, etc). SIMILARLY, division - even contrived division - among large groups of people causes this type of “thriving” marketplace for them, but it also only benefits the people at the top and limits upward mobility.

There is a grand reason for the Electoral College and it is not to benefit winner take all in America, ie, the voters. There is a grand reason grassroots and Super PACs are favored by one class of Americans over the other. Blink Wink.

Cheap labor is just an extension of slave labor. The more you can have people whose personal circumstances are closer to slaves, the better business owners can profit. That’s the underlying premise of a “Captured” capitalist economy. The Captured part here is the work force. This is what a broken system propagates: poor and less educated. Why do you think negating Child Tax credits and Free School lunch and defeating Obamacare and school vouchers and abortions and poor housing situations are about? They are about having a lot of dumb, divided people who can work for cheap and so that the other people can buy yachts and vacation homes. That's the bottom line.

When you move it to a higher level, you have someone making up the story line that the Democrats are pushing a “woke” agenda and dividing our nation. That’s how it goes and you are playing the part of the vocal marionette.

Gustav, you talk in terms of “many people suggested” etc. it’s the same sort of phrases people who are not confident with the background of a particular topic employ, it gives them an unsubstantiated phrase to gloss over a lack of understanding; it’s someone else’s perspective that you rhetorically use as an argument. Trump does this a lot. “A lot of people are saying Kamala is not Black” like that. It is ineffective and a big tell of those that talk like that. Repeat it enough, and you find others not only using but believing. It’s the lemming model used as persuasion, get enough people to say and repeat something they really don’t understand, and then voila. This is a part of the business model of Fox.

Gustav, I know a lot about the ACA. I’ll read what you write but I’ll also let you know it’ll be a waste of your time as it relates to passing information back and forth about this topic, as I won’t be bothered to correct you as you really don’t seem interested in getting that correct. The information and historical context is there for you if you are interested. These things played out a lot time ago 2010(?) and have been readily available to everyone who is interested. It is 2024.

Obama got an insurance plan that was originally proposed by the Heritage Foundation as an alternative to "HillaryCare" in the early 90s. A market based solution with no price controls. As far as Obama getting everything he wanted.

From the New Republic

Obama included the public option in his 2008 campaign platform, and maintains in JAMA that in the original debate over the ACA, “I supported including a Medicare-like public plan.” But he fails to mention that in the summer of 2009 he made a deal with the hospital industry to keep the public option out of the final bill, in exchange for the industry’s support and agreement to $155 billion in payment reductions.

Obama was talking about the Public Option even after he had made the deal

Democrats were pushing a woke agenda over economic justice. I'm surprised that you're even trying to argue this point. Many conservatives argued that the need for a Woke movement was unecessary because America elected a Black President. That was clearly false.

Please don't lecture me on what happens in the South Martin. Lived and worked almost half my life there. Mostly low paying jobs, and some quite dangerous. For the type of employers you talk about. I had a front row seat.

Still don't know why you have to make it so personal. I leave open the possibility that I might not get everything right. Clearly you don't. Congrats on your infallibility, and humility.

Alpha1971 @ 8/24/2024 9:49 PM
Just an observation from a an American of Puerto Rican and Jamaican heritage. The Dems did not base it's platform on woke whatever or identify politics, like whatever G Bahler said. That's the talking point of right wing media. The right wing every year injects vague terms to their gullible base. Terms like liberal, Antifa, woke, socialist the squad, blah blah blah. Cause it works every time to confuse folks like a three card Monty game. Confusing Trump supporters that is the very same people they elect that does them the most harm. More harm then any woke protester can do to their bottom line. Things that I support likely benefits more white people then minority people because I care about justice, health care, democracy and environmental regulation. Most things that are good for people of color are just as good for whites. But some whites want to convince themselves someone is out to take their stuff away helped by other whites dedicated to scaring the shit out of their poorer brethren to exploit them, As a American of color I want to see all lives, especially mine get better. But I can't stop those who believe the divide and conquer stuff the conservatives thrive on, they are going to have to learn to ask the right questions on their own.
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